NTK Cartoon 2017 Feb 3
2016 January 28 – February 3
Ed’s Editorial 2017 Feb 3
Take a close look at this week’s cartoon. It carries a hidden message that is easy to miss. The irony is clear enough that the violent leftist demonstrators in the US, whose political ideology is identical to classical Fascist doctrine, seek to deny freedom-of-speech to those who disagree with them. That, too, is classical Fascism. Yet, these people have the gall to label those they attack as Fascists.
But the deeper message is that the demonstrators in every part of the country follow the same style book. They shout slogans and chants that are crafted to create the impression that they are virtuous and trod the moral high ground. They shout obscenities and assault people while chanting: “Shame. Shame. Shame.” Observers are thereby programmed to feel that, even though the rioters are obnoxious, their actions are justified by the virtue of their cause and the evil they oppose.
This tactic is called ‘virtue signaling’ and it is studied at war colleges and universities specializing in psychological warfare. I recall reading about a similar strategy years ago in a manual for guerilla warfare. It stressed the importance of winning the support of peasants and local townspeople by convincing them that the guerillas are motivated by high ideals, such as a desire for peace, freedom, equality, and opposition to tyranny.
It is obvious that this tactic did not just occur simultaneously to the organizers. They are not products of a spontaneous uprising of the masses but part of a network of professional agitators with lots of training and money behind them.
In my view, one of the most important things that must be done by the Trump administration is to put these Fascist revolutionary organizations out of business, and the best way to do that is to cut off their funding from abroad and from within. Let’s start with from within. The name George Soros comes to mind.
G. Edward Griffin
2017 February 3
Week In Review 2017 Feb 3
Leftist protesters at New York University tried to shut down a meeting of student Republicans who had sponsored a conservative speaker, Gavin McInnes. McInnes was pepper sprayed in the face, eleven people were arrested, and the meeting was forced to terminate. Fox News 2017 Feb 3 (Story)
A woman who identified herself as a professor at NYU hurled insults and vulgarities at police because they prevented her and her followers from disrupting a conservative speaking event. She calls them Nazis and screams against ‘hate’, but her leftist (collectivist) ideology is no different than Nazism, and she clearly is filled with hate. Don’t expect the mainstream media to point that out or even to report on it.] iBankCoin 2017 Feb 3 (Story)
The Center for Studies on New Religions reports that nearly 90,000 Christians were killed for their faith in 2016. A separate study showed that Christians are the most persecuted group in the world for the second year. Fox News 2017 Feb 2 (Story) (Cached)
Renewed violence has broken out between the US-backed Ukrainian government and Russian separatists, resulting in more than a dozen deaths. Russian President Putin says that Ukraine is trying to present itself as a victim of aggression to squeeze money out of the US and Europe. War hawk, John McCain, called on President Trump to arm Ukrainian forces. This news report did not mention the 2014 coup in Ukraine that was orchestrated by the US State Department, CIA, and George Soros. CBS News 2017 Feb 2 (Story)
Mexican President Pena Nieto cancelled his meeting with President Trump after Trump tweeted that there was no point in having the meeting unless Nieto was ready to talk about funding the border wall. Then Nieto made statements that, in more sane times, would be considered as a declaration of war. He said that Mexico would use its consulates in every US state to help illegal immigrants get taxpayer-funded benefits and to protect them while they reject assimilation into America, which amounts to an invasion by a foreign country. The Mexican President is supporting the globalist agenda of breaking down the US to the point where it cannot survive without UN permission and control. InfoWars 2017 Jan 27 (Story)
President Trump vowed to repeal an IRS law that revokes the tax-exempt status of a church or house of worship if its leaders endorse a candidate from the pulpit. Trump’s action would be a game changer as churches will become centers for lobbying to influence elections. Abolishing the amendment would require action by Congress, though Trump could direct the IRS to disregard the rule. If Christian churches gain political power, same-sex marriage and abortion will be key issues. AP 2017 Feb 2 (Story) (Cached)
President Trump proposed cutting federal funds from the University of California at Berkeley after leftist students rioted against a planned speech by conservative figure, Milo Yiannopoulos. The organized mob shut down free speech and threatened those with an opposing viewpoint. The University of California president, former Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, has declared the campus a sanctuary for immigrants. Daily Caller 2017 Feb 2 (Story) (Cached)
