It’s called a soft revolution

Last week’s editorial concluded that there are two kinds of revolution: violent and non-violent, and that, in the modern world, non-violent or “soft” revolutions as they are called, are the only ones that stand any chance of success.

We know that militarily powerful regimes can be replaced without violent revolution, because they already have been. The United States, for example, was slowly converted to a collectivist regime through exactly that process.

Governments can be seized through the mass media, the educational system, the entertainment industry, the banking system, and the ballot. Had conquest been attempted through force and violence, it would have failed.

Last week, I wrote: “The new battlefields are the power centers of society: the organizations and institutions that shape national policy. That’s where we lost control to the collectivists and, if we are ever going to get it back, that’s where we will do it.”

Soft revolutions, however, just like revolutions of force and violence, can never succed without leaders, planning, organization, strategy, and funding, so the question is: can these requirements be met within the present freedom movement?

The answer is a resounding yes, and there is an organization, called Freedom Force International, that was designed specifically for that purpose.

I created Freedom Force in 2002 to become the nexus of a global network of people who have the will to participate in a soft revolution for freedom and the imagination to envision a path to that end.

If you would like to know what that path looks like and where it is headed, I invite you to visit the Freedom Force website here.

G. Edward Griffin
2016 February 5


US: Rand Paul has abandoned his campaign for President due to decline in support from Libertarians who disliked his pandering to neocons and the Israeli lobby. AntiWar 2016 Feb 5 (Story) (Cached)

Tens of thousands of civilians are fleeing from Aleppo, Syria’s largest city, due to the Russian blitz that has dropped 200 bombs per day on the city. Russian and Iranian-backed forces are targeting villages held by rebel forces [that include US-backed ISIS terror groups]. Rebel supply lines have been cut. Assad’s position will grow stronger with rebel forces subdued. Euronews 2016 Feb 5 (Story)

Up to 70,000 Syrian refugees are headed to the Turkish border in the wake of Russian air strikes in Syria. Russia has accused Turkey of preparing to invade Syria. Meanwhile. the Saudis have offered to put troops on the ground in Syria to fight ISIS. Ironically, these are the same terrorists that received massive funding from Saudi donors in the past. More than 250,000 people have died in the Syrian war and eleven million more have fled their homes. BBC News 2016 Feb 5 (Story) (Cached)

Congress has proposed expanding the US Postal Service to act as a commercial bank. Critics believe it is a way to get Americans to unwittingly pay off the USPS debt of $51 billion. The Post Office has operated at a loss for many decades. There is no reason it will not continue to do so as a bank. The only difference is that the losses will be larger and, as usual, passed along to taxpayers. ZeroHedge 2016 Feb 4 (Story) (Cached)

The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a secretly negotiated treaty between 12 countries, including the US, Canada and Japan, that now will go directly to legislators for ratification without debate. The TPP establishes a punishing centralized authority that will allow corporations to nullify safety, environmental, and labor laws that limit their profits. It also allows corporations to censor adverse information about themselves on the Internet. Boing Boing 2016 Feb 4 (Story) (Cached)

US: Ten million pages of formerly secret CIA documents have been declassified after 25 years, as required by law, but they can only be accessed in bound books at the CIA archives in Maryland. Activist, Michael Best, has opened a Kickstarter campaign to raise funds for a scanner and other equipment needed to electronically publish the papers. The information covers such activities as narcotics and arms dealings to paranormal and remote viewing programs. RT 2016 Feb 3 (Story)

A Flint, Michigan, woman testified before Congress about an EPA test of her home’s water that showed lead levels were double that of hazardous waste levels. Then, the report was covered up by the EPA and state regulatory agencies. CNN 2016 Feb 3 (Story)

Ted Cruz won an upset victory in the Iowa Republican caucuses, defeating front-runner Donald Trump by a slim margin. Microsoft provided the technology to count the votes, even though there was a conflict-of-interest, because Microsoft is the second largest campaign donor to Marco Rubio, and his numbers had a surprising boost, which took the winning edge from Trump. Return of Kings 2016 Feb 2 (Story) (Cached)

