You cannot prove there are no ghosts

Believe it or not, that headline has a lot to do with the theory of global warming, which is the topic of this commentary. Read on.

This week, the content of Need to Know News will be different from the norm. (1) It will be dominated by information about the theory of man-made global warming and (2) it will be smaller than usual. The reason for both of these is that I now am in Phoenix up to my earlobes in preparations for the Freedom Force Third Congress, Global Warming, an Inconvenient Lie and, truth be told, I am out of time to analyze all the news stories that are in the cue for this issue.

email-overloadIn addition, I have spent quite a bit of time processing emails from readers who responded to our announcement of the Phoenix conference, and many of them took considerable time for analysis.

After fretting about the impossibility to do all things needed, it occurred to me that I should simply accept reality and focus on the global-warming issue, for which I already had reams of important information, and fill in the rest with whatever news items I can in the time remaining. My thought is that the news will be here today and gone tomorrow, but information on the global-warming issue will be propagated forward for as long as the myth is with us.

So, that is what we have in this issue, and we will begin with the most critical information on common myths about the theory of global warming. The less critical items will remain in the Forum section of this page. Please forgive me for repeating a few items from the last edition.

And now, about those ghosts …

G. Edward Griffin

2016 December 2


2016 Dec 1 from Murray Hall
Mr. Griffin,
Global warming is real. Please provide your facts and proof that global warming is a lie! I look forward to receiving your response.

Hello Murray.
This is in response to your request for me to provide proof that global warming is a lie. It is an axiom of logic that it is impossible to prove a negative. For example, it is impossible to prove that Queen Elizabeth never uttered a cuss word or that ghosts don’t exist. The best one can do is to show that there is no hard evidence that the Queen cussed or that ghosts exist. To demand that a person produce proof of a negative is not logical because the task is impossible.

The other side of the argument, however, is different. If one says the Queen DOES cuss or that ghost DO exist, we are entitled to see a video recording of her doing so (with witnesses who independently confirm it) and to experience a convincing demonstration of a ghostly visit.

Bringing this to the scientific realm, it is impossible to prove that gold cannot be created out of lead, so asking someone to prove it is illogical. That does not mean we should assume that gold-from-lead is possible, but merely that we understand that a negative is not subject to proof. On the other hand, if someone says that gold CAN be derived from lead, we have every right to ask that person to prove it while we watch. If he fails to do so, then it is reasonable to question the validity of his claim.

I mention this to put perspective on your illogical expectation that I should prove a negative hypothesis (that global warming does not exist). However, this also puts perspective on a logical expectation for me to expect you to prove that global warming DOES exist. You are the one who is asserting a hypothesis subject to proof by scientific method, so let us see it. If you cannot produce it, or if what you offer is shown to be fatally flawed, then it is reasonable to question it.

The burden of proof is on those who claim that anthropogenic global warming is real, not on those who question it. That means the entire discussion hinges on the quality of the scientific evidence in support of AGM. However, as will be demonstrated at our conference (Global Warming, an Inconvenient Lie), the quality of that evidence is so low that it must be graded as junk science.

It is too late to register for this event, but please watch Need to Know News for the announcement of a free broadcast on the Internet of the entire program. If you cannot catch that, and if you want to acquire a video of the event, eventually it will be available in DVD.


2016 Dec 2 from Professor Will Happer (Princeton)
[This is in response to Burt Maupin’s belief that CO2 is causing acidification of the ocean. This belief undoubtedly was influenced by NOAA, the United States National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration. NOAA says:

“…CO2 absorbed by the ocean is changing the chemistry of the seawater, a process called OCEAN ACIDIFICATION.” Elsewhere on NOAA’s web site, it states: “… continued ocean acidification is causing many parts of the ocean to become undersaturated with these minerals [calcium carbonate], which is likely to affect the ability of some organisms to produce and maintain their shells.”

Please note the phrase “is likely to”. This is speculation. If there is evidence to support this, it is not provided. This theory is scientifically challenged in the reports attached to Professor Happer’s reply, below:]

Dear Burt and Ed, Burt asks a very good question about ocean pollution. None of us want to pollute the ocean. We should not be dumping real pollutants in the ocean. But CO2 is not a pollutant and it cannot acidify the ocean, which is very basic (alkaline) because of the mixture of salts in it. Ocean chemistry is similar to that of “alka seltzer” (sodium bicarbonate).

