2016 January 23 – 29
2016 January 23 – 29
The other kind of revolution
The other kind of revolution
Last week’s editorial concluded that revolutions are no longer possible because of the vast power of modern weapons available to governments. Prior to the beginning of the last century, revolutionaries could grab their swords and muskets and meet the tyrant’s soldiers on an even footing with the outcome weighted in favor of which side could muster and sustain the largest army.
The development of aircraft, tanks, nuclear weapons, poison gases, bacteriological agents, laser weapons, microwave weapons, GPS, guided missiles and drones has eliminated that equality forever. It now is possible for an oligarchy of less than one percent of the population, wielding such weapons, to easily defeat any mass uprising.
Does that mean we are doomed to be subjects of a global tyranny that, in the name of disarmament, controls all weapons of mass destruction? Or is it possible for another kind of revolution to succeed?
Dictionaries have two definitions for the word revolution. One is the forceful overthrow of a government leading to a new regime, and the other is a drastic change in the attitudes and mores of society. Although history books usually focus on the first type, the second type is equally important, if not more so, because physical revolutions cannot happen unless they are preceded by a revolution of ideas.
The American Revolution, for example, was fired by a cluster of ideas related to the single concept of freedom from the oppressive yoke of government. That was the fire in the mind that brought the revolutionaries onto the battlefield and sustained them through great hardship and suffering.
Yes, you say, but don’t forget that, if the mental revolution had not been followed by a physical one, nothing would have changed. Ideas without actions are useless.
True, but what kind of actions are open to us today? Is physical action the only option? As Mao expressed it: “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.” Are military-style revolutions the only way to replace a tyrannical oligarchy?
That question can be answered by asking another question: Did the present collectivist oligarchy seize control of government by physical revolution? The United States once had an enviable political system of checks and balances, once enjoyed no bureaucratic control over the lives of the people, once had local police who actually served and protected its citizens, once had almost no confiscation of personal income or wealth, and once was admired around the world.
All that now is history. A revolution began in America starting full force in the early 1900s and was complete fifty years later. Were there barricades in the streets, mobs storming the White House, raging gun battles between patriots and soldiers?
None of that happened. It was a “soft” revolution. The government was seized through the mass media, the educational system, the entertainment industry, the banking system, and the ballot. Had it been attempted through force and violence it would have failed.
That is the key to how we must shape our own strategy. There are new battlefields out there. Why would we want to grab our muskets and head for the monuments of our forefathers? The new battlefields are the power centers of society: the organizations and institutions that shape national policy. That’s where we lost control to the collectivists and, if we are ever going to get it back, that’s where we will do it.
In the 1960s, when I began studying the ideology of collectivism, I recall reading a statement from a Communist organizer in which he explained why Communism eventually would conquer the United States. He said something like this: “You wealthy and powerful capitalists are in control today, but we will be in control tomorrow. Why am I so sure? It’s because we are recruiting your children. Right now, we are winning their hearts and minds and, when you die, your empire will belong to us.”
In retrospect, I can see that he was half right. In the universities, large numbers of wealthy kids were recruited into the Marxist/Leninist ideology but, what the comrades had not anticipated was that the empire they were hoping to replace with communism was well on its way to BEING communism under a different name.
So, when the kids eventually inherited the empires of their fathers, they were able to implement the collectivist ideology they learned in school without having to join the Communist Party. They merely continued to call themselves capitalists, and very few noticed the switch.
We who are hoping to bring about a revolution of ideas on behalf of freedom are in much the same situation as the comrades back in the 1920s and 1930s. Collectivists are in control today but, have you noticed? Their kids are awakening! The ideology of individualism is rapidly spreading through the universities, which are the incubators of future leaders. If we follow the strategy of a soft revolution, we will possess the future.
2016 January 29
Following a squabble with Fox News, Donald Trump was not present in last night’s Republican debate. Rand Paul is the only candidate among the others who wants to follow the Constitution. The rest want to grow government and expand war. InfoWars 2016 Jan 29 (Story)
A 17-year old Danish girl was sexually assaulted near an asylum center for refugees and she used pepper spray to stop the rape. Now she faces a fine for using pepper spray, because it is illegal. RT 2016 Jan 28 (Story)
Repair records reveal widespread dashcam sabotage by Chicago police officers. Out of 22 officer-involved shooting investigations in the city in 2015, dashcam evidence had only been uploaded by police in 3 of the incidents. Truth In Media 2016 Jan 28 (Story) (Cached)
Here is the unedited FBI areal video that shows the shooting of Robert LaVoy Finicum. He had his hands in the air but then appeared to reach into his jacket pocket when he was shot by police. There was a previous report that Finicum charged the officers. Others said he was lying on the ground when shot and that there was a shoot-out. All of those stories were false. InfoWars 2016 Jan 28 (Story)
LaVoy Finicum, a participant in the occupation of a federal wildlife refuge in Oregon, was killed by police at a roadblock. Other protesters, including leader Ammon Bundy, were apprehended as they were traveling to attend a meeting set up by local residents. Witnesses said that Finicum had his hands in the air when he was shot. There is a report of another witness who said that he charged the officers. It is now known, however, that this so-called witness was a mile away from the scene at the time of the shooting. New American 2016 Jan 27 (Story) (Cached)
As many as 6,000 soldiers from Western NATO nations are being sent to invade Libya with the announced goal of fighting terrorists. The irony is that these terrorist groups were sponsored, trained, funded, and continue to be supported in covert ways by the same NATO countries that are fighting them. [To justify invading countries for their oil resources and strategic locations, it must be done in the name of fighting a dreaded enemy. These groups are the best enemies money can buy.] NEO 2016 Jan 27 (Story) (Cached)
Sweden has accepted more refugees per capita than any other country. Because of the crime wave and cultural impact of this policy, Sweden now is planning to deport as many as 80,000 migrants over several years. AFP 2016 Jan 27 (Story) (Cached)
After Israel announced that it will be seizing a large tract of Palestinian land in the West Bank, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon angered Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu by saying that move would be illegal. Reuters 2016 Jan 27 (Story) (Cached)
US: Senator Chris Murphy warns against a new proposal to vastly increase presidential power under something called the authorization-for-military-force (AUMF). Using the excuse of fighting ISIS, AUMF is a rewrite of the War-Powers clause in the Constitution, it circumvents Congress, and is a declaration of international martial law. The resolution would allow the president to send US troops anywhere in the world with no limitations. Senator Murphy 2016 Jan 26 (Story)
Haiti: Presidential elections have been canceled for the third time. The official explanation is that arson and violence are causing security risks. There likely is more to it than that. There is only one candidate on the ballot in what was supposed to be a run-off election. The opposition candidate called the election a farce and dropped out. Real News 2016 Jan 26 (Story)
France: Taxi drivers blocked traffic in protest over Uber drivers and other online taxi services because they charge lower prices, and the taxi drivers do not want to compete. Also, air traffic controllers are on strike for higher pay and pensions. France24 2016 Jan 26 (Story)
UK: Bill Gates and Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne announced their pledge of $4.3 billion to combat malaria. They explain that, if new insecticides are not introduced by 2020, the situation will become critical and deaths could surge. [We are skeptical at this apparent humanitarianism because we are mindful that Gates is a major proponent of population reduction and also invested in technology that uses insects to deliver vaccines. Could the two be connected?] Telegraph 2016 Jan 25 (Story) (Cached)
The World Health Organization is warning that the Zika virus, that is passed to humans through mosquitoes, is likely to spread across both American continents. The virus causes a birth defect called microcephaly that results in a incomplete brain formation. CNN 2016 Jan 25 (Story)
Hillary Clinton has been paid $200,000 per hour for private speeches and consultation to Goldman Sachs and its investors. [So much for her campaign promises to reign in Wall Street.] HuffPost 2016 Jan 25 (Story) (Cached)
Six states, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Alabama, Indiana, Kentucky, and West Virginia are reporting unexpectedly large numbers of lead poisoning. In the aftermath of lead toxicity traced to drinking water in Flint, Michigan, this has spurred concern over water quality elsewhere. Other contaminants regularly found in city water supplies include mercury, dioxin, fluoride, chlorine, PCB’s, MTBE, perchlorates, HCB and arsenic. RT 2016 Jan 25 (Story)
Texas: In a surprising turn of events, the grand jury that was investigating Planned Parenthood as a trader in human body parts instead indicted the two activists who exposed Planned Parenthood by means of videos that went viral on the Internet. Both activists were charged with tampering with government records because they forged government ID’s to enter restricted areas, and one activist was charged with trying to buy human body parts. The Hill 2016 Jan 25 (Story) (Cached)
A new drug, propranolol, has been developed to erase emotional memories and then rewriting them without the attached anxiety and fear. The possibility for misuse, covert use, and unforeseen consequences is enormous. NY Times posted 2016 Jan 23 (Story) (Cached)
Sweden: Alexandra Mezher was stabbed to death by a 15-year old migrant while she was working at a residence for unaccompanied migrant children. Swedish authorities are refusing to identify the young killer. CNN 2016 Jan 25 (Story)
Ukraine: More than 20 Ukrainian soldiers have died and over 200 soldiers are hospitalized within a few days from a new and deadly virus, which is immune to all medicines. It is being called the California Flu, and is believed to have come from a US – research facility near the city of Kharkov. ZeroHedge 2016 Jan 25 (Story) (Cached)Ukraine: More than 20 Ukrainian soldiers have died and over 200 soldiers are hospitalized within a few days from a new and deadly virus, which is immune to all medicines. It is being called the California Flu, and is believed to have come from a US research facility near the city of Kharkov. ZeroHedge 2016 Jan 25 (Story) (Cached)
Joseph Hickman is a former Guantanamo guard who wrote a book claiming that the CIA murdered three Gitmo detainees in 2006. This conflicts with the government story that they committed suicide in their cells. RT 2016 Jan 24 (Story)
US: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell introduced sweeping war-authorization for the use of military force, or AUMF, that would give the president expanded authority to take action against ISIS. The new AUMF would allow US combat troops to operate anywhere (including US soil) for any length of time that the president dictates. It also would keep in place a broad AUMF from 2001 that allows the president to take military action against anyone, anywhere, so long as someone says they are or may be connected to 9/11. HuffPost posted 2016 Jan 23 (Story) (Cached)
George Soros is saying that the EU is on the verge of collapse. Believe it or not, Sweden is funding a “sniper” training course for recently-arrived “refugees” as part of their integration program. The sniper course began on a small scale but interest has exploded among the immigrants to take the course. InfoWars posted 2016 Jan 23 (Story)
News and commentaries that reveal historical facts and trends that place current events into perspective and make it possible to anticipate future events.
