2016 October 15 – 21
2016 October 15 – 21
Vote early and often.
Vote early and often.
In all the years I have published this news service (starting in 2006) I have never seen so many stories in one week on the same topic. This edition is packed with so many reports on vote fraud in American politics that, for the sake of continuity, we decided to put them all together at the top of the next section on this page.
There is nothing new about rigged elections. What IS new is the extent to which this phenomenon has grown and the extent to which politicians and their media allies are comfortable with it.
Holding elections has become a game for politicians and social engineers, a game that is as serious as war. In this game, as in warfare, there is only one immoral act, and that is to lose. All else is secondary to winning the election, everything including honor, truth, compassion, justice, and even human lives.
Once this mindset is understood, it is not difficult to see why vote fraud is rampant. Paying someone to cast a ballot for dead people or to program electronic vote machines is cheap compared to the loot that the winners will take from the public treasury once they have the key. To the winner goes the spoils.
There is only one solution: Remove the spoils. Without the spoils, crooks will not be drawn to government. Getting the government out of the business of redistributing wealth is the key. If politicians could not spend tax money for anything except the defense of life, liberty, and property – if they were prohibited from providing so-called “benefits”– there would be very few cookies in the political cookie jar. Under those conditions, the political con artists would have to go back to circus side shows and street crime to ply their craft.*
G. Edward Griffin
2016 October 21
*If that thought is new to you or if you think it would be a step backward in social evolution, I invite you to read my essay, The Chasm. I rest my case with that.
James O’Keefe covertly video records people and has a knack for getting them to tell all about their nefarious activities. He recently recorded Brian Foval and other operatives for the Democrat Party bragging that they sent trained agitators to Donald Trump rallies to cause violence and make it appear to have been done by Trump supporters. He also proved that the Clinton campaign had knowledge of these tactics and supported them. Project Veritas 2016 Oct 17 (Story)
Mainstream media is silent on O’Keefe’s covert video despite the fact that it is going viral in social media. O’Keefe says that this is because the media corporations are afraid that, if Hillary is elected, she will instruct her Department of Justice to retaliate against them. So, once again, money and profits win over principle and honor. O’Keefe is asking the public to Tweet his corruption video to the anchors at Fox and other news outlets to embarrass them into ending the blackout. FaithFamilyAmerica 2016 Oct 17 (Story)
James O’Keefe of Project Veritas has released his second video that connects the DNC, Hillary Clinton, and Obama to vote fraud. Scott Foval, at Americans United for Change, explains how he and his fellow professionals on the Left rig elections. The details will astound you, but what will really drop your jaw is how widespread this practice has become and how everyone knows about it – except voters. This is one of the most important stories of the century – but mainstream media has spiked it. Project Veritas 2016 Oct 18 (Story)
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A Project Veritas reporter covertly video recorded Aaron Black, the Deputy Rapid-Response Director for the DNC. He describes plotting how to get male agitators inside a Trump rally, posing as Trump supporters, holding signs that insult and bully women. The object is to attract media coverage and make Trump and his supporters look bad. Project Veritas 2016 Oct 19 (Story)
US: Robert Creamer, of Democracy Partners, was secretly recorded explaining how to commit voter fraud through registering Hispanic illegal aliens. Creamer spent five months in federal prison in 2006 for $2.3 million in bank fraud related to his public interest groups. His name showed up on White House visitor logs 340 times beginning in 2009. In 45 of those instances, he was scheduled to meet with Obama himself. ZeroHedge 2016 Oct 19 (Story) (Cached)
US: Donald Trump says he is concerned over having the election stolen from him through vote fraud. The establishment on both the Left and Right denies that meaningful vote fraud exists or even is possible. However, here is a list of ten documented examples. [This problem could be a huge factor in the coming election. For every case of fraud that is documented, there must be a hundred that cannot be proved. How do you prove fraud when the only record is in the form of programmable digital impulses inside a computer chip?] Washington Times 2016 Oct 17 (Story) (Cached)
For the full back story, see Invisible Ballots.