I have attached two paper on CO2 and “ocean acidification.” One, by Patrick Moore, a founder of Greenpeace [in Canada], is written for non-technical readers. The second, by myself and the late Roger Cohen, is written for nerds. The message of both is the same. If anything, more CO2 will make the oceans more productive, just as they were in the geological past when CO2 levels were much higher than today. In fact, those historic levels were higher than any that could be produced today by burning all the economically available fossil fuels.
Article by Moore
Article by Happer & Cohen


2016 Dec 2 from The Viscount Monckton of Brenchley
Dear Mr Maupin,
There is no need to worry about ocean “acidification”. The oceans are and, under anything like modern conditions must remain, pronouncedly alkaline. The pH or acid-base scale, which is logarithmic, runs from 0-14, where 7 is neutral. Values below 7 are acid and values above 7 are alkaline. For calibration, rainwater is pronouncedly acid at pH 5.4, while seawater is pronouncedly alkaline at pH 7.9.

The calcite corals, among the most ancient of the calcifying (i.e. calcium-carbonate shell-making) organisms, first evolved in the Cambrian era 550 million years ago. The more delicate aragonite corals first achieved algal symbiosis 175 million years ago in the Jurassic era. Both types of coral survived the most recent period during which the ocean is thought to have been acid, about 54-million years ago. They are, therefore, capable of coping with acidity – and, indeed, they must do this, because some coral reefs are not far from the mouths of rivers that, in flood, discharge very large volumes of acid rainwater into the ocean, so that local conditions in the ocean are mildly acid.

The reason why it was originally thought that a reduction in the alkalinity of the oceans might harm calcifying organisms is that laboratory experiments added acids to seawater, dissolving the shells in the water. However, this dissolution occurred only because the introduction of the acids drove the chemical reaction in precisely the wrong direction. It is now better understood – though seldom reported in the mainstream news media – that the corals and other calcifying organisms are well able to withstand even quite large and sudden changes in ocean pH.

Furthermore, there has been no sufficiently-resolved, systemic global measurement of the pH of the oceans. There are a few short-time series for individual locations, but these data are much affected by local conditions that may not be relevant at the global scale. So there is very little in the way of evidence that the oceans are becoming less alkaline.

Nor would we expect much change: for there is already 60-70 times as much CO2 in the oceans as there is in the atmosphere, so even taking all the CO2 in the atmosphere and transferring it to the occeans would not make much difference to their acid-base balance.

Ocean “acidification”, then, is just one more scare whipped up by environmental Socialists for political purposes that have nothing to do with the environment.


posted 2016 Nov 26 from Valeri Hood
Dear Mr. Giffin
As long as the massive geoengineering program is on-going, how can we eliminate the idea of global warming? We are seeing the icebergs and glaciers melt at an incredible pace- I’ve seen this for myself. ‘They’ have thrown in a factor that we can’t accurately account for, as we don’t have a testing mechanism worldwide to track what they are doing to all weather systems.

I don’t really understand how anyone can say conclusively that global warming is not occurring-given geoengineering, and I don’t know how we can say that human pollution will not have an effect on the temperature.

Hello Valeri.
I am glad you raised these questions. Regarding melting of the icebergs, some are melting and some are growing. The total global ice, including Arctic and Antarctic, has been growing for quite a while, but the news media talks only about those components of the total that favor the myth of global warming. You will see the scientific proof of that in the video version of our conference.

The issue of human waste and pollution is challenging. We all hate pollution, and everything possible should be done to eliminate it, but that is not an argument for global warming. I have never seen any scientific evidence that the two are related in any signicant way. Pollution and global warming are two different things and almost totally unrelated. We should be alert to the media mind-conditioning to which we are subjected in which we see images of ugly and detestable pollution while listening to the narrator speak against the horrors of global warming. It’s a trick.

In my view, the claim that geoengineering actually causes planetary warming is valid, but please note that the leaders of the global-warming theory are not calling for the end of geoengineering. In fact, most of them are repeating the line that geoengineering is a terribly dangerous thing to undertake. They warn that much could go wrong, but then they say we are running out of time to save the planet, so we have no choice but to take the risk.