Lyme disease was first discovered in Lyme, Connecticut, near Plum Island, home to the federal animal-disease center. This facility conducted experiments with tics, which are the critters that transmit Lyme. For many years, the government and the medical profession denied the existence of Lyme disease, but now the CDC is openly studying it as a bio-weapon. More than 45% of all counties in the US now have tics that carry Lyme disease, and more than 300,000 people are diagnosed with it each year. RT 2016 Jan 28 (Story)
Contrarian Dude shares an article about how China demolished a brand new 27-story building that had never been occupied just weeks after it was completed supposedly to keep money circulating and to create jobs. This is the insane idea behind something called Keynesian Economics, and it is at the core of all collectivist systems. Contrarian Dude posted 2016 Jan 26 (Story)
Chinese scientists claim they have performed the first successful head transplant on a monkey. The only other successful transplant of this kind was on a mouse. The first human-head transplant is scheduled for the end of next year at a cost of $16 million. RT 2016 Jan 25 (Story)
The US relies heavily on Saudi money to support the Syrian rebels in their war against the Syrian government. Radical Saudi Wahhabism supports numerous terrorist groups and, therefore, is a dangerous partner in the so-called war on terrorism. NY Times 2016 Jan 23 (Story) (Cached)
Need to Know is as serious as it gets, but laughter is good for the soul and helps to keep our equilibrium amid the chaos. So, here are quips, gags, and images to put a smile on your face. If you have some you would like to share, please send them here.
A farmer named Clyde had a tractor accident. In court, the trucking company’s lawyer was questioning Clyde. “Didn’t you say, at the scene of the accident, ‘I’m fine,’?” asked the lawyer.
Clyde responded, “Well, I’ll tell you what happened. I had just loaded my favorite cow, Bessie, into the…”
“I didn’t ask for any details”, the lawyer interrupted. “Just answer the question, please. Did you, or did you not say, at the scene of the accident, ‘I’m fine!’?”
Clyde said, “Well, I had just got Bessie into the trailer behind the tractor and I was driving down the road….”
The lawyer interrupted again and said, “Your Honor, I am trying to establish the fact that, at the scene of the accident, this man told the Highway Patrolman on the scene that he was just fine. Now, several weeks after the accident, he is trying to sue my client. I believe he is a fraud. Please tell him to simply answer the question.”
By this time, the judge was interested in Clyde’s story and said to the lawyer, “I’d like to hear what he has to say about his favorite cow, Bessie”.
Clyde thanked the Judge and proceeded. “Well, as I was saying, I had just loaded Bessie, my favorite cow, into the trailer and was driving her down the highway when this huge semi-truck and trailer ran the stop sign and smacked my John Deere Tractor right in the side. I was thrown into one ditch, and Bessie was thrown into the other. I was hurting real bad and didn’t want to move. However, I could hear old Bessie moaning and groaning. I knew she was in terrible shape just by her groans.
Shortly after the accident a Highway Patrolman came on the scene. He could hear Bessie moaning and groaning, so he went over to her. After he saw her fatal condition, he took out his gun and shot her between the eyes to put her out of her misery. Then the Patrolman came across the road, gun still in hand, looked at me, and said, “How are you feeling?”
“Now, what the heck would YOU say?”
Some things just have to be shared. If you know of some, please send them here.
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2016 Jan 28 from Phyllis
I just have to say, what the frell are these people thinking in funding a sniper training course for the refugees??? Are they truly insane? They must be to even think of doing this!?
Hello Phyllis. As I see it, the people doing this are not insane. They are diabolically cunning. They are deliberately trying to create chaos with intent to destroy the old order so the NEW World Order can be built upon the ruins. It’s the same game being played all over the world, including the United States.
2016 Jan 18 from Richard Ellmyer
Special Agent in Charge of the Oregon FBI, Gregory T. Bretzing is following his colleague, Special Agent in Charge of the Nevada FBI, Laura A. Bucheit, down a very, very dangerous path. Bucheit abandoned her responsibility to arrest armed, white, Mormon, male Cliven Bundy for failure to pay one million dollars in federal grazing fees. Would her “equal justice under the law” behavior have been different if her target was an unarmed, dark skinned woman who was a Muslim or an atheist? Her cowardice in the line of duty inspired Cliven Bundy’s sons to lead an armed invasion to capture the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.
It’s time for Special Agent in Charge of the Oregon FBI, Gregory T. Bretzing to put up or shut up. If and when the Bundy bunch leaves the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Bretzing must arrest them. Our political, judicial and law enforcement establishments have the legitimate, legal, moral authority, indeed, a duty, to protect persons and property from those who brandish weapons to steal what belongs to others.
The Malheur National Wildlife Refuge belongs to me and every other American. We want it back. NOW. Ammon Bundy and his belligerent bandits are both common criminals and domestic terrorists and must be treated accordingly.
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Alejandro Jodorowsky
2016 January 16 – 22
2016 January 16 – 22
Have modern weapons made revolutions impossible?
Have modern weapons made revolutions impossible?
What has come to be called the Oregon Standoff that occurred in Harney County, Oregon, two weeks ago triggered our last two editorials stating that (1) the action was significantly different from the 2014 Standoff at the Bundy Ranch in Nevada, and (2) the Oregon Standoff appears to be, not the beginning of a revolution, but a classic example of a revolt. The main difference between the two is that revolts always fail.
This leads to the question of whether or not a true revolution is even possible in the modern world and, if so, what it would look like.
Prior to the use of aircraft, tanks, and poison gas in World War II, the weapons of revolutionaries were pretty much the same as those of governments. The rifles, knives, and cannon balls possessed by the Continental Army in the American Revolution, for example, were equal to those wielded by the soldiers of King George and the Hessian mercenaries.
Victory depended, not on the nature of the weapons, but on how many of them could be brought into battle, and that was primarily a question of manpower.
Weapon equality was eliminated by technology that began to appear in World War II and which has continued at an accelerating pace through the present day. No longer can rebels meet the minions of their hated masters on equal footing. Governments now possess weapons of such destructive force and which are technically so far above the skills of common citizens, that revolutions can no longer be successful based on a test of military power.
Nuclear weapons immediately come to mind, but even at a much lower scale of intensity, there are such things as remote-controlled drones armed with missiles that can obliterate any vehicle or building on the planet.
Even more to the point are those weapons designed specifically for subduing the population without destroying physical infrastructure. There are chemical weapons, sound weapons, laser weapons, and even microwave weapons that can be directed by a few technicians in an armored vehicle or even from great distances. These weapons create the sensation of being on fire and, if the intensity is turned up high enough, they can cook the flesh of one or a thousand people at the same time. How long could the ‘heavily armed’ boys in Oregon stand against that?
This is why I say that revolutions, in the classical sense of replacing a hated regime through physical confrontation, is impossible in the modern world. Does that mean, however, that we are doomed to become subjects of a global tyranny that, in the name of disarmament, controls all weapons of mass destruction? Or is it possible for another kind of revolution to succeed?
Next week, I will respond to that question.
