Hillary Dillary Doc

Hillary Clinton has been in the news a lot this week, and none of it is favorable to her image. It seems that those pesky things called documents keep showing up that deeply implicate her in illegal and reprehensible acts. After thinking about those “docs”, as they are called in the computer world, and seeing how her political friends in high places are fixing things so she will not be punished in spite of the docs, I was compelled to write the following ditty:

Hillary Dillary Doc
The mouse ran up the clock
The clock will not strike
So no need for fright
to Hillary Dillary Doc

Fox News analyst, Judge Janine Pirro, explains why Hillary Clinton will not be indicted for the illegal use of her email server. It boils down to politics and the fact that people in high places, including President Obama, eventually would be exposed as being equally guilty. Fox News 2016 Jul 1 (Story)

The US State Department will not release Hillary Clinton’s emails regarding the Clinton Foundation for 27 months. It is apparent that the executive branch of the federal government is attempting to protect Hillary from adverse publicity long enough to get her firmly implanted as President. Daily Caller 2016 Jun 30 (Story) (Cached)

The new report from the US House Benghazi Committee is a whitewash, as expected. The National Security Council would not allow investigators to review information about possible US action in Libya involving the covert transfer of weapons to Libyan rebels. It is plausible that the desire to cover up this story is what motivated the decision not to defend the embassy. Dead men tell no tales. Politico 2016 Jun 28 (Story) (Cached)

Documents reveal that both the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton’s State Department knew 10 days prior to the Benghazi attack that there was a plan to kill as many Americans as possible at the consulate. The US government also was aware that Libyan weapons were being transferred out of Libya and into Syria. However, investigators did not address these issues in the recent whitewash report. Judicial Watch posted 2016 Jun 28 (Story) (Cached)

New documents prove that Hillary Clinton lied, under penalty of perjury, about risking national security with her home-based server. An email has surfaced from Huma Abedin, Hillary’s former Deputy Chief of Staff, notifying Hillary that she had been hacked and that State Department security features were temporarily disabled to accommodate her private server. Judge Napolitano says the DOJ is unlikely to prosecute, but FBI agents may leak details to the public. Fox News 2016 Jun 27 (Story)

G. Edward Griffin
2016 July 1


The US Department of Defense now accepts transgender people to serve in the armed forces. Military doctors now will perform sex-change operations. It is estimated that as many as 11,000 transgenders already are in the military. CBS News posted 2016 July 1 (Story)

The Cinemark movie-theater chain is seeking $700,000 in legal fees from victims of the Aurora, Colorado, shooting who unsuccessfully sued the company for the tragedy. Colorado law allows litigation winners to recover legal fees from the losers. [Do you think this practice hinders or helps justice? Respond here.] Newsmax 2016 Jun 30 (Story) (Cached)

Turkey: The death toll from gunfire and suicide-bomb attacks in Istanbul at the Ataturk airport this week left 42 people dead and more than 230 injured. Turkish police say that the 13 people they arrested in connection with the attack, came from Russia. [The Turks are not mentioning that the part of Russia from which the attackers came is held by Muslim separatists who are opposed to the present Russian regime. To simply call them Russians, therefore, puts a spin on the story that favors the suspicion that Putin is behind the attack.] UK Express 2016 Jun 30 (Story) (Cached)

US: One of the guns used in the November 13, 2015, terrorist attack in Paris came from Phoenix, Arizona, where the Obama administration deliberately allowed drug-cartel members to buy thousands of weapons illegally. It was a an operation known as ‘Fast and Furious.’ Federal officials would like to keep this information out of the news to avoid association with terrorist activities. Judicial Watch 2016 Jun 29 (Story) (Cached)

Pennsylvania: Donald Trump gave a fiery speech condemning globalization. He promised to withdraw the US from the Trans-Pacific Partnership treaty and to either renegotiate the NAFTA treaty or withdraw from it. He condemned China for its money-manipulation practices and the World Trade Organization for its subsidy practices. He swore to invoke tariffs against China if it does not terminate illegal trade activities, including the theft of American trade secrets. He did not explain how he would do these things which, according to the Constitution, would require acts of Congress. Breitbart 2016 Jun 28 (Story) (Cached)

The father of an American killed in the Paris attacks that left 130 people dead is suing Facebook, Google, and Twitter for helping ISIS recruit and carry out the attacks. He says the rapid growth of ISIS would not be possible without social media. Therefore, free speech should be sacrificed in exchange for national security. [What do you think? Reply here.] RT 2016 Jun 28 (Story)

GMO opponents are outraged by what they describe as a sellout by ‘controlled opposition’. Companies that market themselves as advocates of non-GMO foods recently joined forces with companies like Monsanto to support a federal bill that forbids states to pass legislation requiring GMO labeling. The sellout companies include Whole Foods Market and Stoneyfield Farm. Food Democracy Now! 2016 Jun 28 (Story) (Cached)

The US Senate will vote on the Monsanto “Dark Act” that would ban states from mandating their own GMO food-safety labels. This would be accomplished by establishing federal standards that supersede state standards. Vermont was slated to begin GMO labeling on July 1, but the Senate is considering a so-called ‘compromise’ bill that would delay labeling for two years. It would require consumers to use a smartphone to access GMO info from a digital code on the product. The law also would allow any food with less than 50% GMO to be labeled as non-GMO. Natural News 2016 Jun 27 (Story) (Cached)

The US Supreme Court ruled that the right to own a gun can be denied to those who have been convicted of domestic violence – even at the misdemeanor level. People should be punished if they commit crimes of aggressive violence, but should they also be forever denied their constitutional rights? [What do you think? Reply here.] USA Today 2016 Jun 27 (Story)