Instead, the global warmists are demanding the reduction of CO2 – and, as we shall prove at the conference, CO2 does not and never could produce anywhere near the warming catastrophe being predicted. As Professor Happer at Princeton University (and others) will show, CO2 is not toxic to humans, is essential to plant growth (think agriculture) and now is at lower levels than ever before in recorded history. The truth is that the Earth needs more CO2, not less.

When people see this evidence, often they are confused, because they cannot believe that the scientists who promote the theory of global warming could make such a huge mistake. The answer is that the warmists are not real scientists – in the classical sense that they are seeking scientific truth. Rather, they have prostituted themselves and their knowledge of science to promote a political agenda. That agenda is to scare us into accepting crushing taxes and government controls to reduce an alleged ‘carbon footprint’ from CO2 supposedly to save the planet.

They claim that the global-warming skeptics are all working for the oil and coal industries. Not only is this false but, if you look carefully, you will find that almost all of the people promoting the global-warming hoax are politicians, government employees, or work for institutions that are funded by government. If you are looking for a conflict of interest, you need go no further.

This and much more will be exposed at the conference in Phoenix. It is too late to register for the event but not too late to obtain a DVD recording at low, event prices. That can be done here. Thanks for writing.


video-icon_4-41-22_smallTV host, David Packman, broke news of a plot by 15 electors to not vote for Trump in the event of a recount. If they follow through, this could prevent Trump from getting the 270 electoral votes he needs to become president. Packman says the claim has been corroborated by a second source. InfoWars 2016 Dec 1 (Story)

video-icon_4-41-22_smallThe US made a top-secret deal to accept 2,465 migrants from terrorism hotspots around the world that were rejected by Australia. Fox News 2016 Dec 1 (Story)

Defeat the hidden agenda.
Freedom Force awaits you.

video-icon_4-41-22_smallUS: Congress, by doing nothing, allowed a change to the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, a change that grants new power to the FBI to hack into computers beyond the borders of the US. The rule was changed supposedly to combat ‘botnets’, which are malware that covertly controls networks of private computers and often used to spread spam. RT 2016 Dec 1 (Story)

US: Mom Street Journal, an anti-vaccine activist group, analyzed the US Special Claims Court annual report and found that settlement payouts for vaccine injuries increased from $22.8 million in 2014 to $114 million in 2015, a 382% increase. Settlements for flu-shot injuries increased the most, from $4.9 million in 2014 to $61 million in 2015, an increase of more than 1000%. MSJ 2016 Nov 29 (Story) (Cached)

video-icon_4-41-22_smallThe internet is buzzing with more private investigations into Pizzagate, adding additinal evidence of pedophilia linked to the DNC. This is in spite of an attempt by mainstream media to cover up the affair. Ironically, Andrew Kline, a lawyer with the Department of Justice’s Human Trafficking Unit, owns Besta pizza parlor, which uses a pedophile symbol in its logo. InfoWars 2016 Nov 28 (Story)


video-icon_4-41-22_smallRon Paul is mildly amused at being called a Russian propagandist in the Washington Post after he was put on a list with 200 other influential news sources. The list was prepared by an unidentified source, PropOrNot, which advocates sending independent news producers to prison. RPI 2016 Nov 28 (Story)

US: The mainstream media and law enforcement are ignoring evidence unearthed by citizen Internet investigators who have connected journalist Andrew Breitbart’s suspicious death with John Podesta, who Breitbart accused of being linked to underage sex slaves. Breitbart accused Media Matters, funded by George Soros and Podesta, of covering up child sex crimes committed by Planned Parenthood. Just before his death, Breitbart said that the information he planned to release would be enough to remove Obama from office. The Last American Vagabond 2016 Nov 27 (Story) (Cached)

video-icon_4-41-22_smallUndercover video of Planned Parenthood activities, relating to Andrew Breitbart’s allegations against Podesta and Media Matters, shows the organization breaking multiple laws. These include failing to report child sexual abuse, helping sex-traffickers, and facilitating sex-selective abortions. Live Action posted 2016 Nov 27 (Story)



News and commentaries that reveal historical facts and trends that place current events into perspective and make it possible to anticipate future events.