California: Here are scenes of violence from the cancelled Milo Yiannopoulos appearance, caused by so-called anti-fascist groups. The masked protesters set fires, broke windows, assaulted attendees with fists and pepper spray, and chased them down in the streets, using flag poles to beat a man unconscious. Trigger Warning 2017 Feb 1 (Story)
Syria: With the approval of the Trump Administration, armored vehicles with mounted machine guns and grenade launchers were delivered to the Syrian Democratic Forces to fight ISIS. Turkey considers many of the groups within this coalition to be terrorists. In the past, US weapons have fallen into the hands of ISIS under similar programs. VOA 2017 Feb 1 (Story) (Cached)
Soros-backed protests against Trump’s immigration policy ‘sprang from nowhere’ at airports across America – or so it seemed. They were organized by the ACLU, recipient of $50-million from George Soros in 2014, and by the immigration advocacy group called Make The Road, which also is funded by Soros. [Flash mobs are being used to generate the appearance of a color revolution in the US, followed by martial law to end all remnants of liberty.] 21st Century Wire 2017 Jan 31 (Story) (Cached)
Seattle, Washington: During an anti-Trump protest in Seattle this weekend, an activist associated with Black Lives Matter, who identified herself a preschool teacher, said that it was time to start killing people. She demanded that white people give their money, homes, and personal property to black and indigenous people. The protestors, mostly white, applauded and cheered. Blue Lives Matter 2017 Jan 31 (Story) (Cached)
President Trump, continuing Obama’s foreign policy, approved the resumption of drone strikes in Yemen. Thirty civilians were killed, including the eight-year old daughter of American cleric, Anwar al-Awlaki. The US is fighting al-Qaeda Sunnis in Yemen but simultaneously supporting Saudi Arabia’s bid to place Hadi, a Sunni ruler, in power. More than 10,000 civilians have been killed, and war-caused famine is threatening the rest of the country’s people. [The only winners are weapons manufacturers.] RPI 2017 Jan 31 (Story)
War drums: Trump’s National Security Advisor threatens Iran. US General Michael Flynn officially put Iran on notice after Houthi rebels from Yemen attacked a Saudi Arabian naval ship. He blamed Iran for the attack because it previously backed the Houthis. General Flynn did not mention that Saudi Arabia has been attacking Yemen since 2015. In a separate event, Iran tested several ballistic missiles that the US says is in violation of the UN nuclear agreement. AntiWar 2017 Feb 1 (Story) (Cached)
President Trump signed an executive order, that applies primarily to small business, which requires that for every new regulation that is created by any agency of the Executive Branch, two existing regulations must be cut. AP 2017 Jan 31 (Story)
Quebec, Canada: A 27-year old man, Alexandre Bissonnette, was arrested on charges of shooting and killing six Muslim men who were praying in a mosque. This mass shooting has many features that are identical to other similar shootings. For example, the suspect is described as a right-wing extremist, he has ties to the military, witnesses say there were multiple shooters, law enforcement says there was only one shooter, a second man was arrested and set free, authorities have not released the CCTV videos, and reporting of the event is tied to a political agenda against Trump’s immigration program. Trudeau said Canada will welcome Muslims turned away by the US. Heavy 2017 Jan 30 (Story) (Cached)
Philippines: Police Chief Ronald dela Rosa said he would dissolve police anti-drug units until they are cleansed of corruption. This announcement came after the anti-drug police kidnapped and murdered a South Korean businessman. More than 7,000 people have been killed since President Duterte began cracking down on drugs, and he says he will continue his policies until the end of his term in 2022. Duterte has promised to protect police, but says he will not protect lying. He estimates that 40% of the police force is corrupt – which means they are lying. BBC 2017 Jan 30 (Story) (Cached)
This report starts with video clips of Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, John McCain, General Flynn, and even Barack Obama admitting that they funded ISIS. Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard went on a secret trip to Syria to personally investigate the situation on the ground in Aleppo and Damascus. The common people everywhere she went said that the US-backed rebels who are opposing Assad are led by ISIS and Al-Qaeda, and all of them were terrorists of the worst kind. Gabbard, who is a Democrat, met with Donald Trump to share her information and she has introduced legislation to stop the US from funding terrorists. InfoWars 2017 Jan 29 (Story)
Analysis Feb 3
News and commentaries that reveal historical facts and trends that place current events into perspective and make it possible to anticipate future events.