G. Edward Griffin
2016 January 22
Nevada/Idaho border: Two drug traffickers who were moving 20-pounds of marijuana from Las Vegas to Montana sampled their wares on the way and became paranoid. Convinced that they already had been spotted by police, they decided to end the imaginary pursuit by pulling off the road and calling 911 to turn themselves in. You can hear the incredible 911 phone call here. Fox News 2016 Jan 22 (Story)
Davos, Switzerland: UN Leader Ban Ki-Moon, speaking at the World Economic Forum, urged nations to adopt the Paris climate treaty. Laurent Fabius, the French Foreign Minister, said that adopting the climate treaty was a necessary first step before it would be possible to address other issues, such as national security and war. EuroNews 2016 Jan 21 (Story)
London: A British inquiry concluded that Russian President Putin ‘probably’ ordered the 2006 assassination of former KGB spy, Alexander Litvinenko, who was poisoned with polonium-210, a radioactive element that was added to his tea. Litvinenko had accused Putin of engineering a false-flag terrorist attack on an apartment building in order to gain public acceptance of increasing government power. Litvinenko also said that Putin was a pedophile. The Russian government says the inquiry is merely a political attack to discredit its leader. CNN 2016 Jan 21 (Story)
US: The day after Sarah Palin endorsed Donald Trump for President, her 26-year old son was arrested on suspicion of assaulting a woman and carrying a gun while intoxicated. Palin then criticized the current administration for not taking better care of its veterans. Obama responded with criticism of Palin for taking domestic violence lightly, etcetera. Reuters 2016 Jan 21 (Story) (Cached)
Lead contamination of the drinking water in Flint, Michigan, has triggered a classic example of politicians and bureaucrats scrambling to escape responsibility. Governor Rick Snyder provided hundreds of pages of emails to prove that the responsibility rests with the county and city, but the former mayor says a full year of emails is missing and that crucial communications with state, county and city officials have been omitted. CBS News 2016 Jan 21 (Story)
Michigan: Contamination of the Flint River may be responsible for the deaths of ten people who succumbed to Legionnaire’s disease during 2014 and 2015. PrisonPlanet 2016 Jan 21 (Story)
Palestinians are planning to appeal to the UN to prevent Israel from confiscating 380 acres of agricultural land from the West Bank. The US has condemned Israel’s plan. Euronews 2016 Jan 21 (Story)
The price of oil has slumped to a 12-year low and now is almost half the price of milk. Crude oil is 62¢ per gallon, and milk is $1.18 per gallon. NextNewsNetwork 2016 Jan 21 (Story)
The US Drug Enforcement Agency recruited a TSA bag-checker to help seize cash from passengers’ luggage, promising the agent a ‘cut of the proceeds’. This legalized theft, called a Civil Asset Forfeiture, allows thieves in uniform to steal cash, cars, jewelry, and even houses without obtaining a conviction or even charging the owner with a crime. Huff Post 2016 Jan 20 (Story) (Cached)
Mexico: A .50-caliber rifle, powerful enough to take down a helicopter, was found at Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman’s hideout in Mexico. The serial number showed that it was one of many such weapons knowingly sold to Mexican drug cartels by the US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives in an operation known as Fast and Furious. Numerous murders have been traced to this program, but the officials responsible have not been held responsible. Truth In Media 2016 Jan 20 (Story) (Cached)
Saudi Arabia and China signed a memorandum of understanding to build a high energy nuclear reactor that will use gas instead of water for cooling. Gulf News 2016 Jan 19 (Story) (Cached)
US: Fearz is a hacker with the so-called teen hacking group ‘Crackas With Attitude’ which is infamous for breaking into government-employee email accounts. Fearz recently broke into the account of White House Science Adviser John Holdren and pulled a prank that re-routed all of Holdren’s telephone calls to the Free Palestine Movement. [We suspect that CWA likely is a group of sophisticated hackers embedded in the CIA or NSA that specializes in keeping government employees in line with not-so subtle warnings that they are constantly being monitored. Also, news stories of hacking into government systems are helpful in creating public enthusiasm for more government power over the Internet, supposedly to prevent hacking.] InfoWars 2016 Jan 19 (Story) (Cached)
Nigeria: The Information Minister says that 55 people, including former governors, Cabinet ministers and bankers have stolen $9-billion dollars from Nigeria’s treasury. More than $2 billion was diverted into the campaign chest of former President Goodluck Jonathan who lost the election. The new president Muhammadu Buhari, who once was the country’s military dictator, vows to end corruption, but critics say that is merely rhetoric to gain political power. AP 2016 Jan 18 (Story) (Cached)
Burkina Faso, a small country in West Africa, was the scene of another terrorist attack by members of al-Qaeda. Four terrorists, including two women, were killed after they murdered at least 23 people during a 12-hour siege near a hotel that caters to Westerners. EuroNews 2016 Jan 18 (Story)
One of the five missing Hong Kong bookstore employees who were critical of the Chinese government appeared on Chinese television. He said that he voluntarily went to China so he could visit his aging mother. He asked the Hong Kong protesters and the Swedish government to stop trying to save him, but his voice and facial expressions betray that he is under duress. CNN 2016 Jan 17 (Story)
Donald Trump called Ted Cruz a ‘hypocrite’ for hiding two loans each worth $500,000, one from Goldman Sachs and one from Citibank. Trump says that Cruz wants to hide the fact that now he is owned by the big banks. The Hill 2016 Jan 16 (Story) (Cached)
Shocker! An American chicken farmer, Craig Watts, blows the barn doors off the chicken industry. He shows that chicken coops are loaded with unhealthy bacteria, and that the birds would die if they didn’t receive antibiotics – in spite of the fact that labels claim they are antibiotic free. So-called cage-free chickens are crammed together so closely in large pens that it is even worse than being in cages. Watts says the FDA does not monitor these things, and that the industry writes its own rules. RT 2016 Jan 16 (Story)
US: The government has confirmed that GMOs are contaminating alfalfa, a perennial plant, exactly as predicted by critics years ago. Researchers found that 27% of fields tested in California, Washington, and Idaho were contaminated by GMO seeds. It is now unlikely that this can ever be reversed. Natural Society 2016 Jan 16 (Story) (Cached)
A recently released email from Hillary Clinton’s private server reveals the Western attack against Libya was launched primarily to thwart President Gaddafi’s plans to establish a united African currency backed by gold and by a desire to control the region’s oil. ZeroHedge posted 2016 Jan 16 (Story) (Cached)
News and commentaries that reveal historical facts and trends that place current events into perspective and make it possible to anticipate future events.
Judge Napolitano brilliantly sums up the concern over Hillary’s emails. He says the case against her is overwhelming, damning, and grave. At the core of the issue is that Hillary says she never received or sent information marked as ‘classified’. That is a word game and cunning deception. What she did receive and send were documents marked as ‘above classified’ and ‘top secret’, which makes the negligence even worse. Fox News 2016 Jan 20 (Story)
US: This is for those who still believe that their government is here to help them. Journalist David Knight examines a video made at a going-away party for Mary Martin, the Mojave National Preserve Superintendent. Speakers joke about stealing land worth $40 million and paying the owners a mere $2.5 million. They laugh about the huge amount of private land they have confiscated. They acknowledge being perceived as the bad guys but, as collectivists, they believe they are the good guys because they are abolishing private property one parcel at a time. InfoWars 2016 Jan 20 (Story)
There are many triggers for cancer, but sugar is one of the most prevalent. Sugar and overeating cause mitochondrial dysfunction, which can lead to DNA damage and result in cancer. Intermittent fasting is effective for reversing insulin resistance, reducing cancer risk, and increasing longevity. Dr. Mercola 2016 Jan 20 (Story) (Cached)
The gap between rich and poor is widening. The 62 richest people in the world own the same as the poorest half of the entire planet’s population. The wealth of the 62 richest increased by more than half a trillion dollars over the last six years, while the wealth of the poorest 3.6 billion people fell by a trillion dollars. [It is popular to blame capitalism for this, but it is happening in a world in which all governments and economic systems are collectivist. True capitalism has been dead since World War II.] RT 2016 Jan 18 (Story)
An amazing statement from Alan Greenspan. Here is a 2015 video recording in which the former head of the Federal Reserve, speaking at the Council on Foreign Relations, praises gold as a premier currency that no fiat currency can match, not even the US dollar. Why? Because it has intrinsic value. Curiously (not really) the CFR deleted this statement from the printed transcript of his remarks. CFR posted 2016 Jan 16 (Story)
Two teams of scientists from UC Berkeley and MIT are competing for a patent on new gene-editing technology. Bill Gates and Google have raised $100 million to invest in an IPO offering of Editas, a gene-editing company that uses a technique to directly cut and paste new DNA into living cells. Gene editing can be used to change genes in any living thing, including humans. This could lead to cures for diseases, climate-proof food crops, and other science-fiction outcomes that are untested, irreversible, and highly dangerous. At present, there is no significant public pushback, so it is coming whether we like it or not. Business Insider posted 2016 Jan 16 (Story) (Cached)
Need to Know is as serious as it gets, but laughter is good for the soul and helps to keep our equilibrium amid the chaos. So, here are quips, gags, and images to put a smile on your face. If you have some you would like to share, please send them here.
A store that sells new husbands opened in Melbourne where women can choose a husband. Instructions at the entrance explain how the store operates: You may visit this store ONLY ONCE! There are six floors, and the value of the products increase as you ascend. You may choose any item from a particular floor or go up to the next floor but you cannot go back down except to exit the building!
So, a woman goes to the Husband Store to find a husband. On the first floor the sign reads: Floor 1 – These men Have Jobs.
She is intrigued, but continues to the second floor, where the sign reads: Floor 2 – These men Have Jobs and Love Kids.
‘That’s nice,’ she thinks, ‘but I want more.’ So she continues upward. The third floor sign reads: Floor 3 – These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, and are Good Looking.
‘Wow,’ she thinks, but feels compelled to keep going. She goes to the fourth floor and the sign reads: Floor 4 – These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, are Really Good Looking, and Help With Housework.
‘Oh, mercy me!’ she exclaims, ‘I can hardly stand it!’ Still, she goes to the fifth floor and the sign reads: Floor 5 – These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, are Drop-dead Gorgeous, Help with Housework, and Have a Strong Romantic Streak.
She is so tempted to stay, but she goes to the sixth floor, where the sign reads: Floor 6 – You are visitor 31,456,012 to this floor. There are no men on this floor. This empty floor demonstrates that women are impossible to please and always want more. Thank you for shopping at the Husband Store.
To avoid gender-bias charges, the store’s owner opened a New Wives Store across the street. The first floor has wives that love sex. Wives on the second floor love sex, have money, and like beer. The third, fourth, fifth, and sixth floors have never been visited.
Some things just have to be shared. If you know of some, please send them here.
Click here to see some amazing illusions created by Zach King. No doubt we will see more from this young fellow.
Comments under 300 words, please. We cannot engage in correspondence but do appreciate your contribution. We do not publish insults or attacks against other readers. Points should stand on their own merits. You are welcome to express your religious views but not to criticize the views of others. Our mission is to unify our readers, not divide them. Send comments here.
2016 Jan 18 from Richard Ellmyer
Special Agent in Charge of the Oregon FBI, Gregory T. Bretzing is following his colleague, Special Agent in Charge of the Nevada FBI, Laura A. Bucheit, down a very, very dangerous path. Bucheit abandoned her responsibility to arrest armed, white, Mormon, male Cliven Bundy for failure to pay one million dollars in federal grazing fees. Would her “equal justice under the law” behavior have been different if her target was an unarmed, dark skinned woman who was a Muslim or an atheist? Her cowardice in the line of duty inspired Cliven Bundy’s sons to lead an armed invasion to capture the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.
It’s time for Special Agent in Charge of the Oregon FBI, Gregory T. Bretzing to put up or shut up. If and when the Bundy bunch leaves the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Bretzing must arrest them. Our political, judicial and law enforcement establishments have the legitimate, legal, moral authority, indeed, a duty, to protect persons and property from those who brandish weapons to steal what belongs to others.
