2016 June 4 – June 10
2016 June 4 – June 10
The right decision for the wrong reasons
The right decision for the wrong reasons
77% of Swiss voters rejected a proposal for a guaranteed income of $2,563 per month for every adult. Opponents of the proposal said it would cost too much, would weaken the economy, and would undermine social cohesion. Reuters 2016 Jun 5 (Story) (Cached)
There is no doubt that those arguments are sound, but they are the wrong reasons to reject the plan. To explain why that is so, let us assume for the moment that a guaranteed income would have none of those damaging effects. Let us imagine that it would cost nothing, because it would stimulate the economy and, thereby, produce new tax revenue to cover the subsidy, and that it would strengthen social cohesion. Then what?
If we understand the principles that are the foundation of liberty, and if we place a higher value on freedom than on “affordability”, “economy”, or “social cohesion”, then we must reject any plan that is based on the coercive redistribution of wealth even if it is said to produce desirable effects.
The rationale for this is simple. A just state derives its powers from the people it serves. It cannot have any authority that it does not receive from its citizens. Citizens do not have the right to forcibly take money or other forms of property from one person to give it to another no matter how worthy the cause. Therefore, they cannot delegate that power to their elected representatives. You cannot give that which you do not have. Therefore, the state does not have the right to redistribute wealth, no matter how popular the cause.
If this is a new concept to you, I urge you to take a look at my video presentation entitled Freedom in One Lesson, which is on the Reality Zone’s new YouTube channel. If you wish to have your own personal copy, it is available here.
Even though the Swiss were swayed by the wrong reasons, I salute them for their independence and their strength of character to turn down a free lunch.
G. Edward Griffin
2016 June 10
President Obama has endorsed Hillary Clinton as the next president. There is no surprise in that, but it creates a massive conflict-of-interest with the current government investigation of Clinton for espionage and corruption. Hundreds of researchers, investigators, legal advisors, and prosecutors employed in the Justice Department and FBI are likely to be significantly influenced by the fact that their boss wants Hillary to be President. Fox News posted 2016 Jun 10 (Story)
Michigan: A murder trial may hinge on a parrot that was witness to the crime. The question is: Would a parrot be allowed as a witness – or an exhibit? If a witness, how do you swear it in? CBS This Morning, 2016 Jun 10 (Story)
Two Palestinians are being detained because they were identified as the shooters who dressed as Hasidic Jews and opened fire with automatic weapons near an open-air market in central Tel Aviv. Four Israelis were killed and nine were injured. CNN 2016 Jun 9 (Story)
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon publicly acknowledged Thursday that he removed the Saudi-led coalition, that currently is bombing Yemen, from a blacklist of child killers, This was done, he said, due to a financial threat to defund UN programs. News reports have indicated that this threat came directly from the Saudi government, which is a major donor to the UN. The Intercept 2016 Jun 9 (Story)
Venezuela: As hunger mounts, people are turning to trash bins for food. 76% of the population now lives below the poverty line. A black market in food is thriving. AP 2016 Jun 8 (Story)
US: Senator Rand Paul introduced the ‘Muhammad Ali Voluntary Service Act’ that would effectively end Selective Service (the draft). It is based on a statement by Ali that, if the war is worth fighting, people will volunteer. Paul plans to require a Congressional vote on all future military action. Reason 2016 Jun 8 (Story) (Cached)
Dresden, Germany: Alternative-media journalists Luke Rudkowski, Jeff Berwick and Dan Dicks were told by police to stay away from the hotel where the Bilderberg meetings are being held or else they would be physically beaten and arrested. WRC 2016 Jun 8 (Story)
Scotland has permanently banned fracking. A temporary moratorium on fracking was passed in 2015 pending proof that it caused no harm. Now, it is the view of lawmakers that such proof has not been provided and that the evidence is otherwise. The vote was non-binding, but members of the ruling party will face heavy opposition if they attempt to overturn it. Mintpress News 2016 Jun 8 (Story) (Cached)