A CIA and Saudi operation to covertly arm Syrian rebels against Assad’s government with weapons shipped into Jordan has come under fire. Weapons intended for the rebels were sold instead on the black market by low-level Jordanian officials who bought SUVs and luxury items. Some of the weapons were used to kill American contractors in Jordan. RT 2016 Jun 27 (Story)

The US Supreme Court struck down a Texas law that sought to limit abortions. The law had increased rules and restrictions on abortions to the point where some were going out of business. Fox News 2016 Jun 27 (Story)

Sacramento, California: Activists with the Traditionalist Workers Party, characterized by their leftist opponents as Nazis, demonstrated at the state capitol and were attacked by leftists. One of the factions involved in the attack was By Any Means Necessary (BAMN), a group that is categorized by the FBI as a terrorist group. Seven people were stabbed, and several are in critical condition. Information Liberation 2016 Jun 27 (Story) (Cached)

Texas: Finally, mainstream media is reporting that U.S. Customs and Border Patrol – under pressure from the Obama administration – is purchasing bus tickets and vouchers for illegal immigrants to ship them deeper into the country at taxpayers’ expense. InfoWars 2016 Jun 26 (Story) (Cached)

The mysterious death of John Ashe, former President of the UN General Assembly, was ‘conveniently timed’. Ashe was due to testify in court and was expected to provide evidence against Ng Lap Seng, a Chinese businessman who illegally funneled money to the Democratic National Committee during the Clinton administration. Ashe was killed by a crushed windpipe, supposedly caused by accidentally dropping a barbell during exercise. Page Six 2016 Jun 26 (Story) (Cached)

New York: The State Senate passed its own version of the “terrorist watch list.” If the Assembly and Governor pass the bill, police will collect photographs, fingerprints, and DNA samples of registrants, and these will be available to local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies. Like the Sex Offender Registry, information on each registrant will be available to the public. The difference is that the Sex Offender Registry is for those convicted of a crime, but this list will include those who are merely suspected (or said to be suspected) by the government. Libertarian Republic posted 2016 Jun 25 (Story) (Cached)

This article cites 45 times that Hillary pushed the TPP (TransPacific Partnership) treaty, which she now claims to oppose. CNN posted 2016 Jun 25 (Story) (Cached)

Italy has outlawed Holocaust-denial because it is said to be an incitement to racial hatred. To question the accuracy of the official story is punishable by two to six years in prison. France, Germany, Belgium, and Romania also have criminalized Holocaust-denial. Zee News posted 2016 Jun 25 (Story) (Cached)



News and commentaries that reveal historical facts and trends that place current events into perspective and make it possible to anticipate future events.


Wikileaks released an email written by Hillary Clinton saying that the “best way to help Israel deal with Iran’s growing nuclear capability is to help the people of Syria overthrow the regime of Bashar Assad.” This is in spite of the fact that US intelligence agencies have long dismissed the threat of Iran ever building an atom bomb. This email confirms that US policy to overthrow the Syrian government is motivated by a desire to serve the interests of the Israeli government. Hillary has promised that, if she becomes President, she will take the relationship with Israel to the next level, which can only be interpreted as full-scale invasion. New Observer posted Jun 29 (Story) (Cached)

Citizen investigators, analyzing video of the Orlando shooting, have discovered significant contradictions. Eyewitnesses report that the shooter, Omar Mateen, entered the club and began his killing spree around 2:00 AM. However, the FBI’s official summary states that no one died until 5:13 AM, which is when police entered the scene. The researchers also note that recordings of the 911 calls are being withheld from the public by the FBI. Last week, DOJ chief, Loretta Lynch, admitted that the agency had altered the content of the calls. [Is it a mere coincidence that, in every case of a terrorist attack in the US, there is contradictory information and, at the same time, the documents and recordings that could clear away the contradictions are withheld from the public?] TruNews 2016 Jun 25 (Story)



“If freedom is to prevail, governments must be replaced by protectorates whose function is, not to govern their citizens, but to protect them.”

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Need to Know is as serious as it gets, but laughter is good for the soul and helps to keep our equilibrium amid the chaos. So, here are quips, gags, and images to put a smile on your face. If you have some you would like to share, please send them here.


Man who wants pretty nurse must be patient.

Lady who goes camping with man must beware of future intent.

Man who leaps off cliff jumps to conclusion.

Man who runs in front of car gets tired, but man who runs behind car gets exhausted.

War does not determine who is right; it determines who is left.

Wise man does not keep sledge hammer and slow computer in same room.



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2016 July 1 from Olo
[On June 29, Monsanto scored a preliminary victory, winning a Senate “test vote” on a bill known as the DARK Act that would deny Americans the right to know about GMOs in their food.]

You think you live in a democracy? It is only “the best democracy money can buy” to quote a brave American called Greg Palast. Here you have senators Roberts (R), who received almost 3 million, and Stabenow (D) who got 1.5 million, who are paid shills for Monsanto, writing a law to deceive Americans who may want to know what they are eating. Check the list of those who voted YES for Monsanto and see the “heroes” who are paid off to do their “duty of deception” to “The People”

Only 3 Republicans and 26 Democrats voted No. The money they got did not buy their conscience. 52 Republicans and 16 Democrats Voted Yes. The biggest “Donation” went to John McCain, 4.5 million. Is this the democracy that the US is “gallantly” trying to impose on other countries?

If GMO is as good as Monsanto & Co. claim why are they so eagerly trying to hide it? The Obamas have their own organic garden in the White House but are they telling the reason they do not eat GMO veggies? No… God forbid stepping on Big Agri toes.


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G. Edward Griffin
Author, Publisher of Need to Know, Founder of Freedom Force International

“If freedom is to prevail, governments must be replaced by protectorates whose function is, not to govern their citizens, but to protect them.”

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