The Federal Reserve is stress-testing US banks to evaluate the effect of negative interest rates on their operations. Negative interest rates are merely a way for banks to deduct their operating costs and losses from the accounts of their depositors. This already is being done in Europe and seems inevitable in the US, as the economy continues to wither under the burden of taxes, inflation, regulations, fraud, and corruption. Bloomberg 2016 Feb 2 (Story)

The Pentagon has announced a 400% increase in its defense budget for Europe – citing Russian aggression as the main reason. RT 2016 Feb 2 (Story)

Florida Governor Rick Scott declared a state of emergency when nine cases of the Zika virus were reported in four counties. The media is reporting that a Zika case in Houston was spread, not by a mosquito, but through sexual transmission. WABC News 2016 Feb 2 (Story)

Saudi Arabia has arrested 33 people on suspicion of terrorism, and nine of the detainees are said to be Americans. The arrests were made during “pre-emptive raids” on six terrorist cells. Daily Caller 2016 Feb 1 (Story) (Cached)

The UK has issued a landmark ruling that authorizes researchers to conduct gene-modification experiments on human embryos. The embryos will be donated by patients undergoing In-Vitro-Fertilization treatment and will be destroyed after seven days. Motherboard 2016 Feb 1 (Story) (Cached)

Twenty-one executives from China’s largest peer-to-peer money-lending service have been arrested on suspicion of conducting a Ponzi scheme. $7.6 billion has been fleeced from 900,000 people nationwide. Investor fraud has become a major problem in China where low interest rates, unstable housing prices, and a weak stock market have sent citizens looking for alternate investments. Quartz 2016 Jan 31 (Story) (Cached)

Facebook moves to ban person-to-person gun sales by users of Facebook and Instagram. ITN News 2016 Jan 31 (Story)

Nigeria: Members of the Boko Haram terror group murdered more than 100 victims, including children, who were burned alive. Since 2009, Boko Haram has killed 20,000 people and driven another 2.5 million from their homes. Breitbart 2016 Jan 31 (Story) (Cached)

Researchers report that lauric acid found in coconut oil kills more than 90% of colon cancer cells in vitro within two days. Studies on animals are being planned. My Fit posted 2016 Jan 31 (Story) (Cached)

Anonsec is a hacker group that claims to have broken into NASA’s computers to obtain the agency’s geoengineering data. They say they also hijacked a NASA drone. NASA has denied the charges, but many questions remain. [Anonsec says that cloud-seeding and geoengineering are merely different words for the same thing. They are not. Cloud seeding is the low-altitude dumping of silver-iodide crystals into clouds to cause or divert rain in localized areas. It is a well-known process that has been used openly for many years. Geoengineering involves high-altitude spraying of a wide range of chemicals designed to alter weather patterns on a continental or global scale. Officials say that geoengineering is a theoretical possibility but deny that it currently is being deployed. InfoWars 2016 Jan 31 (Story) (Cached)

Sweden: A gang of men wearing masks rampaged through the streets of Stockholm while handing out leaflets threatening to attack migrant street youths. This was in response to the murder of a 22-year-old aid worker in a house for young refugees. Her killer was reported to be 15-years old. The Australian 2016 Jan 31 (Story) (Cached)

California: Commercial farms that grow nuts, plums, citrus, and grapes in Kern County are buying wastewater from oil wells to grow their produce. Chevron Oil produces 21-million gallons of wastewater per day and sells it to farmers who use it on crops in one of the country’s primary produce-growing areas. Officially, no testing is done to detect toxic chemicals used in oil production. Organic Prepper 2016 Jan 31 (Story) (Cached)

300 scientists want National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to stop hiding its global climate data. NOAA personnel are accused of removing important data from the record in order to create the false claim of global warming. Daily Caller 2016 Jan 30 (Story) (Cached)

California: The largest methane leak in history is now underway in a wealthy suburb of Los Angeles. Repair crews have lost control of the operation, and hissing can be heard half a mile away. Toxic benzene also is leaking, and experts are saying that major explosions in the area, not only are possible, they are likely. SOTT posted 2016 Jan 30 (Story) (Cached)



News and commentaries that reveal historical facts and trends that place current events into perspective and make it possible to anticipate future events.