video-icon_4-41-22_smallJames Corbett provides facts that dispel the myth that blames ‘climate change’ for droughts, cyclones, hurricanes, and extreme weather. NASA scientist, Bill Patzert, says that the US has always had extreme weather, and that the effect of global warming is negligible. Corbett Report 2016 Nov 29 (Story)

The sun is the primary determinant of Earth weather, and the current lack of solar eruptions explains the consistent cooling over the last several months. The cooling trend is predicted to continue due to reduced solar activity and may even lead to what scientists call a minor ice age, similar to the one that existed from 1645 to 1715. [The question now is which human activity will be taxed to prevent this.] DailyMail 2016 Nov 28 (Story) (Cached)

video-icon_4-41-22_smallCuba: Fidel Castro died on November 25th, to mixed reviews of his dictatorship that lasted from 1959 to 2006. Stefan Molyneux reveals the historical background of Castro’s life and the role that the mainstream media, especially the New York Times, played in supporting his revolution and regime that was responsible for an estimated 100,000 murders. This is an excellent overview. Stefan Molyneux 2016 Nov 26 (Story)


“The wealth of the country has, in recent years, come from … sources which have built up monopoly. Its point of view is … of those men who do not wish that the people should determine their own affairs because they do not believe that the people’s judgment is sound. They want to be commissioned to take care of the United States and of the people of the United States because they believe that they, better than anybody else, understand the interests of the United States.”

Click here for the answer.


Need to Know is as serious as it gets, but laughter is good for the soul and helps to keep our equilibrium amid the chaos. So, here are quips, gags, and images to put a smile on your face. If you have some you would like to share, please send them here.

Three kinds of people: The haves, the have-nots, and the have-not paid for what they haves.


This morning, I was sitting on a park bench next to a homeless man. I started a conversation by asking him how he ended up this way.

He said, “Up until last week, I had it all. I had plenty to eat, my clothes were washed and pressed, I had a roof over my head, I had TV and Internet, and I went to the gym, the pool, and the library. I was working on my MBA on-line. I had no bills and no debt. I even had full medical coverage.”

I felt sorry for him, so I asked, “What happened? Drugs? Alcohol? Divorce?”

“Oh no, nothing like that,” he said. “I got out of prison.”


Comments under 300 words, please. We cannot engage in correspondence but do appreciate your contribution. We do not publish insults or attacks against other readers. Points should stand on their own merits. You are welcome to express your religious views but not to criticize the views of others. Our mission is to unify our readers, not divide them. Send comments here.


Dear Mr. Griffin,
As an old geoscientist with my degrees from the U. of Michigan – 1955, 1956, I have long since quit worrying about “climate change”. One only needs to study the work of Charles Schuchert as displayed in his Atlas of Paleogeographic Maps of North America, Wiley & Sons, 1955 to determine how little humans affect geologic change. Do keep on keeping on…and good luck.


2016 Dec 1 from: Peter Verhoeff
Dear Mr. Griffin,
Some years ago I read about a Freedom Force International plan to place individualists in positions of influence to counteract the forces of collectivism. After Mr. Trump’s election victory I came across a website, where people can apply to work in the new administration. I think this is a good opportunity for ambitious freedom lovers to make a positive difference.

While what is now labeled “populism” is not exactly the same as individualism, it sure is a lot closer than “globalism”, which is the collectivist’s dream (the whole world being ruled by a few “elite”.) Aside from being able to apply for employment, the site also invites suggestions on ways to “make America great again.” Readers may want to take advantage of either or both options. Let’s influence!


2016 Nov 26 from: Elaine Willman
G. Edward, I tracked down and read Wigington’s all-out assault on you, your colleagues, and the upcoming event in Tempe. Also watched your video and think your response was necessary and well done.

Having spent 25 years researching and speaking on an equally controversial topic, I just want you to know that sometimes, confrontation is high praise. I had a friend once tell me that “you must be directly over the target if you’re taking so much flak.” Your upcoming event (Global Warming, an Inconvenient Lie) is directly over the target, so no wonder the flak. Many folks dependent upon the global-warming hoax are likely fearing a loss of job security and future work… I remind myself of that when I incur another critic. I salute your courage and candor.


2016 Nov 26 from Ruth Rendely
Remember when I said that I would try to find the article that got me to start taking Borax four years ago as a source of Boron. Here it is in a collection of other good articles that Nexus Magazine is making freely available at this time. It is called The Boron Conspiracy. I have not had any arthritis problems since I began supplementing with this (Borax is available at every super-market in the U.S.)