President Obama passed an executive order to prepare the nation for space-weather events, which comes down to protecting the electric grid. Space-weather encompasses solar flares, and these flares or pulses can wipe out the currently unprotected power grid! Does this Executive Order mean we now are safe? Not even close. (Here’s why.) Need to Know 2016 Oct 21
Ron Paul and Daniel McAdams review the final presidential debate and discuss how the CIA has been rigging elections in countries all around the world – so why not in the US? Michael Hayden of the NSA said that Russia committed ‘honorable state espionage’ when they hacked the DNC website, and he said that “that’s what we do.” Interesting comment, but note that there is zero evidence that Russia actually is behind the DNC hack. RPI 2016 Oct 20 (Story)
US: ‘relocated’ 9,000 ISIS terrorists out of Iraq, into Syria to fight against Assad. ZeroHedge 2016 Oct 20 (Story) (Cached)
Syria: Rebel forces in Aleppo are preventing civilians from fleeing the war-torn city by shelling humanitarian safety corridors with mortars, even during the ceasefire agreement. RT 2016 Oct 20 (Story)
Swedish city to offer returning Jihadis terrorists free housing, driving lessons, and debt forgiveness. Breitbart 2016 Oct 19 (Story) (Cached)
A Wikileaks email from Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook shows that Eric Schmidt, the CEO of Google’s parent company, has worked directly with the Clinton campaign. Google recently has been accused of manipulating search results in favor of Clinton. The Clinton campaign paid $600,000 to Groundwork, a start-up company that is backed by Schmidt. Google is not alone in this cozy operation. Sheryl Sandberg, Chief Operating Officer at Facebook, worked to arrange meetings between Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and the Clinton campaign. Breitbart 2016 19 (Story) (Cached)
Hillary Clinton is the chemtrail candidate as she is pushing the global-warming and geoengineering agenda. John Podesta, her campaign chairman, co-founded the Energy Future Coalition Steering Committee. The purpose of this group is to find ways to fund geoengineering projects. At this meeting, it was decided that the word geoengineering should be replaced in public pronouncements to climate engineering, climate intervention, solar radiation management, stratospheric aerosol injection, and albedo modification. The purpose of that is to deflect attention from the fact that the goal is to literally change the planet. CV News 2016 Oct 18 (Story) (Cached)
Ecuador admits that it shut down Internet access for Wikileaks founder Julian Assange who is sequestered in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London as an asylum seeker. The blackout came after he published the text of Hillary’s speeches to Goldman Sachs. Wikileaks says the shutdown was in response to a request by US Secretary of State John Kerry who wants to prevent release of additional Hillary emails. Kerry denies the allegation. USA Today 2016 Oct 18 (Story) (Cached)
Hillary Clinton has championed equal pay for women, but there is a huge pay discrepancy between men and women within the Clinton Foundation, and only 3 out of 11 top-paid executives in that organization are women. Additionally, Clinton paid men working for her in the Senate 39% more, on average, than women. [These statistics show the hypocrisy of Hillary’s rhetoric.] NY Post 2016 Oct 18 (Story) (Cached)
The collapse of oil prices in Venezuela has compounded the nation’s problems caused by price controls, inflation, putting incompetent political cronies into tax-supported jobs, and other characteristics of collectivism. Infant mortality has risen sharply, and cannibalism has appeared in prisons. As always, the common people are paying dearly for the errors and crimes of their leaders. New American 2016 Oct 18 (Story) (Cached)
Mexico: Vicente Antonio Bermudez Zacarias, a federal judge who investigated cases related to drug cartels, including El Chapo’s infamous Sinaloa cartel, was assassinated while he was jogging. Newsmax 2016 Oct 18 (Story) (Cached)
Global-warming alarmists are concerned that hurricanes have decreased over the past 11 years, which makes it hard to claim that they are caused by increasing temperatures. Now the myth-makers are seeking to change the definition of a hurricane so that other storm conditions can be included in the classification. Viola! We will have more hurricanes as “proof” of global warming. Investor’s Business Daily 2016 Oct 17 (Story) (Cached)
Hillary, in a 2013 speech to Goldman Sachs while she was Secretary of State, described people opposed to uncontrolled immigration as “fundamentally un-American.” According to data from Pew Research Center, 83% of the American electorate would like to see immigration levels frozen or reduced. Therefore, according to Hillary, 83% of Americans are un-American. Infowars 2016 Oct 17 (Story)
US Secretary of State John Kerry delivers an impassioned condemnation of Russia for war crimes in Aleppo, Syria. In stark rebuttal, Virginia State Senator, Richard Black, who has traveled to Syria to investigate the situation for himself, says that Kerry’s statement is war propaganda and totally false. Black says the US-backed rebels are using civilians as human hostages, deliberately increasing the number of casualties to blame on the Russians. RT 2016 Oct 17 (Story)
