2016 November 26 – December 2
2016 November 26 – December 2
You cannot prove there are no ghosts
You cannot prove there are no ghosts
Believe it or not, that headline has a lot to do with the theory of global warming, which is the topic of this commentary. Read on.
This week, the content of Need to Know News will be different from the norm. (1) It will be dominated by information about the theory of man-made global warming and (2) it will be smaller than usual. The reason for both of these is that I now am in Phoenix up to my earlobes in preparations for the Freedom Force Third Congress, Global Warming, an Inconvenient Lie and, truth be told, I am out of time to analyze all the news stories that are in the cue for this issue.
In addition, I have spent quite a bit of time processing emails from readers who responded to our announcement of the Phoenix conference, and many of them took considerable time for analysis.
After fretting about the impossibility to do all things needed, it occurred to me that I should simply accept reality and focus on the global-warming issue, for which I already had reams of important information, and fill in the rest with whatever news items I can in the time remaining. My thought is that the news will be here today and gone tomorrow, but information on the global-warming issue will be propagated forward for as long as the myth is with us.
So, that is what we have in this issue, and we will begin with the most critical information on common myths about the theory of global warming. The less critical items will remain in the Forum section of this page. Please forgive me for repeating a few items from the last edition.
And now, about those ghosts …
G. Edward Griffin
2016 December 2
2016 Dec 1 from Murray Hall
Mr. Griffin,
Global warming is real. Please provide your facts and proof that global warming is a lie! I look forward to receiving your response.
Hello Murray.
This is in response to your request for me to provide proof that global warming is a lie. It is an axiom of logic that it is impossible to prove a negative. For example, it is impossible to prove that Queen Elizabeth never uttered a cuss word or that ghosts don’t exist. The best one can do is to show that there is no hard evidence that the Queen cussed or that ghosts exist. To demand that a person produce proof of a negative is not logical because the task is impossible.
The other side of the argument, however, is different. If one says the Queen DOES cuss or that ghost DO exist, we are entitled to see a video recording of her doing so (with witnesses who independently confirm it) and to experience a convincing demonstration of a ghostly visit.
Bringing this to the scientific realm, it is impossible to prove that gold cannot be created out of lead, so asking someone to prove it is illogical. That does not mean we should assume that gold-from-lead is possible, but merely that we understand that a negative is not subject to proof. On the other hand, if someone says that gold CAN be derived from lead, we have every right to ask that person to prove it while we watch. If he fails to do so, then it is reasonable to question the validity of his claim.
I mention this to put perspective on your illogical expectation that I should prove a negative hypothesis (that global warming does not exist). However, this also puts perspective on a logical expectation for me to expect you to prove that global warming DOES exist. You are the one who is asserting a hypothesis subject to proof by scientific method, so let us see it. If you cannot produce it, or if what you offer is shown to be fatally flawed, then it is reasonable to question it.
The burden of proof is on those who claim that anthropogenic global warming is real, not on those who question it. That means the entire discussion hinges on the quality of the scientific evidence in support of AGM. However, as will be demonstrated at our conference (Global Warming, an Inconvenient Lie), the quality of that evidence is so low that it must be graded as junk science.
It is too late to register for this event, but please watch Need to Know News for the announcement of a free broadcast on the Internet of the entire program. If you cannot catch that, and if you want to acquire a video of the event, eventually it will be available in DVD.
2016 Dec 2 from Professor Will Happer (Princeton)
[This is in response to Burt Maupin’s belief that CO2 is causing acidification of the ocean. This belief undoubtedly was influenced by NOAA, the United States National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration. NOAA says:
“…CO2 absorbed by the ocean is changing the chemistry of the seawater, a process called OCEAN ACIDIFICATION.” Elsewhere on NOAA’s web site, it states: “… continued ocean acidification is causing many parts of the ocean to become undersaturated with these minerals [calcium carbonate], which is likely to affect the ability of some organisms to produce and maintain their shells.”