The Malheur National Wildlife Refuge belongs to me and every other American. We want it back. NOW. Ammon Bundy and his belligerent bandits are both common criminals and domestic terrorists and must be treated accordingly.
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George Orwell
2016 January 9 – 15
2016 January 9 – 15
Revolutions vs. Revolts
Revolutions vs. Revolts
In last week’s editorial, I questioned the wisdom of what has become known as the Oregon Standoff. I am in total agreement with the grievances that motivated the protest organized by the Three Percenters and I share the frustration and anger that led to the occupation of the federal facility at the wildlife center led by the Bundys from Nevada. In fact, I have nothing but respect and praise for the dedication and bravery exhibited by everyone involved in that action. My concern is over the strategy of picking a battleground that appears to be much too favorable to the opponent.
Life experience teaches that, if we are forced to defend ourselves, we usually have no choice but to react on the spot but, when we take the initiative and pick the place and time for a fight, it behooves us to carefully pick our battleground and our weapons. Why fight moving uphill when we can do it downhill? Why fight Goliath in hand-to-hand combat when we can use a slingshot?
It has been argued that we have given up too much freedom already and now it is time to draw a line in the sand. My response is that I agree.
The question, however, is not if
we draw a line, but where?
To answer that question, we need to know the difference between revolutions and revolts.
Revolutions are waged by very large groups of people who are well organized and funded, with reliable communications and discipline, with military training and a source of weapons and munitions, with leadership and a chain of command, and especially with broad support from the population. In fact, revolutions must have most of the attributes of the governments they seek to replace.
In the case of the American Revolution, the patriots were organized and led by thirteen colonies which were full-grown governments in their own right. In addition to the resources previously mentioned, they had parliaments, courts, taxes, and laws. Every able bodied man was part of a local militia and already had martial experience. They also had the help of the French government which also had huge resources. Without these things, the patriots could not have defeated the British military in a thousand years.
Revolts are unplanned, unled, and unsustainable rebellions, much like riots in the street or, more to the point, like the Roman slave revolt led by Spartacus. Revolts have few of the resources needed to topple the military power of an established government. They are the emotional upsurge of the oppressed who, like the news anchor in the movie, Network, shouts in anger: “I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to take it anymore.”
The grim fact is that being mad as hell and armed with clubs, pitchforks, and even AK-47s without the other resources needed for a revolution is a prescription for ultimate failure, and a bloody one at that.
The bottom line is that revolutions may succeed, but revolts always fail. My deep concern is that the Oregon Standoff looks a lot like a classic revolt.
Next week I will address the question of whether or not a true revolution is even possible and, if so, what it would look like.
G. Edward Griffin
2016 January 15
Portugal: Promises mean nothing in the financial world. When the Novo Bank became bankrupt, instead of letting it fail like any other mismanaged business, the government allowed it to simply declare its bonds to be null and void. Those who thought banks could be trusted and that governments would enforce contracts, simply had their investments legally stolen. The government claimed that it was against the bank’s decision but did nothing to stop it or punish the thieves who are, after all, their partners. ZeroHedge 2016 Jan 15 (Story) (Cached)
The British government is assisting the Saudis in their attacks in Yemen. Adel al-Jubeir, the Saudi foreign minister, says that British officers are in Saudi operation control rooms. He said, “I know they are aware of the target lists.” The US State Department has approved the sale of $1.29 billion worth of weaponry to Saudi Arabia to continue the air strikes in Yemen. InfoWars 2016 Jan 15 (Story) (Cached)
The UK is facing a multi-billion dollar lawsuit by a group called The Campaign Against the Arms Trade for selling arms to the Saudis. The British have admitted that its military advises the Saudi forces but that it runs a “quick check” to make sure that there are no humanitarian violations in the attacks on Yemen. The facts are that more than 6,000 people have been killed in Yemen by Saudi attacks in less than a year, and at least half of them were civilians. Even hospitals have been bombed in spite of the fact that the Saudis were given the coordinates of their exact locations. RT 2016 Jan 13 (Story)
US: 46 states sold tickets for the $1.58 billion powerball lottery, with promises that the proceeds would go to schools and education. However, in nineteen states, the money goes into the general fund. The claim about helping education is totally false. CBS News 2016 Jan 14 (Story)
Seven people are dead after a series of explosions and gunfire near a shopping mall in Jakarta. The identity of the attackers is not known. [But something is strange. Look closely at the video clip showing the explosion near Starbucks and you will see a man seated on the ground. He is very close to the explosion in the bushes but does not even flinch when it occurs. There is a plume of smoke but no evidence of destruction. We don’t know what this means, but are inclined to think that this explosion may have been from a large firecracker rather than a bomb, and that the man could have been the one who set it off. What do you think?] ABC News 2016 Jan 14 (Story)
Turkey: Ten German tourists are killed and others injured by a suicide bomber in Istanbul’s Sultanahmet Square. No terrorist groups have boasted responsibility for the attack, but Western media is reporting that it was done by ISIS. It is in the best interest of the Turkish government to blame ISIS because that provides an excuse to raid Syria and Iraq, the PKK. CNN 2016 Jan 14 (Story)
Turkey’s military is claiming that it killed nearly 200 ISIS soldiers in Iraq and Syria in the past 48 hours. PBS Newshour 2016 Jan 14 (Story)
Oregon: The armed protest at the Malhuer Wildlife Center took an unexpected turn when the local Fire Marshall Chris Briels resigned his office and joined the protestors. Briels revealed that FBI agents, not only were pretending to be militia, but were harassing local residents apparently to generate community sentiment against the protest. Next News Network 2016 Jan 14 (Story)
The Baltic Dry Index tracks rates for ships carrying industrial commodities between countries, and it slumped to an all-time low this week. That’s because the demand for shipping has fallen off the charts. The significance of this is that consumer demand and production are at all-time lows, which is another way of saying the global economy is in depression even though politicians and media pundits refuse to say it. Reuters 2016 Jan 13 (Story) (Cached)
The global bond bubble has grown by more than $20 trillion since 2008. Today it is larger than $100 trillion, with an additional $555 trillion in derivatives trading on top of that. $555 trillion is more than seven times global GDP and more than ten times the Credit Default Swap market that triggered the 2008 financial crisis. [There is no way this can end well.] ZeroHedge 2016 Jan 13 (Story) (Cached)
Iran freed ten US sailors one day after detaining them aboard two US Navy patrol boats in the Gulf, bringing a swift end to an incident that rattled nerves just before the expected implementation of a landmark nuclear agreement. Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps said it released the sailors after determining they had entered Iranian territorial waters by mistake. Reuters 2016 Jan 13 (Story)
US: The White House is blocking an investigation into hundreds of suspected terrorists in the country illegally. PrisonPlanet 2016 Jan 12 (Story) (Cached)
Arab and North African migrants have imported a rape game into Europe called Taharrush Gamea. The object of the game is to perform rapes in the middle of crowded events by encircling the rapist and his victim to conceal the act from bystanders. Then the group quickly disperses, including the rapist. RT 2016 Jan 12 (Story)
Texas: An Iraqi refugee, Omar Faraj Saeed Al Hardan, was granted residence in the US under Obama’s immigration policies in 2011 when he was 17. He was arrested recently on charges of supporting ISIS. He had trained with machine guns before coming to the US. Judicial Watch 2016 Jan 12 (Story) (Cached)
A video from a German school shows Muslim migrant teens speaking about how they find Germans “disgusting” and that the country would be better off if they all disappeared. Even after supposedly “integrating” into society, many immigrants still harbor deep animosity toward the host population. D. Taggart 2016 Jan 11 (Story)
Arizona State Senator, John Kavanagh, has introduced a bill that would make it illegal to film police without their permission. Free Thought Project 2016 Jan 11 (Story) (Cached)
Iraq: The US dropped two 2,000-pound bombs on a financial building in the city of Mosul. The stated purpose was to destroy several millions in cash that was controlled by ISIS. The media is saying that this proves a stronger US stance against ISIS, but we cannot ignore the fact that several million dollars is a mere token compared to the many millions per day that are derived from oil sales and financial support from America’s allies, the Saudis and the Turks. [The suspicion lingers that this bombing may be for show. In fact, there is no confirmation that the money was destroyed or even that it was there in the first place.] CNN 2016 Jan 11 (Story)
Yemen: Four people were killed when a hospital run by Doctors Without Borders was bombed for the third time in three months. The Saudis and their coalition forces have been dropping bombs in the middle of the city with disregard for civilians. A total of 2,795 civilians have died since the Saudis entered Yemen to fight the Houthis that are allies of Iran. Humanosphere 2016 Jan 11 (Story) (Cached)
Cologne, Germany: The number of women who have come forward to report attacks during a New Years celebration has risen to over 516. 40% of the complaints were for sexual assault. Over 100 more cases were reported in Hamburg and Stuttgart. Officials say the attacks appeared to be planned. Anti-immigration protesters were hit with water cannons and tear gas over the weekend. France24 2016 Jan 11 (Story)
Mexican actress, Kate Del Castillo, helped to arrange a secret meeting between actor, Sean Penn, and fugitive drug lord El Chapo Guzman Loera. Mexican officials say that digital communications between these parties were what made it possible to track and then capture El Chapo last week following a fierce gun battle. Breitbart 2016 Jan 10 (Story) (Cached)
Five employees of a bookstore in Hong Kong that sells books critical of the Chinese government are missing. There is no doubt in the minds of the population that they are victims of the Chinese government. Hong Kong is powerless to do anything about it, and the people can do nothing but protest. CBS News 2016 Jan 10 (Story)
California assemblyman, Travis Allen, has introduced a bill that would punish companies that boycott Israel in protest of its occupation of Palestine. JPost/ Mintpress News posted 2016 Jan 10 (Story) (Cached)
A recent survey reveals that 80% of cannabis users eventually give up prescription medications and alcohol in favor of pot. The pharmaceutical and alcohol industries are losing revenue because of it and are trying to stop the current trend for cannabis legalization. True Activist 2016 Jan 10 (Story) (Cached)
News and commentaries that reveal historical facts and trends that place current events into perspective and make it possible to anticipate future events.