Pasadena, California: Black Lives Matter activist, Jasmine Richards, who directed protesters to interfere with an attempt by police to arrest a fleeing suspect, was sentenced to 90 days in jail. ABC News 2016 Jun 7 (Story) (Cached)
Turkey: At least 11 people were killed and 36 injured when a bomb exploded on a police bus in central Istanbul during the morning rush hour. Four suspects have been detained, but no one has declared responsibility. CNN 2016 Jun 7 (Story)
The Oklahoma Department of Public Safety has purchased several card readers that are able to extract the monetary value from pre-paid bank cards. This will allow troopers at roadside stops to seize the money from these cards just like they can seize cash from your pocket. All they have to do is claim that they suspect you may be involved with an illegal activity such as drug dealing. Oklahoma Watch 2016 Jun 7 (Story) (Cached)
Ireland: Professor J. Ray Bates, who once worked for NASA in the US, has published a study on climate change. The study concludes that climate-change scientists may be overestimating global warming by as much as 400%. RT 2016 Jun 6 (Story)
Switzerland: Residents in the Swiss village of Oberwil-Lieli, with a population of 2,000 people including 15% millionaires, voted to pay a fine of $284,000 instead of accepting 10 refugees. The villagers have been accused of racism and selfishness. [What do you think? Reply here. 2nd story in news report.] RT 2016 Jun 6 (Story)
US: The State Department will not release Hillary Clinton’s emails relating to the Trans-Pacific Partnership until after the election. This is an act of great kindness to Hillary, because the emails likely would reveal that, although she currently has been critical of the TPP, when she was Secretary of State, she worked hard on its behalf. Since the TPP has become unpopular since then, this fact could work against her in the upcoming election. Yahoo 2016 Jun 6 (Story) (Cached)
Syria: ISIS has executed 21 of its own soldiers who were suspected informants. The executions were public shows of brutality as a warning to others. This is in response to the fact that several ISIS leaders recently were successfully targeted and killed. CNN 2016 Jun 6 (Story)
Iraq: It is reported that ISIS burned-alive 19 Kurdish women because they refused to be sex slaves. PressTV 2016 Jun 6 (Story)
India: Police have made arrests relating to a suspected kidney-trafficking racket. Worldwide, kidneys are the most in-demand organs, and the poor are the most common donors. Reportedly, they are paid between $4,500 to $6,000. CNN 2016 Jun 6 (Story)
Philippine president-elect, Rodrigo Duterte, urges citizens to kill drug dealers. Duterte, a former mayor, is said to be involved in many killings of suspected criminals in his city by motorcycle-riding assassins. Human rights watchdogs say he has not been criminally charged, because no one has dared to testify against him in court. AP 2016 Jun 5 (Story) (Cached)
New York Governor, Andrew Cuomo, issued an executive order that forces state entities to sell off any investments linked to businesses or groups involved with the BDS movement (boycott, divestiture and sanctions) against Israel. BDS is a protest against the Israeli occupation of Palestine. AP 2016 June 5 (Story) (Cached)
The Dutch government has defended the right to boycott Israel, following Sweden’s similar declaration. This is a rejection of Israeli efforts to outlaw such political activity. The Dutch government itself does not endorse the BDS (boycott, divestiture and sanctions) campaign, but says that BDS is protected under the principle of freedom of expression and assembly. MEMO posted 2016 June 4 (Story) (Cached)
Chicago: The agency that investigates cases of police misconduct and brutality released more than 100 videos of serious incidents that are still pending action. The agency says that, from now on, videos will be released within 60 to 90 days instead of withholding them from the public to avoid criticism. ABC News posted 2016 Jun 4 (Story)
South Africa has passed a law to expropriate land through what it calls ‘compulsory purchases’ but which is better known as eminent domain. Most of the land is still owned by whites 20 years after the end of apartheid, and the government intends to take the land from them and give it to those blacks who support the ruling party. BBC posted Jun 4 (Story) (Cached)
News and commentaries that reveal historical facts and trends that place current events into perspective and make it possible to anticipate future events.
