Would we not shatter it to bits?

This week’s news is disturbing for several reasons. It certainly is sad to witness the escalation of terrorism and war, particularly now in Libya, Tunisia, and Syria, but it is the element of contradiction that shouts from the headlines of those stories that is, perhaps, the most disturbing of all.

The contradiction in the stories in the Middle East is that it is almost impossible to tell who is fighting terrorism and who is protecting terrorism. A recurring thread is that the US is leading a great military campaign against ISIS but it also delivers weapons to ISIS, provides aid to ISIS, attacks ISIS with powder-puff blows, and does everything to prevent Russia from knocking the hell out of ISIS.

Turkey and Egypt, allies of the US, are performing similar roles. In the name of fighting terrorism, they somehow manage to do more harm to those who genuinely are fighting ISIS than to ISIS itself. If you haven’t yet picked up on this consistent contradiction, this week’s news will make it abundantly clear.

Whenever there is a consistent contradiction, it is a sign that it isn’t a contradiction at all but that our expectations are based on wrong assumptions. That clearly is the case with the war on terrorism.

To resolve the contradiction, we must discard the assumption on which it is based. The assumption is that Western nations are fighting terrorism because they want to put an end to violence, death, and destruction. The replacement assumption is that they are fighting terrorism precisely because doing so creates violence, death, and destruction. In other words, terrorists are essential and must not be eliminated. Otherwise, there would be no one to fear and no justification for war.

Absurd as that may seem, you will find that it removes the contradiction and explains literally all aspects of the war on terrorism – and more. But, why would any normal person want war?

The answer is that the people making these decisions are not normal. They belong to a small, elite core of global financiers and politicians who have an agenda that fires their imaginations and dreams, but it requires the complete restructuring of society. They want to replace nationalism with a global government based on the model of collectivism. They believe that the way to bring that about is to destroy all existing systems that do not fit that model and then build a “new world order” on top of the rubble.

This strategy was dramatically illustrated in a stained-glass window in the Beatrice Webb house in Surry, England, former headquarters of the Fabian Society. The Fabians are a highly influential organization promoting global collectivism since 1884. Former British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, was a Fabian.

Across the top of the stained-glass window appears the last line from Omar Khayyam:

Dear love, couldst thou and I with fate conspire
To grasp this sorry scheme of things entire,
Would we not shatter it to bits, and then
Remould it nearer to the heart’s desire!

Beneath this line, the mural depicts George Bernard Shaw, one of the better known Fabians, and Sidney Webb striking the Earth with hammers.*

Once you understand the concept of deliberate destruction as a strategy for preparing the way for something that is “to the heart’s desire”, you will find that there are very few contradictions in the news.

G. Edward Griffin
2016 February 19

*For an explanation of the wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing and other elements of this mural, see p. 87, The Creature from Jekyll Island; A Second Look at the Federal Reserve.


US fighter jets carried out an airstrike on Libya, claiming to target ISIS. The action left as many as 40 people dead. The Pentagon says it targeted a senior Tunisian militant linked to two major attacks in Tunisia last year. EuroNews 2016 Feb 19 (Story)

Turkey’s president says Kurdish militants, who are in the US-led coalition against ISIS, are using US-supplied weapons against civilians. He also said that half of a large US weapons shipment to the Kurds went to ISIS itself. EuroNews 2016 Feb 19 (Story)

US: Veterans Administration suicide hotline sent nearly two dozen callers to voicemail. CNN 2016 Feb 18 (Story)

Newly revealed documents confirm long-held suspicions that Lech Walesa, former leader of the anti-Soviet Solidarity labor movement in Poland, was a covert Soviet agent at the time. Walesa says the documents are bogus. AFP 2016 Feb 18 (Story) (Cached)

The Turkish government has blamed the Syrian Kurdish militia for a terror attack on Wednesday that left nearly 30 people dead. The Kurds, however, are blaming ISIS. The Kurds in Syria are backed by the US, and Turkey is a NATO ally of the US. You know when it gets this confusing and contradictory, we are not getting the whole truth. RT 2016 Feb 18 (Story)

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker signed two bills into law that block federal funding from reaching Planned Parenthood. This could cost the local organization $7.5 million per year. Reuters 2016 Feb 18 (Story) (Cached)

Ransomware is a new type of virus, sent in an email, that encrypts all your files so they cannot be read. Then the hacker demands payment for the decrypting code that restores your files. The Hollywood Presbyterian Hospital in California recently paid $17,000 to get the decryption key. ABC News 2016 Feb 18 (Story)