US: In October of 2008, one month before Obama was selected as president, the Citigroup bank gave Obama a list of its recommendations for cabinet positions in his administration. This list corresponds almost exactly to the people who later were appointed to those positions. [Any questions?] Global Research 2016 Oct 16 (Story) (Cached)
CNN’s Chris Cuomo, when reporting on documents recently disclosed by Wikileaks, said that it is illegal to “possess these stolen documents” but it is OK for the media to have them. It may be illegal for citizens to possess stolen documents, but there is no restriction against reading them if they are on the Internet, which is the case with Wikeleaks. It appears that CNN may be trying to frighten people from getting their information from any source other than the biased media. Daily Caller 2016 Oct 16 (Story) (Cached)
News and commentaries that reveal historical facts and trends that place current events into perspective and make it possible to anticipate future events.
James Corbett says Hillary Clinton is a Wall Street-backed warmonger whose election as President would pose a threat, not just to Americans, but to all of humanity. He supports his claim with news clips and interviews that show her lust for war. She says that, if she becomes President, Russia and Iran will be military targets, and she is willing to strike first in a nuclear attack against those countries. She has a criminal record with emails and illegal funding of the Clinton Foundation making her guilty of fraud, money laundering, and political cronyism. [Can it get any worse? If she is elected, the answer is yes!] Corbett Report posted 2016 Oct 18 (Story)
This is an amazing and almost humorous interview with former New York City Mayor, Rudy Guiliani. Amazing because Guiliani admits that vote fraud is common and rampant. Humorous because he says that only Democrats do it. The fraud is done by bussing people from one polling place to another to vote for dead people. Since this is easier to do in poor neighborhoods, and since most poor people are Democrats, it follows that only Democrats are guilty. [What Guiliani does not say is that there is another type of vote fraud that is even worse. It is done by rigging the vote-counting machines. That has become a specialty of the Republican Party, but no one mentions that in this interview. Both parties at the leadership level are corrupt to the core.] CNN 2016 Oct 16 (Story)
James Corbett gives an excellent overview of the geo-political role imposed upon Afghanistan, not only in our day, but for centuries past. In summary: He who controls the Heartland (the geographical area centered in and around Afghanistan) will control the world. That understanding allows us to see the common thread in one historical fact after another, such as why the US had already planned to invade Afghanistan prior to 9/11. In addition, Afghanistan has massive wealth in natural resources that simply is too great a temptation for international corporations to resist. Corbett Report posted 2016 Oct 15 (Story)
While Hillary Clinton was the US Secretary of State, she approved the sale of $300 billion dollars worth of weapons to other countries. Many of them were totalitarian regimes that had been denounced by the State Department for violating human rights. The countries that received the weapons are the ones that made large donations to the Clinton Foundation. [This is corruption of the highest magnitude but, seemingly, many Americans just do not care. As Hillary would say, “What difference at this point does it make?”] RT 2016 Oct 14 (Story)
Pennsylvania: Blue Lives matter, too. Nearly 100 members of the Darby Borough Police Force and their supporters marched through the county seat before rallying outside the office of a Court Clerk, Erica Robinson. Police say that Robinson leaked vital information to a drug dealer before a police raid. Robinson, a black woman, has been highly critical of the police on social media. The police say that she has a right to free speech, but not a right to put them in danger. Delco Times 2016 Oct 14 (Story) (Cached)
UNESCO, the UN’s Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, has added its voice to the long-running Israeli-Arab dispute over Jerusalem’s holy sites of the Temple Mount. It passed a resolution that the sites should be referred to only by their Arabic names, thereby ignoring any Jewish connection. The sites have been managed by a Muslim trust since the 12th century, but Israel guards access to the sites. Commentator, Max Blumenthal, says that UNESCO’s resolution is an acknowledgment that Israel is an occupying force. RT posted 2016 Oct 15 (Story)
Need to Know is focused primarily on issues relating to freedom, health, and financial security but, in this section, we include stories that relate to our sense of justice, honor, and compassion for our fellow passengers on this spaceship called Earth.