US: Judge Napolitano condemns the Electronic Communications Privacy Act that would give the federal government power to search Americans’ Internet history without a warrant. He says that, even though this is a violation of the Fourth and First Amendments, the law is likely to pass because “Congress doesn’t give a damn about what is Constitutional.” InfoWars 2016 Jun 8 (Story)
California: Scientists from UC Davis are trying to grow human organs using gene-editing in pig embryos and adding human stem cells. The human-pig chimeric embryos will look like a normal pig’s embryo, but one of their organs – the pancreas – will be made completely from human cells. Critics are concerned that implanted human cells might migrate to the developing pig’s brain and make it more human. UK Independent 2016 Jun 5 (Story) (Cached)
Cloward and Piven are sociologists who advocated eight strategies for breaking the United States economically and socially. These strategies are taken from the teachings of Saul Alinsky, a mentor of Bill and Hillary Clinton. Guess how many of these eight strategies have been implemented? Constitution posted 2016 Jun 4 (Story) (Cached)
Need to Know is as serious as it gets, but laughter is good for the soul and helps to keep our equilibrium amid the chaos. So, here are quips, gags, and images to put a smile on your face. If you have some you would like to share, please send them here.
When chemists die, they barium.
I’m reading a book about anti-gravity. I just can’t put it down.
I did a theatrical performance about puns. It was a play on words.
Why were the Indians here first? They had reservations.
I didn’t like my beard at first. Then it grew on me.
Did you hear about the cross-eyed teacher who lost her job because she couldn’t control her pupils.
When you get a bladder infection, urine trouble.
Broken pencils are pointless.
What do you call a dinosaur with an extensive vocabulary? A thesaurus.
I dropped out of communism class because of lousy Marx.
All the toilets in New York’s police stations have been stolen. The police have nothing to go on.
I got a job at a bakery because I kneaded dough.
Velcro – what a rip off!
Some things just have to be shared. If you know of some, please send them here.
This street magician is amazing. Click to see.
Comments under 300 words, please. We cannot engage in correspondence but do appreciate your contribution. We do not publish insults or attacks against other readers. Points should stand on their own merits. You are welcome to express your religious views but not to criticize the views of others. Our mission is to unify our readers, not divide them. Send comments here.
2016 Jun 10 from Ewen Chan
Mr. Griffin: How then, are you able to say that “chemtrails” exist but you say that you do not have the technical knowledge to tell me about anything that matters? (like the physical and/or mechanical and/or chemical properties of the substances) I would have expected that you would have some knowledge about how the mass of the substances (which you can’t tell me anything about) would be transported in the atmosphere/through atmospheric dispersion.
Hello Ewen. I am equally frustrated by not knowing enough about chemistry to speak with authority on this. That is why I try to make it clear that I am acting, not on such knowledge, but on logic in terms of observable phenomena that, in my opinion, cannot be explained by the “ice-crystal” theory – such as the extremely unusual concentrations of certain chemicals that are found in air and rainwater following a heavy episode of engine trails and the lack of any convincing explanation for the all-day persistency of these trails, to name a few. I am the first to admit that I do not have the answers, but neither do the nay-sayers. Thanks for writing.
2016 Jun 10 from Anonymous
Dear GEG, Why do we let the bankers control our stored wealth using their fiat currency that is created out of thin air? Only precious metals like Gold and Silver are real money, a time tested stores of wealth. Currency has all the attributes of money except being that store of value.
The elite bankers have dumbed down the public to believe our paper currency is money. They have also turned the banking system into a machine to keep us in financial slavery with inflation and now negative interest rates ”NIRs”. They will surely get their cashless society soon. After that, they will bring us a one-world currency.
Most people who scrimped and saved will think their only option is to leave their money in the bank or the stock market. That is not true. We need to take back control of our assets. Spent the currency on assets that will grow in value or bring value in the future.
The banking crisis that is about to descend upon us will not only diminish most peoples savings but will outright steal it through NIRs and Bail-ins. Let’s beat them to the punch. We can use our savings to buy farm land with a water supply, precious metals, stored food, guns and ammo, power sources and anything else to provide for our families when the dollar dies so we can live off the grid.
Removing our currency from the banks’ grasp will take the bankers’ power away. One should keep no currency in the bank except to pay current bills. The bankers are just like slave holders who give you the option of overseer A or B, slavery any way you look at it. Do not play their game. Get out of the system.
2016 June 7 from John Bergman
Hello, Mr. Griffin.
In the case of the Chicago cops, could the the people concerned not go after the cops’ bonds,their oaths and their butts? They should never be allowed to wear a uniform again,let alone be on the streets,wearing monkey suits.
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