I highly recommend reading this article. It could be a game-changer for your health.


posted 2016 Nov 26 from Ngone Aw
Subject: Griffin responds to attack by Wigington Greetings Mr Griffin,
Glad to read your message and was shocked when I heard the Wigington attack on you. I honestly had not totally felt confidence in his presentations. In my view, he had an air of guilt-tripping and brow-beating, and the fact that all his videos block any feedback or comments on YouTube.


posted 2016 Nov 26 from Charles Motley
My studies were in Geology, and 45 years ago, my professor asked us if we were in a glacial receding or oncoming era, — and all in our class knew it was a receding era.

The professor said the sun goes through cycles of heating up and cooling down (over hundreds of years). Then he pointed out petroleum deposits at the most northern part of Alaska and coal in Antarctica, both coming form an “Amazon” like era thousands of years ago. Also 6 or 7 layers of stone and debris pushed down in minor glacial cycles, deposited in Ohio, but also other eras much further south.

Now these cycles come and go in simple harmonic motion. Picture the arm on a grandfather clock. As it swings down it picks up speed, then loses speed as it goes uphill, and to a final stop. Then on the reverse swing it again picks up speed at the bottom and slows to a stop going back up the other side. So, we are in an era of increasing warming, but we don’t know where in the cycle we are, or how strong this cycle is, — but for sure most of these cycles always occurred before humans.

It irritates me when the liberals say “The Science is such-and-such.” Well to me, the science is that this is a reoccurring cycle and has nothing to do with humans, and very little we can do to change it. Oh, I heard Al Gore on Public Radio saying that streets in Miami are already going under water. Well in our lifetime the ocean level has hardly raised an 1/8th inch, and all roads are higher than that.


posted 2016 Nov 26 from Dave
Hello Mr. Griffin.
My Son and I have suspected Dane [Wigington] as an infiltrator for a year. We actually talked to him by phone and asked why he would push the global-warming theory while being against Geoengineering. We told him that the power elites would use that to one day admit Geoengineering, saying that it is good for us since they are using it to stop Global Warming.

Clearly Dane has been bought. His site, which says Geoengineering is bad but Global warming is real, will play into the Communists/Illuminatis hands as it will put activists to sleep. Why should we oppose Geoengineering if it may help to stop Global Warming? Also, when the elites finally admit they are doing Chemtrails, they will say it was for our own good since it was to stop Global Warming.

We do not promote Dane anymore as we have determined he works for the other side.

While I am glad to receive support in my defense against Wittington’s attack on me, I want to say for the record that it is not my position that he is an agent provocateur. I am assuming that he merely has not done his homework on the theory of global warming.


posted 2016 Nov 26 from BN West
Dear Mr. Griffin,
I just listened to your video. I have thought for over a year now that Dane may be a front. I un subscribed from his site. It was a “feeling” in my gut that something was wrong here. Thank you for your hard work with this subject. A subject that most people cannot even look at.


posted 2016 Nov 26 from Ron Auth
Fuck you Ed.
You are blind to your own ambitions now. Your great site – Realityzone has degenerated to a mediocre site of snake-oil sales. Get a grip man, global warming and man’s affect(sic) on it is not a hoax. You are now the enemy, you and Donald, so now it’s time to call you out. Fuck you Ed, and fuck Trump.

I know that this language is highly objectionable to many people, including me, but this fellow’s message would lose its significance if we attempted to disguise it and, of course, we could not refuse to publish it lest our opponents accuse us of censoring our critics.

I feel sorry for Ron and also fear him because, aside from his limited vocabulary, he obviously feels very deeply on this issue, and that tells me he has been effectively brainwashed. These are the people who have been turned into programmed androids. If the day comes, they can be ordered to round up the global-warming ‘deniers’ and kill them. These androids will have no trouble performing such a task.


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woodrow_wilson-2Woodrow Wilson
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“The wealth of the country has, in recent years, come from … sources which have built up monopoly. Its point of view is … of those men who do not wish that the people should determine their own affairs because they do not believe that the people’s judgment is sound. They want to be commissioned to take care of the United States and of the people of the United States because they believe that they, better than anybody else, understand the interests of the United States.”

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