The Donald vs. The Pope. Pope Francis, speaking of Donald Trump said that anyone who would build a wall on the US / Mexican border and deport millions of illegal aliens was not Christian. Trump responded by saying that the Pope is a politician, and that it was disgraceful for him to question Trump’s faith. ABC News 2016 Feb 18 (Story) (Cached)

For many years, the Exide battery plant in Vernon, an industrial section of Los Angeles, contaminated air and soil in the surrounding area with lead and arsenic. The extent of damage to residents’ health is still unknown. Exide had sufficient political influence to be allowed to use a temporary toxic-waste permit for over 30 years in order to bypass California’s tough environmental regulations. During that time, it was cited for safety violations more than ten times. Exide is no longer liable for damages because it closed its Vernon plant in 2014 and was allowed to cap its liability by setting aside $50 million for cleanup and $9 million for damages. Governor Jerry Brown now wants taxpayers to cover the cleanup cost and is asking for $176 million from (you guessed it) taxpayers. CBS News 2016 Feb 17 (Story)

Israel says it will covertly combat boycott activists online. In response to Israeli occupation of Palestine, Palestinians launched the BDS (boycott, divestiture and sanctions) movement a decade ago, and it is now having an impact on Israel’s economy. Israel has earmarked $26 million to spend on cyber sabotage, which will include tracking and infiltrating activist groups, and flooding the internet with stories favorable to Israel. AP 2016 Feb 17 (Story) (Cached)

Britain’s Conservative government will announce a new law that prohibits local councils, student unions, and other public bodies from boycotting goods for political reasons. This is in response to pressure from the Israeli government because that country is suffering from boycotts in protest against its occupation of Palestinian territory. RT 2016 Feb 16 (Story)

Egyptian jets bombed Islamic State targets in Libya on Monday, a day after the group there released a video showing the beheading of 21 Egyptian Christians. Reuters 2016 Feb 16 (Story)

One-third of oil companies worldwide, about 175 in total, may be facing bankruptcy by the end of 2016. Telesur 2016 Feb 16 (Story) (Cached)

US Supreme-Court Justice Scalia’s death appears to have resulted from natural causes. Controversy has arisen, however, because a witness said that a pillow was found over his head, and the doctor who reported his death to authorities literally phoned it in without ever seeing the body. No autopsy has been performed. CNN 2016 Feb 16 (Story)

A hospital affiliated with Doctors Without Borders was bombed in northern Syria, and it is claimed that it was shelled either by Russian or Syrian forces that have been aggressively attacking ISIS strongholds. Turkey is attacking the Kurds in the city of Azaz to prevent them from occupying the town. The US supports some Kurdish groups and has asked Turkey to focus on the fight against ISIS, instead of the Kurds, but Turkey is not listening . AFP 2016 Feb 15 (Story)

Syria: A second attack on a hospital established by Doctors Without Borders has left questions about who is doing this. All sides in the conflict are accusing their enemies. The Turks blamed the Russians who, in turn, said they only target ISIS and al-Nusra terrorist strongholds. Syria’s ambassador, speaking on Russian TV, said there is hard evidence that the hospitals were bombed by US warplanes and ordinance. [Although he did not elaborate, a possible reason for that would be to create public animosity toward the Russian agenda.] Euronews 2016 Feb 15 (Story)

Monterrey, Mexico: Authorities found “luxury cells” inside the prison where 49 inmates were killed in a brawl last week. The cells had aquariums, saunas, a king-size bed, and a large flat-screen TV. A convenience store, and even a bar was being run by inmates inside the prison. The warden and superintendent were arrested and accused of drug trafficking and failing to apply security measures. AFP 2016 Feb 15 (Story) (Cached)

Chiapas, Mexico, has become ground zero for an immigration crisis. Waves of migrants from El Salvador and other war-torn areas are desperate to make it to the United States. The journey has become a dangerous gamble. CBS News 2016 Feb 15 (Story)

Because of a trade dispute, hundreds of Russian trucks have been prevented from entering Poland and Ukraine, the main trade routes from Russia into Europe. All economies involved will be hurt by this. Euronews 2016 Feb 15 (Story)

US: Supreme Court Justice, Antonin Scalia, a conservative, died from a heart attack, creating the possibility of only eight justices serving during the remainder of the current session. If there is a four-to-four tie, the lower court ruling will prevail. Face the Nation 2016 Feb 14 (Story)

Senator Ted Cruz says he would like to see the US Senate delay appointing a new Supreme Court justice to replace Scalia until after the presidential election. The reason is so the issue of who would be nominated by the different presidential candidates can become a matter of public knowledge. He believes that all other candidates, including Trump, would appoint a liberal judge, which would fatally change the character of the United States. Louder With Crowder 2016 Feb1 4 (Story)