Please note the phrase “is likely to”. This is speculation. If there is evidence to support this, it is not provided. This theory is scientifically challenged in the reports attached to Professor Happer’s reply, below:]
Dear Burt and Ed, Burt asks a very good question about ocean pollution. None of us want to pollute the ocean. We should not be dumping real pollutants in the ocean. But CO2 is not a pollutant and it cannot acidify the ocean, which is very basic (alkaline) because of the mixture of salts in it. Ocean chemistry is similar to that of “alka seltzer” (sodium bicarbonate).
I have attached two paper on CO2 and “ocean acidification.” One, by Patrick Moore, a founder of Greenpeace [in Canada], is written for non-technical readers. The second, by myself and the late Roger Cohen, is written for nerds. The message of both is the same. If anything, more CO2 will make the oceans more productive, just as they were in the geological past when CO2 levels were much higher than today. In fact, those historic levels were higher than any that could be produced today by burning all the economically available fossil fuels.
Article by Moore
Article by Happer & Cohen
2016 Dec 2 from The Viscount Monckton of Brenchley
Dear Mr Maupin,
There is no need to worry about ocean “acidification”. The oceans are and, under anything like modern conditions must remain, pronouncedly alkaline. The pH or acid-base scale, which is logarithmic, runs from 0-14, where 7 is neutral. Values below 7 are acid and values above 7 are alkaline. For calibration, rainwater is pronouncedly acid at pH 5.4, while seawater is pronouncedly alkaline at pH 7.9.
The calcite corals, among the most ancient of the calcifying (i.e. calcium-carbonate shell-making) organisms, first evolved in the Cambrian era 550 million years ago. The more delicate aragonite corals first achieved algal symbiosis 175 million years ago in the Jurassic era. Both types of coral survived the most recent period during which the ocean is thought to have been acid, about 54-million years ago. They are, therefore, capable of coping with acidity – and, indeed, they must do this, because some coral reefs are not far from the mouths of rivers that, in flood, discharge very large volumes of acid rainwater into the ocean, so that local conditions in the ocean are mildly acid.
The reason why it was originally thought that a reduction in the alkalinity of the oceans might harm calcifying organisms is that laboratory experiments added acids to seawater, dissolving the shells in the water. However, this dissolution occurred only because the introduction of the acids drove the chemical reaction in precisely the wrong direction. It is now better understood – though seldom reported in the mainstream news media – that the corals and other calcifying organisms are well able to withstand even quite large and sudden changes in ocean pH.
Furthermore, there has been no sufficiently-resolved, systemic global measurement of the pH of the oceans. There are a few short-time series for individual locations, but these data are much affected by local conditions that may not be relevant at the global scale. So there is very little in the way of evidence that the oceans are becoming less alkaline.
Nor would we expect much change: for there is already 60-70 times as much CO2 in the oceans as there is in the atmosphere, so even taking all the CO2 in the atmosphere and transferring it to the occeans would not make much difference to their acid-base balance.
Ocean “acidification”, then, is just one more scare whipped up by environmental Socialists for political purposes that have nothing to do with the environment.
posted 2016 Nov 26 from Valeri Hood
Dear Mr. Giffin
As long as the massive geoengineering program is on-going, how can we eliminate the idea of global warming? We are seeing the icebergs and glaciers melt at an incredible pace- I’ve seen this for myself. ‘They’ have thrown in a factor that we can’t accurately account for, as we don’t have a testing mechanism worldwide to track what they are doing to all weather systems.
I don’t really understand how anyone can say conclusively that global warming is not occurring-given geoengineering, and I don’t know how we can say that human pollution will not have an effect on the temperature.
Hello Valeri.
I am glad you raised these questions. Regarding melting of the icebergs, some are melting and some are growing. The total global ice, including Arctic and Antarctic, has been growing for quite a while, but the news media talks only about those components of the total that favor the myth of global warming. You will see the scientific proof of that in the video version of our conference.
The issue of human waste and pollution is challenging. We all hate pollution, and everything possible should be done to eliminate it, but that is not an argument for global warming. I have never seen any scientific evidence that the two are related in any signicant way. Pollution and global warming are two different things and almost totally unrelated. We should be alert to the media mind-conditioning to which we are subjected in which we see images of ugly and detestable pollution while listening to the narrator speak against the horrors of global warming. It’s a trick.