Andrew Hoffman, a financial expert who specializes in precious metals, says that all major markets are being grossly manipulated, especially currencies, precious metals and commodities. Global trade has recently collapsed, and not a single freighter is operating in the Atlantic Ocean. Currencies are crashing due to inflation. He predicts that this is only the beginning of the crash and that the Dow soon will reflect reality. He recommends buying metals as protection against further currency devaluation. SilverSeek 2016 Jan 13 (Story) (Cached)
The setting of an oil benchmark price is how Wall Street banks control world oil prices. Russia is under great pressure to break free from having its oil prices determined by Wall Street but, to do this, it must decouple from what is called the US petro-dollar. That relates to the fact that, at present, all global oil sales are settled in US dollars. [If Russia, China, and other countries are able to break free from that mechanism, US global hegemony will come to an end.] New Eastern Outlook posted 2016 Jan 10 (Story) (Cached)
US: Research centers are attempting to incubate human tissue inside pigs and sheep in hopes of creating human organs for transplants. The process requires adding human cells to animal embryos in ways that could blur the line between species. There have been 20 pig-human and sheep-human chimera pregnancies in the past 12 months. Technology Review posted 2016 Jan 10 (Story) (Cached)
Need to Know is as serious as it gets, but laughter is good for the soul and helps to keep our equilibrium amid the chaos. So, here are quips, gags, and images to put a smile on your face. If you have some you would like to share, please send them here.
WIFE: “There is trouble with the car. It has water in the carburetor.”
HUSBAND: “Water in the carburetor? That’s ridiculous ”
WIFE: “I tell you the car has water in the carburetor.”
HUSBAND: “You don’t even know what a carburetor is. I’ll check it out. Where’s the car?”
WIFE: “In the pool”.
A man wanted to get something nice for Meg, his blonde girlfriend, so he bought her a cell phone and carefully explained all of its features.
The next day, Meg went shopping. Her phone rang and, to her astonishment, the call was from her boyfriend. “Hi Meg,” he said, “how do you like your new phone?”
Meg replied, “I just love it! It’s so small, and your voice is clear as a bell, but there’s one thing I don’t understand.” “What’s that, sweetie?” he asked.
“How did you know I was at Wal-Mart?”
Husband and wife had a tiff. Wife called up her mother and said, “He fought with me again, I am coming to live with you.”
Mom said, “No darling, he must pay for this. I am coming to live with you.”
Some things just have to be shared. If you know of some, please send them here.
Click here to see it being carved from one tree stump, including the animals, with a chain saw and hand grinder.
Comments under 300 words, please. We cannot engage in correspondence but do appreciate your contribution. We do not publish insults or attacks against other readers. Points should stand on their own merits. You are welcome to express your religious views but not to criticize the views of others. Our mission is to unify our readers, not divide them. Send comments here.
2016 Jan 11 from Steven Hanson
Hi Ed,
Enjoyed reading the latest edition. The Oregon issue can’t be solved by doing what they’re doing. It’s an issue of what property ownership means, and I can make a solid case against government ownership of anything. Property Rights exist because of the connection between a creature (people) and the domain and wealth it requires for its survival. The government isn’t a life-form. We are. It isn’t. Rights don’t apply to government, only to people.
With respect to the issue of holding the seller of the bullets liable for the buyer’s use is fascinating because it is wrong in so many ways. However, why don’t we just turn it around? Hold the companies that sell bullets to the government liable for the damages caused by the use of those bullets by police, military, etc.? What’s good for the goose is good for the gander, right?
How insane it is to hold one person responsible for the choices made by another. The crux of this issue is the insane idea that the responsibility and ownership of our choices belongs to someone else.
2016 Jan 11 from John Dilday
Oregon is a repeat of feral public servants taking land and abridging un-a-lien-able rights to land. Read Websters 1828 Dictionary definition of allodium…. “in the United States most lands are allodial”
If land can be taken from the people so can all other rights, including life.
2016 Jan 11 from Charity Jessop
Dear Mr. Griffin,
Sir, I am sort of disappointed in you, but maybe you have not talked to Ammon Bundy yourself? The government/media is really trying to down what those patriots are doing, if you haven’t noticed. The government we have can break all kinds of laws and get away with it. Must we just let them continue to illegally take people’s land away and not do anything? I believe they will continue doing it until the people stand up as a whole and say “NO MORE!”
Don’t you see what is going on? “They came for the Jews, but I was not a Jew.. so I turned my head.” I think you know what I am talking about. Please don’t tell me that you are listening to the government/ media!
Hello Charity.
My view on this issue will appear as the editorial at the top of this news page – and it definitely is not the result of listening to the the government or the media. It has to do with the difference between fighting to win vs. fighting to lose. It is not about being willing to draw a line in the sand but knowing where to draw it. Thanks for writing – and for caring.
2016 Jan 11 from Bill Goode.
Dear Mr Griffin, I have read your article, “Standoff in Oregon”. You have mischaracterized the Hammonds in saying they “… objected to their prison sentence but were not resisting.” I was at the 15 December 2015 meeting in Burns, Oregon, when Ammon Bundy and Ryan Payne helped establish the Harney County Committee of Safety. Since then I’m in touch with the chairman of that committee, as is Ammon. I was also at the protest in Burns, Oregon, 2 January 2016.
The protest was sponsored and led by a group called the 3 Percenters. As Ammon was announcing his intention to takeover the Wildlife Refuge, the leaders of the protest march made it very clear that Ammon’s intention was not their intention. They made it clear to everyone that what Ammon Bundy was suggesting had nothing whatsoever to do with the protest.
There were two distinctly different groups – 1) The 3 Percenters, leading and sponsoring the protest march and 2) The group lead by Ammon Bundy to takeover the Wildlife Refuge. I have known Dwight and his wife Susie Hammond since about last July 2015, when I became interested in helping them with their plight. I met with Dwight for about 4 days to draft an affidavit about the events he has suffered since 2001. I also met briefly with Steven Hammond.
To say Dwight was not resisting is not true. He has been widely characterized in the press as a coward, not willing to stand for his rights, but it’s not the case. Even as the protesters greeted the Hammonds in their front yard, Dwight told them his case was not about him, but about pursuing freedom in America.
Dwight declined to sign the affidavit that he and I wrote out of fear for himself and his family. He has received threats on his life. On or about 19 November 2015, Frank Papagni, prosecuting attorney against the Hammonds, expressed to Dwight and Steven, through their worthless attorneys, that if they did not cease communication with Ammon Bundy, they would be detained early and go to a less desirable prison. In addition, pain and suffering would be brought on their families. This is the reason Dwight has not fought hard against the charges brought against him. Steven is a much younger man and has been more amenable to going to prison.
I took the affidavit, that Dwight & I wrote, and rewrote it as my own affidavit attesting to what Dwight had told me. You can view it here.
2016 Jan 9 from Ken Bradley
BonnieBonnie and I are back from two weeks in Honolulu. Oahu is experiencing a high rise and single-family building boom. Honolulu and Waikiki are going up scale and, if the trend continues, they will look like Rodeo Drive in the near future.
Crowds in Waikiki were heavy, and sometimes it was hard just to walk down the street. Hilton Hawaiian Village is putting up a new tower, Ritz Carlton is building a huge high rise in Waikiki, and it is sold out even before it’s finished, and the International Marketplace, the last tacky holdout to the upscaling is now being converted to 75 upscale shops.
Ala Moana shopping center is being expanded by building a new 5-level structure in the former Sears parking lot, and Ward Warehouse is being converted to a high-rise condo. Aloha Tower used to have tacky kiosks but is now the Mid-Pacific University.
With all this upscaling and building I’m wondering who in Oahu can afford to shop in all these existing and planned shops and live in the high rises. Certainly not the native Hawaiians who may be pushed out of Hawaii to places like Las Vegas that have a lower cost of living and a huge Hawaiian population already.
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Time is running out to disconnect your savings from the dollar. Here is an investment-advisory program that offers excellent financial advice for prospering in a crumbling economy and includes a plan for restoring the system to new highs of liberty and prosperity. Includes segments by G. Edward Griffin. Offered by the Success Council here.
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Being informed is not enough. Knowledge, by itself, is not power, but it holds the potential for power if we use it as a guide for action. Truth always will be defeated by tyranny unless we are willing to step forward and enter the battle. The future belongs, not to ideas, but to people who act on those ideas. If you truly want to make a difference in the world, Freedom Force International awaits you.
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Dentistry ruins health by: mercury fillings, root canals, implants, fluoride, pulling wisdom teeth, tooth extraction causing cavitations, ignoring cranial bones, pulling teeth for orthodontia, ignoring acidity that causes bone loss, etc. (206) 623-4674 or www.toothwisdom.info.
Why should you care about what’s happening to G. Edward Griffin’s blood pressure? Because the same could happen to yours – and that might make a huge difference in your longevity. See how he lowered his blood pressure without drugs and their side effects. Look at the results achieved by others. If you are over 40, you owe it to yourself to know about this.
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PRICE SLASHED! Gold and silver mine with long history of excellent production. Huge untapped reserves. Includes fully operational mill. All permits in place. Owners need to liquidate. Take advantage of current depressed gold price to acquire at half its value. Call or email the contacts below for more information: Charlie Brissette at 818-395-2389, cb@madisonmining.com or Ralph Johnsrud at 406-529-6900, ralphjohnsrudnvibe@msn.com.