Los Angeles: Authorities are assuring the public that the methane gas leak at Porter Ranch is not dangerous. Some medical experts, however, say that, when methane is oxidized in the presence of sunlight, which is abundant in Los Angeles, it forms formaldehyde. Breathing formaldehyde droplets suspended in the air can cause serious respiratory problems and even cancer. Residents near Porter Ranch have reported bloody noses, which is a classic symptom of formaldehyde poisoning. ENE News posted 2016 Feb 13 (Story) (Cached)

President Obama, with help from Senator Dianne Feinstein, declared three new national monuments that stretch across 1.8 million acres of California desert. This nearly doubles the size of public lands declared to be monuments during his presidency. The land already is under control of the federal government, but the ‘monument’ designation further solidifies the fed’s claim to the land. The Hill posted 2016 Feb 13 (Story) (Cached)



News and commentaries that reveal historical facts and trends that place current events into perspective and make it possible to anticipate future events.


North Carolina: Scientists from the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine successfully printed a functional human exterior ear that is ready for transplanting. This remarkable achievement was made possible by the Integrated Tissue and Organ Printing System (ITOP) that works in a similar way to other 3-D printing systems but which can create capillaries for blood circulation. The team demonstrated ITOP’s ability by printing a jaw bone, muscle tissue, and cartilage structures. Inhabitat 2016 Feb 18 (Story) (Cached)

Judge Napolitano commended Apple CEO Tim Cook for refusing a court order to hack into a phone used by one of the accused shooters in the San Bernardino terror attacks. He says that Congress has decided that hacking is a felony, and a judge cannot order a felony to be committed. The case is likely to go to the Supreme Court. Fox News 2016 Feb 17 (Cached)

Larry Summers, former economist for the UN World Bank and Secretary of the Treasury under Clinton, wants to eliminate cash, beginning with the US $100 bill. The stated purpose is to thwart crime and corruption, but the real goal is force all economic transactions through bank accounts where they can be tracked, service charged, taxed, and confiscated without your consent. Plans to ban cash are underway all over the world. InfoWars 2016 Feb 17 (Story) (Cached)

US: The Department of Health and Human Services believes that families are not competent to raise their children without government involvement. This classic collectivist scheme is being called “equal partners”, but it means government makes the rules, and families follow them. That’s the partnership. InfoWars 2016 Feb 13 (Story)



Need to Know is as serious as it gets, but laughter is good for the soul and helps to keep our equilibrium amid the chaos. So, here are quips, gags, and images to put a smile on your face. If you have some you would like to share, please send them here.


In a shoe repair shop: We will heel you. We will save your sole. We will even dye for you.

In a gynecologist’s office: Dr. Jones, at your cervix.

In a podiatrist’s office: Time wounds all heels.

In an optometrist’s office: If you don’t see what you’re looking for, you’ve come to the right place.

On a plumber’s truck: We repair what your husband fixed.

On a maternity-room door: “Push. Push. Push.”

In a veterinarian’s waiting room: Be back in 5 minutes. Sit! Stay!

In a restaurant window: Don’t stand there and be hungry; come on in and get fed up.

In the front yard of a funeral home: Drive carefully. We’ll wait.

At a propane filling station: Thank Heaven for little grills.

Sign on the back of a septic-tank truck:
Caution – This Truck is full of political promises.

cameraicon_1GREAT PHOTOS

Some things just have to be shared. If you know of some, please send them here.

Ten meters of snow in Japan



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2016 Feb 17 from Joan Solms
Trump has got to be the male Dowager, Countess Crawley, during this campaign. It is the Crawley’s and Levinson (Shirley McLaine) that spiced up Downton Abbey. Luved it! Trump must use the same script writer.

Am I supporting Trump for President, a man with already two marriage rejection slips? Right now, all bets are off. Have I read Thrump’s less than savory past, yes, but as with Congressman AAron Shock, I found his politically incorrect gestures amusing, the works of an independent mind. Luv it.

To his credit, Trump and Rand Paul were the only ones with reasonable, sane judgments on Foreign Affairs, particularly Russia. My issue is, no more wars.

As for VP, anyone but Jeb. And the Supreme Court? Reagan gave us Sandra Day O’Connor despite heavy protests from Life and Family movements. In politics, you can’t trust anyone!


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Greek phylosopher, founder of the Academy in Athens, 428– 348 BC

“A tyrant … is always stirring up some war or other in order that the people may require a leader.“ 

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