In my view, the claim that geoengineering actually causes planetary warming is valid, but please note that the leaders of the global-warming theory are not calling for the end of geoengineering. In fact, most of them are repeating the line that geoengineering is a terribly dangerous thing to undertake. They warn that much could go wrong, but then they say we are running out of time to save the planet, so we have no choice but to take the risk.
Instead, the global warmists are demanding the reduction of CO2 – and, as we shall prove at the conference, CO2 does not and never could produce anywhere near the warming catastrophe being predicted. As Professor Happer at Princeton University (and others) will show, CO2 is not toxic to humans, is essential to plant growth (think agriculture) and now is at lower levels than ever before in recorded history. The truth is that the Earth needs more CO2, not less.
When people see this evidence, often they are confused, because they cannot believe that the scientists who promote the theory of global warming could make such a huge mistake. The answer is that the warmists are not real scientists – in the classical sense that they are seeking scientific truth. Rather, they have prostituted themselves and their knowledge of science to promote a political agenda. That agenda is to scare us into accepting crushing taxes and government controls to reduce an alleged ‘carbon footprint’ from CO2 supposedly to save the planet.
They claim that the global-warming skeptics are all working for the oil and coal industries. Not only is this false but, if you look carefully, you will find that almost all of the people promoting the global-warming hoax are politicians, government employees, or work for institutions that are funded by government. If you are looking for a conflict of interest, you need go no further.
This and much more will be exposed at the conference in Phoenix. It is too late to register for the event but not too late to obtain a DVD recording at low, event prices. That can be done here. Thanks for writing.
TV host, David Packman, broke news of a plot by 15 electors to not vote for Trump in the event of a recount. If they follow through, this could prevent Trump from getting the 270 electoral votes he needs to become president. Packman says the claim has been corroborated by a second source. InfoWars 2016 Dec 1 (Story)
The US made a top-secret deal to accept 2,465 migrants from terrorism hotspots around the world that were rejected by Australia. Fox News 2016 Dec 1 (Story)
Defeat the hidden agenda.
Freedom Force awaits you.
US: Congress, by doing nothing, allowed a change to the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, a change that grants new power to the FBI to hack into computers beyond the borders of the US. The rule was changed supposedly to combat ‘botnets’, which are malware that covertly controls networks of private computers and often used to spread spam. RT 2016 Dec 1 (Story)
US: Mom Street Journal, an anti-vaccine activist group, analyzed the US Special Claims Court annual report and found that settlement payouts for vaccine injuries increased from $22.8 million in 2014 to $114 million in 2015, a 382% increase. Settlements for flu-shot injuries increased the most, from $4.9 million in 2014 to $61 million in 2015, an increase of more than 1000%. MSJ 2016 Nov 29 (Story) (Cached)
The internet is buzzing with more private investigations into Pizzagate, adding additinal evidence of pedophilia linked to the DNC. This is in spite of an attempt by mainstream media to cover up the affair. Ironically, Andrew Kline, a lawyer with the Department of Justice’s Human Trafficking Unit, owns Besta pizza parlor, which uses a pedophile symbol in its logo. InfoWars 2016 Nov 28 (Story)
Ron Paul is mildly amused at being called a Russian propagandist in the Washington Post after he was put on a list with 200 other influential news sources. The list was prepared by an unidentified source, PropOrNot, which advocates sending independent news producers to prison. RPI 2016 Nov 28 (Story)
US: The mainstream media and law enforcement are ignoring evidence unearthed by citizen Internet investigators who have connected journalist Andrew Breitbart’s suspicious death with John Podesta, who Breitbart accused of being linked to underage sex slaves. Breitbart accused Media Matters, funded by George Soros and Podesta, of covering up child sex crimes committed by Planned Parenthood. Just before his death, Breitbart said that the information he planned to release would be enough to remove Obama from office. The Last American Vagabond 2016 Nov 27 (Story) (Cached)
Undercover video of Planned Parenthood activities, relating to Andrew Breitbart’s allegations against Podesta and Media Matters, shows the organization breaking multiple laws. These include failing to report child sexual abuse, helping sex-traffickers, and facilitating sex-selective abortions. Live Action posted 2016 Nov 27 (Story)
News and commentaries that reveal historical facts and trends that place current events into perspective and make it possible to anticipate future events.