Titanic; A Perfect Crime
This novel explores little known facts of that famous tragedy and provides jaw-dropping insights to new discoveries that came with the finding of the 100-year-old ship wreck. The book’s scenario of what really happened that fateful night is amazingly consistent with the historical record. No other theory explains so many parts of the mystery. (More)
Clarence Darrow
2016 January 2 – 8
2016 January 2 – 8
Standoff in Oregon
Standoff in Oregon
The biggest U.S. news this week, in terms of print space and air time devoted to it, is about the occupation of a federal wildlife facility in a remote area of Oregon by a group of states-rights advocates.
Originally, this group assembled as a protest over the fact that two local ranchers had been sentenced to prison for conducting controlled burns on land they leased from the federal government. However, the plot was complicated by the fact that the protest was led, not by local residents, but by Ammon Bundy, the son of Cliven Bundy of Nevada, who traveled to Oregon for that purpose.
The Bundys were key figures at the famous Bundy-Ranch standoff in Nevada in 2014 against agents of the federal Bureau of Land Management who demanded the removal of his cattle from federal land that the Bundy family had leased for over a hundred years. When the Bundys were joined by supporters from the local community and neighboring states who arrived to physically confront the agents, the feds backed down, temporarily, at least.
When Ammon Bundy emerged in Oregon as the apparent leader of the group that seized the federal facility there, it was widely perceived as a repeat of the drama in Nevada, and many Tenth-Amendment advocates instinctively were drawn to support it. However, upon closer examination, there are some important differences.
1. In Nevada, the feds had initiated physical action against property (they were taking Bundy’s cattle) and Bundy was responding in defense mode. In Oregon, the Hammonds objected to their prison sentence but were not resisting. They even turned themselves in voluntarily. The protestors (not the Hammonds) were the ones who initiated physical force by breaking into the wildlife facility and occupying the property. Declaring that they were doing so in the name of the people is the same argument used by collectivist governments when they seize property.
2. In Nevada, there was substantial support and friendly sentiment from local residents. In Oregon, local residents appear to be hostile to the protestors, who they view as outsiders messing up their community.
3. In Nevada, the goal of the resistance (leave Bundy’s cattle alone) was specific and limited. It was possible to achieve without all-out war, and it allowed the federal government to save face without escalating to bloodshed. In Oregon, the goal of the resistance is to occupy the federal facility indefinitely and use it as a base to build military-style opposition to the federal government. This leaves no possible resolution other than a test of military strength. If continued on this course, a bloodbath is assured.
It may be argued that it is time to draw a line in the sand and, if that means a bloodbath, so be it. I plan to deal with that topic in the next issue, and it will focus on the difference between a revolution and a revolt. Revolutions often succeed, but revolts always fail. The Oregon resistance is a classic revolt.
G. Edward Griffin
2016 January 8
A US Hellfire missile, shipped to Europe for NATO use, has appeared in Cuba. Authorities are concerned that the weapon will be reverse engineered with the technical information falling into the hands of Russia and China and their allies. Gizmodo 2016 Jan 8 (Story) (Cached)
South Florida University tenured Professor, James Tracy, was fired for questioning the official narrative about the mass shootings at Sandy Hook in Newtown, Connecticut in 2012. Due to many anomalies in the official story and suppression of critical information, he believes that the event was staged, and the shooting did not even happen. Before dismissing that view as absurd, you may be surprised at the evidence to support it. Stephen Lendman 2016 Jan 7 (Story) (Cached)
Easton, Pennsylvania: Wal-Mart faces a lawsuit on charges that store employees negligently allowed an underage, intoxicated customer to buy a box of bullets later used to commit three murders. Until recently, sellers of guns and ammunition assumed they were protected from liability by the federal Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, but a Wisconsin jury recently found a gun store liable in the shooting deaths of two police officers. Reuters 2016 Jan 7 (Story) (Cached)
Gary Franchi reveals that Libya is the next front of the war against ISIS. 6,000 European and US troops soon will be deployed there, including 1,000 British Special Forces. He says that Islamic extremists have taken possession of a dozen major oil fields that fund their activities. [We do not expect this to turn out any better than US military action in Afghanistan, Iraq, or Syria.] Next News Network 2016 Jan 7 (Story)
California has issued more than 605,000 drivers licenses to immigrants, granting them identifying documents, without requiring proof that they are in the country legally. AP 2016 Jan 6 (Story) (Cached)
California: Two and a-half months after an enormous methane gas leak appeared in northern Los Angeles, Governor Jerry Brown declared a state of emergency. It is speculated that the delay may have been a result of the fact that the governor’s sister is a member of the board of directors of Sempra Energy, the parent company of SoCalGas, which owns the leaking well. Sempra has donated to Brown’s campaigns since 2006, so it possible that Brown is motivated to protect the financial interests of Sempra. Buzz Feed News 2016 Jan 6 (Story) (Cached)
North Korea claims to have detonated a hydrogen bomb, which is twice as destructive as an atomic bomb. It was exploded underground, leaving scientists unsure of whether it was really an H-bomb or if North Korea is bluffing. Scientists now are busy examining the evidence to find out. Wired 2016 Jan 6 (Story) (Cached)
Sandra Bland mysteriously died by hanging in her prison cell three days after her arrest for failure to use her turn signal. Her family says she should not have been arrested and would never kill herself. Brian Encinia is the Texas state trooper who arrested her and who was suspected of excessive force and brutality. A grand jury investigated the case and indicted Encinia for perjury relating to the arrest but did not confirm the charge of brutality. CNN 2016 Jan 6 (Story)
Cologne, Germany: On New Year’s Eve, there were a thousand rioters and scores of mob sexual assaults on women in the street perpetrated by migrant young men from Syria and North Africa. However, on New Year’s Day, authorities issued a press release claiming the previous night was “peaceful” and without incident. [The political agenda of Germany’s leaders is to suppress any news that would interfere with the ongoing cultural suicide of the nation.] InfoWars 2016 Jan 6 (Story) (Cached)
A Chinese company has produced a single-passenger drone that autonomously flies people from one location to another (the passenger does not have access to the controls except for an emergency hovering or landing). The company says it should be commercially available this year, at a cost of $200,000 to $300,000. Gizmodo 2016 Jan 6 (Story) (Cached)
Cologne, Germany: At least 80 women filed complaints of sexual assault on New Year’s Eve by men who appeared to be Arab and North African. Hamburg also had problems with groups of men hunting women. News Beat Social 2016 Jan 5 (Story)
The war in Yemen between the Saudis and the Shia Muslim Houthis has killed at least 5,884 people since the beginning of Saudi airstrikes in March. The Doctors Without Borders organization blames the Saudis for bombing their hospital in Sanaa, Yemen. The country now is at risk for widespread famine. UK Independent 2016 Jan 5 (Story) (Cached)
Obama has announced his latest gun-control measures. They include: expanded background checks for private sales, hiring 200 more BATF agents, clearing the way for denying gun ownership based on mental-health medical records, and promoting ‘smart guns’ that fire only for the designated user. [It is likely that a designated user could become undesignated at any time by the government.] CNN 2016 Jan 5 (Story)
US: Maine’s Secretary of State announced that the Libertarian Party is not qualified for ballot access. The reason is that state officials failed to process all of the registration cards submitted by the party to prove it has over 5,000 registered members, which is required for ballot access. 6,400 cards were submitted, but officials stopped counting at 4,489 in what appears to be a deliberate move to prevent the Libertarian Party from appearing on the ballot. Truth In Media 2016 Jan 4 (Story) (Cached)
Obama rule allows doctors to turn in gun owners who they think may be mentally ill. The purpose is to deny them of their Second Amendment right to bear arms. InfoWars 2016 Jan 4 (Story) (Cached)
Protesters are converging in Burns, Oregon, in support of rancher Dwight Hammond and his son, Steven, who were convicted of arson and sentenced to prison for conducting controlled burns on federal land they had leased. Ammon Bundy, son of Cliven Bundy of Nevada, is leading an occupation of the empty headquarters building of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. So far, there has been no police or military response, but it is inevitable. ABC News 2016 Jan 3 (Story)
Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump, challenged Democrat candidate, Hillary Clinton, to disarm her bodyguards to prove her claim that guns don’t keep people safe. UPI 2016 Jan 3 (Story) (Cached)
Reporter, David Knight, who was present at the Bundy Ranch showdown with the feds in Nevada in 2014, says that the actions taken there were justified and the strategies were sound. However, he explains why he thinks the new protest in Oregon, led by Ammon Bundy, is not wise. Perhaps the most important of those reasons is that it is not supported by the local population or even by the Hammonds, whose arrest was the trigger for the protest. InfoWars 2016 Jan 3 (Story)
Nigel Farage, leader of the UK Independent Party (UKIP), had a front wheel come off his car while driving on a busy highway and had to jump over a road divider to escape being hit by oncoming traffic. Police said all four lug nuts on the wheel had been uniformly loosened and that it looked like an attempt on his life. Breitbart 2016 Jan 3 (Story) (Cached)
Saudi Arabia has a Sunni Muslim majority, and the government executed 47 people in a single day from the Shi’ite Muslim minority. Mainstream media are reporting that all of the victims were al-Qaeda members, but Namr al-Namr, a popular Shia cleric who preached non-violence, also was killed. Iran hosts a Shi’ite majority, and citizens there set fire to the Saudi embassy. CBS News 2016 Jan 2 (Story)
Jackson, Mississippi: Councilman, Kenneth Stokes, said black leaders should encourage citizens to throw rocks, bricks, and bottles at police who are in pursuit of small-time criminals. He did not explain how citizens were to know what crimes had been committed by those being pursued. CNN 2016 Jan 2 (Story)
California: Activists are working to get a bill on the ballot that, if passed, would require California state lawmakers to wear patches identifying their financial backers, just like NASCAR drivers. What started as a joke is now being pushed seriously. [We doubt that politicians would vote for this, but it’s interesting to see the action develop.] Vice posted 2016 Jan 2 (Story) (Cached)
India’s New Delhi region has the world’s worst pollution, 40% worse than Beijing in China and almost 700% worse than Los Angeles. Scientists say coal-fired power plants, vehicle emissions, construction dust, crop burning, and cooking fuel are the sources of the pollution. CNN Money posted 2016 Jan 2 (Story)
News and commentaries that reveal historical facts and trends that place current events into perspective and make it possible to anticipate future events.