Billionaire, Gary Heavin, traveled to Haiti to help those in need following Hurricane Matthew. What he found was incontrovertible evidence that the people had been cheated by the Clinton Foundation after the big earthquake in Haiti in 2010.
The Foundationraised $30-million to provide food, shelter, potable water, and medical aid. Instead, less than 5% of that ever reached the people. The rest was pocketed by Bill and Hillary and their cronies. Infowars 2016 Oct 19 (Story)
“Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”
Need to Know is as serious as it gets, but laughter is good for the soul and helps to keep our equilibrium amid the chaos. So, here are quips, gags, and images to put a smile on your face. If you have some you would like to share, please send them here.
An elderly cattleman from Texas told a young female neighbor that the secret to long life was to sprinkle a pinch of gunpowder on her oatmeal every morning. She did that religiously and lived to the age of 103. She left behind 14 children, 30 grandchildren, 21 great-grandchildren, 5 great-great-grandchildren, and a 40-foot hole where the crematorium used to be.
The fattest knight at King Arthur’s round table was Sir Cumference. He acquired his size from too much pi.
I thought I saw an eye doctor on an Alaskan island, but it turned out to be an optical Aleutian.
She was only a whiskey maker, but I loved her still.
No matter how much you push the envelope, it’ll still be stationery.
Why stay calm and carry on
when you can shreik and streak!
Some things just have to be shared. If you know of some, please send them here.
Seeing eye to eye. Click to enlarge.
Comments under 300 words, please. We cannot engage in correspondence but do appreciate your contribution. We do not publish insults or attacks against other readers. Points should stand on their own merits. You are welcome to express your religious views but not to criticize the views of others. Our mission is to unify our readers, not divide them. Send comments here.
From: Eve Kinsel 2016 Oct 15
I encourage the author of the article about wild horses [Need to Know 2016-10-14] to do some more research to understand the circumstances in which wild horses might be sent to slaughter.
Although I don’t know the facts of what is happening in most states, I do know an individual who works with the wild-horse herds in Nevada. She loves the horses and hates to see them die or suffer. Currently, because of top-down policies in the last 5 or so years, she and other BLM employees across Nevada were prohibited from removing enough wild horses from public lands. The horse population, as a result, has exploded here in Nevada. (More)
posted 2016 Oct 15 from John Miller
Dear Mr. Griffin;
Our nation has lost it’s course because of a deliberate and willful dumbing down of public education and an orchestrated collapse of our nation’s moral fiber by an entertainment industry which promotes deviant sexuality and displays hostility toward traditional morality. Our children spend their time playing violent video games that are so brutally graphic that they would shock the ancient spectators of the Roman Coliseum. Popular music is likewise filled with violent imagery and contains graphic descriptions of sex acts.
Long time readers of “Need To Know News” will recognize that this transformation of our nation’s morality was first proposed by the Marxist intellectuals associated with the Frankfurt School, and commonly referred to as Cultural Marxism. For a brief introduction and historical outline of the Frankfurt School, see this article by Dr. Gerald L. Atkinson CDR USN (Retired) here.