Germany: Bosch has invented a self-driving robot that identifies weeds on farmland and destroys them by stamping. This technology could be a serious competitor to herbicides. True Activist 2016 Feb 4 (Story) (Cached)

Investigative reporter, John Rappoport, makes a strong case for believing the Zika virus scare is being manufactured to justify a power grab by the World Health Organization and the Center for Disease Control. He shows that Reuters is reporting ZERO causal link between Zika and the thousands of children in Brazil who suffer from microcephaly. In other populations infected with Zika, there has been no increase in microcephaly. Jon Rappoport 2016 Feb 2 (Story)

FBI Special Agent, David Chaves, explains how the agency tracks people and gains intimate details about their personal lives in order to blackmail them into cooperating with investigations of Insider Trading. We can assume that the same techniques are used for other purposes as well. You will not like this. Business Insider 2016 Jan 31 (Story) (Cached)



Need to Know is as serious as it gets, but laughter is good for the soul and helps to keep our equilibrium amid the chaos. So, here are quips, gags, and images to put a smile on your face. If you have some you would like to share, please send them here.

A woman ran a red traffic light and crashed into a man’s car. Both cars were demolished but, amazingly, neither of them was hurt.

After they crawled out of their cars, the woman said; “Wow, just look at our cars! There’s nothing left, but fortunately we are unhurt. This must be a sign from God that we should meet and be friends and live together in peace for the rest of our days.”

The man replied,” Yes, this must be a sign from God!”

The woman continued, “And look at this, here’s another miracle. My car is completely demolished, but my bottle of 75-year-old scotch didn’t break. Surely God meant for us to drink this vintage delicacy and celebrate our good fortune.”

Then she handed the bottle to the man. The man noded his head in agreement, opened it, drank nearly half the bottle and then handed it back to the woman. The woman took the bottle, immediately put the cap back on, and handed it back to the man.

The man asks, “Aren’t you having any?” She replies, “Nah. I think I’ll just wait for the police.”

Men will never learn!

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Some things just have to be shared. If you know of some, please send them here.

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2016 Jan 31 from Wil Barkley
Dear Mr. Griffin, You are “right on” with this issue regarding “The other kind of revolution”. This is why I wrote the ebook “Why?…So Our Children May Know Freedom”. Without basic education in the principles of freedom, freedom dies, or is devoured by the beast of suppression and control. These principles have to be marketed to enough people to effect a long term return to a free society.


2016 Jan 31 from Ken Bradley.
Ed, you wrote: “It is now possible for an oligarchy of less than one percent of the population, wielding such weapons, to easily defeat any mass uprising.”

I don’t think so. Look at the middle east, Iraq and Afghanistan. In a shooting war, the enemy advances, we retreat, the enemy camps, we harass, the enemy tires, we attack, the enemy retreats, we pursue.

In the infowar, which is mostly bloodless, the enemy advances, we attack, the enemy camps, we harass, the enemy tires, we attack, the enemy retreats, we pursue. All wars are wars of attrition.

The hearts and minds of the American people are in the right place. You and Alex and others are winning the infowar. Let’s hope it never turns into a shooting war bu,t if it does, the right leadership will win there too.

Hello Ken. The wars in Iraq and Iran cannot be compared to a war of a government against an enemy or against its own population. In the Middle East, the insurgents and terrorists are the product of funding and support from the US. In other words, the enemy is controlled opposition.

The Council on Foreign Relations crowd needs a credible and thriving enemy to justify their military presence. Victory over these forces would be easy if there were a will for victory. But prolonged conflict is the goal, not victory or conquest. The effectiveness of Russia’s military action is mute testimony of that fact – and even they have not employed any of the weapons of mass destruction and control that now are available. All wars are not wars of attrition – unless the contestants want them that way for purposes other than military conquest.

I agree when you say that the hearts and minds of the American people are in the right place, but my point is that millions of hearts and minds now can be incinerated in an instant by a few trained, technicians at the controls of high-tech weaponry previously unknown in history.


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