China’s yuan was added to the International Monetary Fund’s international basket of currencies in November, bolstering the prestige of the yuan. China’s central bank then proceeded to devalue its currency to stimulate the sale of Japanese products to foreign buyers, and that caused international traders and hedge funds to sell off the currency quickly, sending its value lower than planned. For the second time this week, the Chinese stock exchange abruptly shut down all trading in response to what was perceived as panic selling. China’s desire to control its economy instead of allowing a free market has caused the yuan to fall in value and stature. WSJ 2016 Jan 7 (Story) (Cached)
The movie The Big Short shows the inner workings of the banking industry and the bundling of toxic mortgages that led to the US housing bubble and the 2008 financial meltdown. The end of the film warns that Goldman Sachs and other banks now are reviving the scam under the name of “bespoke tranche opportunity” investments. [Why would they risk another meltdown? Because they know their losses will be, once again, covered by taxpayers and depositors.] World Policy 2016 Jan 7 (Story) (Cached)
Here is an analysis of the reasons behind Saudi Arabia’s move against Iran. It’s all about oil prices and profit margins. Forbes 2016 Jan 4 (Story) (Cached)
Hawaii is facing a homeless crisis. Housing is so expensive that an estimated 7,000 people are living in tent cities, even though many of them have jobs. A Catholic priest is interviewed who says that it is a government problem. He implies that the government should provide more housing and more welfare for these people. He is clueless to the reality that more government housing and welfare always leads to more people seeking those benefits and merely increases the problem. The only way to reverse this trend is to get the government, with its taxes and regulations, off the backs of citizens so they can create jobs, increase wages, build homes, and take care of those in need without political intervention. CBS News 2016 Jan 2 (Story)
Need to Know is as serious as it gets, but laughter is good for the soul and helps to keep our equilibrium amid the chaos. So, here are quips, gags, and images to put a smile on your face. If you have some you would like to share, please send them here.
The book, Understanding Women, now is out
in paperback. Here is Volume One.
The English are feeling the pinch in relation to recent events in Syria and have therefore raised their security level from “Miffed” to “Peeved.” Soon, though, security levels may be raised yet again to “Irritated” or even “A Bit Cross.” The English have not been “A Bit Cross” since the blitz in 1940 when tea supplies nearly ran out.
Terrorists have been re-categorized from “Tiresome” to “A Bloody Nuisance.” The last time the British issued a “Bloody Nuisance” warning level was in 1588, when threatened by the Spanish Armada.
The Scots have raised their threat level from “Pissed Off” to “Let’s get the Bastards.” They don’t have any other levels. This is the reason they have been used on the front line of the British army for the last 300 years.
Some photos just have to be shared. Nature and animals are the greatest entertainers. If you know of some, please send them here.
Anyone know where or what this is?
Click to enlarge.
Comments under 300 words, please. We cannot engage in correspondence but do appreciate your contribution. We do not publish insults or attacks against other readers. Points should stand on their own merits. You are welcome to express your religious views but not to criticize the views of others. Our mission is to unify our readers, not divide them. Send comments here.
Posted 2015 Dec 29 from John Sneison, Council Member and Secretary
Hi Mr. Griffin, I want to say that the meeting at Paso Robles was humbling as I met so many fantastic human beings who are doing so much for Freedom and Individualism. I am proud to be part of Freedom Force and I am committed for life to keep The Creed of Freedom alive for as long as I live. I want to change our world so people can live voluntarily and non-aggressively. I know this will require a total effort from me and all of us to get the message heard. I am very excited to be a leader in my community and in my nation (Canada). I want to dedicate every breath of my life to promote the great word of Freedom and Individualism.
Posted 2015 Dec 27 from Dan Happel (newly elected member of the Leadership Council)
Hello Ed.
I made it back to Hawaii yesterday, but wanted to send this email to my friends that made the Second Congress of Freedom Force International an event to remember for the rest of our lives. I can’t express in words how proud I was to be associated with such a tremendous group of patriots and friends. Because of you participation and support the event came off with hardly a hitch and the presenters were world class in every way. I can hardly wait for the DVD of the event to be available to new and prospective candidates as a training aid and tool. You can all be very proud of your part in this watershed event in the restoration of our republic. Please stay in touch and help to spread the message of liberty across the globe…………we are going to win the war for the minds, hearts and souls of freedom-loving individuals everywhere. God bless you for all you do!
LIFTING THE VEIL: An Investigative History of the United States Pathocracy
by Timothy M. Silver
This book is not in print but may be downloaded online for free – with donations accepted. The author has chosen this method of distribution because he believes that a commercially printed version would be banned or confiscated. If you read it, you will see why. The book’s contents say it all:
Chapter I: The War on Terror is a Fraud
Chapter II: The OneParty State
Chapter III: Psychopathy, Power and Politics
Chapter IV: Operation Paperclip
Chapter V: MKULTRA
Chapter VI: Operation Gladio
Chapter VII: Operation Mockingbird
Chapter IX: The Phoenix Program
Chapter X: Iran/Contra
Chapter XI: Continuity of Government
Chapter XII: The Pedophocracy
Chapter XIII: Cults and Child Abuse
Chapter XIV: TraumaBased Mind Control
Chapter XV: The Pathocracy
Chapter XVI: Solutions
Chapter XVII: The Awakening
We suggest you print a copy and send a donation.
Here is the link.
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The appearance of ads on this site does not signify endorsement by the publisher. We do not attempt to verify the accuracy of statements made therein or vouch for the integrity of advertisers. However, we will investigate complaints from readers and remove any message we find to be misleading or that promotes anything fraudulent, illegal, or unethical.
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Being informed is not enough. Knowledge, by itself, is not power, but it holds the potential for power if we use it as a guide for action. Truth always will be defeated by tyranny unless we are willing to step forward and enter the battle. The future belongs, not to ideas, but to people who act on those ideas. If you truly want to make a difference in the world, Freedom Force International awaits you.
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Why should you care about what’s happening to G. Edward Griffin’s blood pressure? Because the same could happen to yours – and that might make a huge difference in your longevity. See how he lowered his blood pressure without drugs and their side effects. Look at the results achieved by others. If you are over 40, you owe it to yourself to know about this.
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PRICE SLASHED! Gold and silver mine with long history of excellent production. Huge untapped reserves. Includes fully operational mill. All permits in place. Owners need to liquidate. Take advantage of current depressed gold price to acquire at half its value. Call or email the contacts below for more information: Charlie Brissette at 818-395-2389, cb@madisonmining.com or Ralph Johnsrud at 406-529-6900, ralphjohnsrudnvibe@msn.com.
Titanic; A Perfect Crime
This novel explores little known facts of that famous tragedy and provides jaw-dropping insights to new discoveries that came with the finding of the 100-year-old ship wreck. The book’s scenario of what really happened that fateful night is amazingly consistent with the historical record. No other theory explains so many parts of the mystery. (More)
Margaret Thatcher
2015 December 26 – 2016 January 1
2015 December 26 – 2016 January 1
“If destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher.”
“If destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher.”
The FBI has thwarted yet another terrorist attack that it planned and financed from the beginning. FBI agents recruited a mentally ill ex-convict, Emanuel Lutchman, and supplied him with equipment for a suicide attack that included masks, zip-ties, knives, duct tape, ammonia, and latex gloves. It is now common for the FBI to create terror plots from scratch to keep the public in a constant state of fear. Under such conditions, there will be little opposition to growth of government and loss of liberty in the name of fighting terrorism. Prison Planet 2016 Jan 1 (Story) (Cached)
Fethullah Gulen is a Turkish Muslim Iman living in Pennsylvania who FBI officials say is a dangerous radical.
The CIA, however, is known to be doing business with him. Gulen owns 130 charter schools across the US that are spreading radicalized ideas and Sharia law to impressionable young minds. These schools receive US taxpayer funding each year ranging from $150 million to as much as $500 million. InfoWars 2015 Dec 29 (Story)
These stories do not need explanation except to suggest that they clarify the warning of Abraham Lincoln, who said: “From whence shall we expect the approach of danger? Shall some trans-Atlantic military giant step the earth and crush us at a blow? Never. All the armies of Europe and Asia… could not by force take a drink from the Ohio River or make a track on the Blue Ridge in the trial of a thousand years. No, if destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher.”
2016 will present many challenges to liberty but, in spite of the darkness of our hour, the force of freedom is on the rise. In the new year before us, we will have many opportunities to change the course of history. It’s an exciting time in which to live.