As we have read in the Genesis creation account, the human heart is easily deceived by the “Father of Lies,” the first propagandist. But I would suggest to Mr. Van Epps that it is not an either/or proposition. Adam and Eve were sinners and also victims of the Serpent’s propaganda. Truth, of course, is the antidote to both cultural propaganda and original sin.
posted 2016 Oct 15 from: Dave
[This is in reference to previous corresponence regrding the idea of building a ‘de jure” government in the US to operate independently of the presently recognized federal government.]
DAVE: Hello Ed,
When I speak of restoring our republic and local townships and counties, I do not refer to “correcting” or “repairing” or otherwise influencing what is currently operating as our “government”. There is no reason to do that, and it would cause a conflict of interests. Our republic form of government has been abandoned for over 153 years. It still exists only no one is occupying any of the posts (for the most part). We only need to resume wearing those hats and begin operating again (some already are operating again).
COMMENT BY GEG: My perception is that “wearing those hats” is akin to dressing up in a costume and pretending that we really are the characters that we imitate. It is make-believe, not real, because the original republic was won and maintained by force of arms. It no longer is so enforced, so the primary essence of its existence is missing. All that remains is the memory. To restore it will require the restoration of the legalized use of force. That can be done only in two ways: Physical revolution in the streets or political revolution at the polls. Wearing hats and writing proclamations will not do it.
DAVE: The foreign corporations that usurped our government way back when and is operating in its stead at the moment is allowed to operate in DC.
GEG: It is not “allowed” to operate. It holds the military and police powers of the state that “enables” it to do so. We The People today do not have the power to allow or deny very much. We need to focus on changing that aspect of the formula. All else is make-believe.
DAVE: And they do have the British subjects (now US citizens) that they are responsible for that they do need to govern and should do so. However, that operation doesn’t affect us (american nationals) unless we ascribe to it.
GEG: We do not ascribe to it, but it does affect us deeply.
DAVE: Our government does not interfere with theirs nor does theirs interfere with ours.
GEG: The “our” government of which you speak does not exist as a government. It exists as an association of individuals seeking to restore the principles of our original republic. It does not have the power of government, and to call it one is make-believe. The closest we could come is to call it a government-in-exile, but that is a far cry from being a government.
DAVE: We do not have to fix their “government”. It’s not our job, save when they violate treaties or violate our common law or some such. We must only take care of our own business.
GEG: I wish that were true, but “their” government constantly violates common law and every conceivable aspect of our personal lives.
DAVE: And, there is no conflict of interests. As an example, they can issue any “currency” they want for their citizens. They simply have no business issuing ours, nor authority to do so.
GEG: Here, again, I wish that were true but, even though they “have no business” issuing “our” currency, they have the power to issue “their” currency and force us to use it against our will.
DAVE: That’s why I say there is no point in mingling with their elections, etc. Does that align with your perception of our current situation? Or, Does it differ in any way?
GEG: By now, you know that it does not align with my perception. It is like facing a Grizzly Bear in the wilderness that is about to tear us to pieces, just like it already has done to other campers in our group. We had better do what we can to disable the bear. We cannot outrun it, reason with it, or avoid our fate by reassuring each other that the bear has no right to hurt us. We simply must deal with the bear or perish.
DAVE: It is really only incumbent upon us to let folks who have been presumed and mislead into believing that they are “US citizens” (a corporate fiction with certain duties and obligations) to know the facts so that they can go back to being American nationals or nationals of the land where they have the birthright and begin operating as such once again. Does that make sense?
GEG: Tell that to the bear!
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Woodrow Wilson
Woodrow Wilson
28th President of the United States
1856 – 1924
“The wealth of the country has, in recent years, come from … sources which have built up monopoly. Its point of view is … of those men who do not wish that the people should determine their own affairs because they do not believe that the people’s judgment is sound. They want to be commissioned to take care of the United States and of the people of the United States because they believe that they, better than anybody else, understand the interests of the United States.”