Trevor Loudon investigated the anti-Trump protests and found that most of the top organizers belong to communist revolutionary groups, including the Anti-Globalization Movement of Russia. The movement pretends to be motivated by anger against war, racism, and social injustice, but the real goal is to bring full-blown Communism to America. This is confirmed, not only by the organizers’ disdain for capitalism but also by the fact that, as we see in this documentary, when the leaders speak to their followers, they call them ‘comrades’, a term that, in political context, means ‘fellow communists’. While we have reservations about this film’s view that all this is coming from Russia while ignoring the great support that comes from within the United States itself, we concur totally with the primary narrative: The organizations funding and organizing the increasingly violent demonstrations and riots in America are following classical Marxist/Leninist strategies for Communist revolution. InfoWars 2017 Feb 1 (Story)
US: Instead of building a wall on the Mexican border, Ron Paul makes the case for ending welfare to illegal immigrants, including cash, medical benefits, food, and education. He also supports ending the failed war on drugs. That proposal is supported by the fact that, since many states have decriminalized marijuana for medical and recreational uses, marijuana smuggling from Mexico to the US has dropped by 50% from 2010. RPI 2017 Jan 30 (Story) (Cached)
Who Said That? Feb 3
“It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes; a principle which, if acted on, would save one-half of the wars of the world.”
It’s Amazing 2017 Feb 3
Some things just have to be shared. If you know of some, please send them here.
Dance of a thousand hands.
Click and be amazed
Humor 2017 Feb 3
Need to Know is as serious as it gets, but laughter is good for the soul and helps to keep equilibrium amid the chaos. So, here are quips, gags, and images to put a smile on your face. If you have some, please send them here.
My therapist said that my narcissism causes me to misread social situations. I’m pretty sure she was hitting on me.
My 60 year kindergarten reunion is coming up soon and I’m worried about the 175 pounds I’ve gained since then.
Denny’s has a slogan, “If it’s your birthday, the meal is on us.” If you’re in Denny’s and it’s your birthday, your life sucks!
The pharmacist asked me my birth date again today. I’m pretty sure she’s going to get me something.
The location of your mailbox shows you how far away from your house you can be in a robe before you start looking like a mental patient.
Money can’t buy happiness, but it keeps the kids in touch!
Reader’s Forum 2017 Feb 3
We do not publish personal attacks against other readers. You are welcome to express your own religious views but not to criticize the views of others. We seek to unify, not divide. Send comments under 300 words here.
2017 Jan 31 from Marvin Herndon
You need to find a venue in which to portray the so-called climate/geoengineering scientists as the frauds and/or incompetents that they are. Science, real science, is about truth as best can be perceived. How many scientists do you know who have told the truth about the ongoing geoengineering, its warming effect on the planet, its devastating effects on biota, including humans? Those who do certainly could not get government support. Taxpayers have been supporting sham-science, which is not science at all. That should stop.
2017 Jan 27 from Chris
Dear Ed,
Regarding: “President-Elect Donald Trump says he will impose a heavy import tax on products from companies that move out of the US to manufacture their goods. [Regardless … the Constitution places the power of taxation on Congress, not the President.] PBS Newshour 2017 Jan 11.”
True: Congress was given the power to tax (1.8.1, 1.2.3, 1.10.1). However, “law-making” has degenerated into a DELEGATED POWER SYSTEM lacking Constitutional authority. Here’s how law-making works today (from a Lexus article):
1. Congress writes general laws (= ACTS). ‘Others’ (not legislators) convert them into STATUTES and then into CODES.
2. The Executive enforces the statures via his REGULATIONS, aka: “implementation”. Proposed Regs begin their life in The Federal Register before entry into the Code of Regs. Bureaucrats far removed from Congress with zero accountability create the rules that have the force of law. The Constitution does not grant authority to the Executive to “make law”, let alone to his delegates!
3. Executive ADMINISTRATIVE AGENTS (more bureaucrats) enforce the Regs. These agents operate inside agencies, such as Dept. of Treasury, etc.
4. These agencies follow ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES. Generally: US Code TITLE 5 (= APA), specifically: agency MANUALS (e.g., Internal Revenue Manual, etc.). These manuals describe the PROCEDURES to be followed during ‘enforcement’ process. It’s all about building case evidence and following the rules of administrative ‘due process’ (which is NOT Constitutional due process!). Additionally, other sources of ‘authority’ instruct bureaucrats in these duties (e.g., ‘counsel advice’, etc.).
Under this scheme, President Trump can delegate to his Executive Agents the authority to set the TARIFF LAWS into motion, per the above article. His Agents are at the Department of The Treasury, IRS, etc.
Tax history proves that tariff taxes can be troublesome, being discussed in the 45th Congressional record (1909, 16A Income Tax debates). Let’s hope Prez Trump knows his tax history, and prevents tariff abuses. Otherwise, these new taxes could become merely another weapon for the rich to guarantee their ‘gains, profits and income’ on the backs of us poor-schmuck working-class Americans.
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