G. Edward Griffin
2016 January 1
Fort Morgan, Colorado: A meat packing plant owned by Cargill has fired nearly 200 Muslim employees after they walked off the job and failed to show up for work for three days in a dispute over the company’s accommodations for their prayers. Cargill set up a ‘reflection room’ in 2009 for their prayers, but now the Somalis contend that they were told they could go home if they wanted to pray. More than 2000 are employed at the facility, and an estimated 600 are immigrants from Somalia. The 400 Somalis with good attendance are still employed. Denver Post 2015 Dec 31 (Story) (Cached)
Goldwater Creek, a 15-mile waterway in St. Louis, remains contaminated by nuclear waste from the WWII Manhattan Project. Today, the number of cancer cases in that area is significantly higher than the national average. RT 2015 Dec 31 (Story)
California has passed a law requiring a 21-day gun confiscation from anyone the government labels as potentially violent or mentally unstable. Being branded as a mental case, a potentially violent individual, an alcoholic,or an anger-management case will become an increasingly common excuse to suspend the constitutional right to bear arms. SHTF Plan 2015 Dec 31 (Story) (Cached)
Swiss army chief André Blattmann warns that the risks of violence and social unrest are growing and he is advising citizens to arm themselves against dangerously aggressive displaced people who have flooded into Europe. ZeroHedge 2015 Dec 30 (Story) (Cached)
Ethan Couch, the “affluenza” teen who killed four people in a drunk-driving accident in 2013, was found in Mexico with his mother and now is fighting deportation. He received no jail time for his drunk-driving crime but was ordered to undergo rehab and probation. He failed to keep his probation appointment after a video emerged that allegedly showed him at a party where alcohol was consumed. His mother now faces criminal charges for interfering with the probation of a minor. CNN 2015 Dec 30 (Story)
Due to a $1.2 billion cut in its budget, the US Department of Justice has suspended its practice of sharing assets that have been seized in pursuit of administering federal laws. The move does not prevent local authorities from seizing property. It merely no longer allows them to keep what they take. The cannabis industry previously has been the hardest hit in the forfeiture scheme, especially in California where police are accustomed to keeping 80% of the confiscated property. Opposition by law enforcement to pro-cannabis legalization has been almost totally motivated by the threat of losing forfeiture money. Leafly 2015 Dec 29 (Story) (Cached)
While government-paid climate scientists continue to peddle fear of global warming, nature is not cooperating. A new glacier is growing on the side of Mount St. Helens, an active volcano in Washington state. The author of this article contends that this is an anomaly and says (contrary to fact) that glaciers are decreasing everywhere else in the world. Conde Nast Traveler posted 2015 Dec 28 (Story) (Cached)
Confessions of an ISIS soldier: “The training took place in Turkey”. A former ISIS communication technician has revealed that ISIS had the full cooperation of the Turks and could pass across the NATO member’s border in truck convoys. German media reports that ISIS has an office in Turkey through which it sells slaves obtained from conquered territory. Turkey is the training ground for ISIS soldiers who claim to be part of the Free Syrian Army, supported by the West, but which really is ISIS. ZeroHedge 2015 Dec 28 (Story) (Cached)
Florida: Police officers with the Bal Harbour Police Department and the Glades County Sheriff’s Office are under federal investigation for allegedly laundering $55.6 million for drug cartels under the guise of a joint anti-drug task force. This operation allowed them to make $2.4 million for themselves. The police have been described as bandits with badges. Cop Block 2015 Dec 28 (Story) (Cached)
US: Senator Chris Coons from Delaware is asking for a new ‘surtax’ to pay for the war against ISIS. The current cost of fighting ISIS, which is being financed and supplied by the US, the Saudis, and Turkey, is $11 million per day. InfoWars 2015 Dec 29 (Story)
The US is the world’s top weapons manufacturer. Sales jumped in 2014 to $36.2 billion, a 35% increase in one year. Most of the contracts were with Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and South Korea, and were negotiated by the federal government on behalf of private weapons manufacturers. WeMeantWell 2015 Dec 28 (Story) (Cached)
A company named Hive Computing wants to turn smart meters, attached to homes and businesses, into a networked supercomputer. These meters, which have the computing power of a cell phone, sit idle 95% of the time, so the plan is to put that unused computing power to work as close to 100% of the time as possible. Naturally, meter manufacturers and utility companies are on board with the idea, but people with health problems relating to exposure to smart-meter radiation are not happy campers. Smart Grid Awareness posted 2015 Dec 28 (Story) (Cached)
Houston, Texas: George Pickering II was convinced that his 27-year old son, who was in a coma following a massive stroke, still had life in him and he refused to allow doctors to take his son off life support. Pickering fended off medics with a gun to stop them. Three hours later, after Pickering surrendered to a SWAT team, doctors were amazed that Pickering’s son was making eye contact and following commands. Pickering spent ten months in jail, but was released in time to spend Christmas at home with his son, who now is completely recovered. RT posted 2015 Dec 26 (Story)
Czech President Milos Zeman describes the current wave of refugees into Europe as “an organized invasion”. He says that young men from Syria and Iraq should, instead, take up arms and fight against ISIS. The Czech Republic and Slovakia have rejected the EU’s migrant quota, and 70% of their citizens oppose migration. AFP 2015 Dec 26 (Story) (Cached)
The European Parliament announced a new banking policy that allows bail-ins to make up for the losses of failing banks. Bail-ins are similar to bail-outs in that, in both cases, banks are saved from bankruptcy by the legalized confiscation of money from the public. In a bail-out, the money is taken from taxpayers. In a bail-in, it is taken from depositors. The Federal Reserve in the US recently declared that it will no longer use bail-outs to prop up its member banks. That means, the Fed is prepared to follow the same procedure as the EU but merely has not yet made an official announcement to that effect. [Are you ready? If you have over $100,000 in any bank, you are not.] Economic Collapse posted 2015 Dec 26 (Story) (Cached)
News and commentaries that reveal historical facts and trends that place current events into perspective and make it possible to anticipate future events.
Max Wright explains that so-called free-trade agreements do not promote free trade and have distorted the markets instead of creating wealth. Money and assets flow to where they are treated the best, so they gravitate to free markets. The wealth gap is virtually absent in free markets. Socialism is a magnet for corruption. Contrarian Dude 2015 Dec 29 (Story)
Michael Burry, a contrarian Wall Street investor who predicted and made large gains from the 2008 financial crisis, says that ‘little guy’ investors and small borrowers will be crushed in the upcoming economic crisis. He advises being suspicious when the government or banks offer free money, no matter how seductive the deals may seem. ZeroHedge 2015 Dec 29 (Story) (Cached)
Michael Burry delivered the commencement address to the UCLA graduating class of 2012 and revealed how he was able to see the 2008 crash coming when the Federal Reserve did not. He sees the building of another crash of even greater proportions and tells what to do about it. There is much wisdom in this short address. UCLA posted 2012 Jun 29 (Story)
Sweden is using cashless transactions in 95% of all retail purchases, and Denmark intends to eradicate cash by 2030. Spain has banned cash sales over €2,500, while France and Italy have banned cash sales over €1,000. Westpac Bank says Australia will be cashless by 2022, and India is offering tax benefits to those who participate in cashless programs. Governments want this because all transactions can be tracked and taxed. Banks want it because they will receive transaction fees on all purchases rather than just some of them. Consumers meekly accept it because they have been told it will reduce theft and that it is inevitable, neither one of which is true. Economic Collapse 2015 Dec 27 (Story) (Cached)
German researchers have found gaping security holes in bank debit and credit-card transactions. Using Wi-Fi technology, card numbers and pin numbers can be stolen from the terminals that read them. Banks have knowledge of this problem but have done nothing to overcome it, possibly because of the enormous cost to do so. It cannot be fixed by a simple software patch but would require a re-design of the whole system. RT posted 2015 Dec 27 (Story)
Bitcoin is being challenged by a perceived difference in fungibility between old and new units. Fungibility is the quality of money that allows one unit to be equal in value to all others. The value of older Bitcoin may decrease because it has a provable transaction history that may reveal its use for an illegal purchases from websites like The Silk Road that sold illicit drugs. New, virgin Bitcoin could become more highly valued if governments declare that Bitcoin once used in illegal trade can be confiscated. Bitcoin Magazine posted 2015 Dec 26 (Story) (Cached)
Need to Know is as serious as it gets, but laughter is good for the soul and helps to keep our equilibrium amid the chaos. So, here are quips, gags, and images to put a smile on your face. If you have some you would like to share, please send them here.
Stop it! Click and enjoy.
Some photos just have to be shared. Nature and animals are the greatest entertainers. If you know of some, please send them here.
Innocence. Click to enlarge.
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Posted 2015 Dec 29 from John Sneison, Council Member and Secretary
Hi Mr. Griffin, I want to say that the meeting at Paso Robles was humbling as I met so many fantastic human beings who are doing so much for Freedom and Individualism. I am proud to be part of Freedom Force and I am committed for life to keep The Creed of Freedom alive for as long as I live. I want to change our world so people can live voluntarily and non-aggressively. I know this will require a total effort from me and all of us to get the message heard. I am very excited to be a leader in my community and in my nation (Canada). I want to dedicate every breath of my life to promote the great word of Freedom and Individualism.
Posted 2015 Dec 27 from Dan Happel (newly elected member of the Leadership Council)
Hello Ed.
I made it back to Hawaii yesterday, but wanted to send this email to my friends that made the Second Congress of Freedom Force International an event to remember for the rest of our lives. I can’t express in words how proud I was to be associated with such a tremendous group of patriots and friends. Because of you participation and support the event came off with hardly a hitch and the presenters were world class in every way. I can hardly wait for the DVD of the event to be available to new and prospective candidates as a training aid and tool. You can all be very proud of your part in this watershed event in the restoration of our republic. Please stay in touch and help to spread the message of liberty across the globe…………we are going to win the war for the minds, hearts and souls of freedom-loving individuals everywhere. God bless you for all you do!
LIFTING THE VEIL: An Investigative History of the United States Pathocracy
by Timothy M. Silver
This book is not in print but may be downloaded online for free – with donations accepted. The author has chosen this method of distribution because he believes that a commercially printed version would be banned or confiscated. If you read it, you will see why. The book’s contents say it all:
Chapter I: The War on Terror is a Fraud
Chapter II: The OneParty State
Chapter III: Psychopathy, Power and Politics
Chapter IV: Operation Paperclip
Chapter V: MKULTRA
Chapter VI: Operation Gladio
Chapter VII: Operation Mockingbird
Chapter IX: The Phoenix Program
Chapter X: Iran/Contra
Chapter XI: Continuity of Government
Chapter XII: The Pedophocracy
Chapter XIII: Cults and Child Abuse
Chapter XIV: TraumaBased Mind Control
Chapter XV: The Pathocracy
Chapter XVI: Solutions
Chapter XVII: The Awakening
We suggest you print a copy and send a donation.
Here is the link.
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