James Corbett provides facts that dispel the myth that blames ‘climate change’ for droughts, cyclones, hurricanes, and extreme weather. NASA scientist, Bill Patzert, says that the US has always had extreme weather, and that the effect of global warming is negligible. Corbett Report 2016 Nov 29 (Story)
The sun is the primary determinant of Earth weather, and the current lack of solar eruptions explains the consistent cooling over the last several months. The cooling trend is predicted to continue due to reduced solar activity and may even lead to what scientists call a minor ice age, similar to the one that existed from 1645 to 1715. [The question now is which human activity will be taxed to prevent this.] DailyMail 2016 Nov 28 (Story) (Cached)
Cuba: Fidel Castro died on November 25th, to mixed reviews of his dictatorship that lasted from 1959 to 2006. Stefan Molyneux reveals the historical background of Castro’s life and the role that the mainstream media, especially the New York Times, played in supporting his revolution and regime that was responsible for an estimated 100,000 murders. This is an excellent overview. Stefan Molyneux 2016 Nov 26 (Story)
“The wealth of the country has, in recent years, come from … sources which have built up monopoly. Its point of view is … of those men who do not wish that the people should determine their own affairs because they do not believe that the people’s judgment is sound. They want to be commissioned to take care of the United States and of the people of the United States because they believe that they, better than anybody else, understand the interests of the United States.”
Need to Know is as serious as it gets, but laughter is good for the soul and helps to keep our equilibrium amid the chaos. So, here are quips, gags, and images to put a smile on your face. If you have some you would like to share, please send them here.
Three kinds of people: The haves, the have-nots, and the have-not paid for what they haves.
This morning, I was sitting on a park bench next to a homeless man. I started a conversation by asking him how he ended up this way.
He said, “Up until last week, I had it all. I had plenty to eat, my clothes were washed and pressed, I had a roof over my head, I had TV and Internet, and I went to the gym, the pool, and the library. I was working on my MBA on-line. I had no bills and no debt. I even had full medical coverage.”
I felt sorry for him, so I asked, “What happened? Drugs? Alcohol? Divorce?”
“Oh no, nothing like that,” he said. “I got out of prison.”
Some things just have to be shared. If you know of some, please send them here.
Strange creature, indeed. Click to enlarge.
Comments under 300 words, please. We cannot engage in correspondence but do appreciate your contribution. We do not publish insults or attacks against other readers. Points should stand on their own merits. You are welcome to express your religious views but not to criticize the views of others. Our mission is to unify our readers, not divide them. Send comments here.
Dear Mr. Griffin,
As an old geoscientist with my degrees from the U. of Michigan – 1955, 1956, I have long since quit worrying about “climate change”. One only needs to study the work of Charles Schuchert as displayed in his Atlas of Paleogeographic Maps of North America, Wiley & Sons, 1955 to determine how little humans affect geologic change. Do keep on keeping on…and good luck.
2016 Dec 1 from: Peter Verhoeff
Dear Mr. Griffin,
Some years ago I read about a Freedom Force International plan to place individualists in positions of influence to counteract the forces of collectivism. After Mr. Trump’s election victory I came across a website, where people can apply to work in the new administration. I think this is a good opportunity for ambitious freedom lovers to make a positive difference.
While what is now labeled “populism” is not exactly the same as individualism, it sure is a lot closer than “globalism”, which is the collectivist’s dream (the whole world being ruled by a few “elite”.) Aside from being able to apply for employment, the site also invites suggestions on ways to “make America great again.” Readers may want to take advantage of either or both options. Let’s influence!
2016 Nov 26 from: Elaine Willman
G. Edward, I tracked down and read Wigington’s all-out assault on you, your colleagues, and the upcoming event in Tempe. Also watched your video and think your response was necessary and well done.
Having spent 25 years researching and speaking on an equally controversial topic, I just want you to know that sometimes, confrontation is high praise. I had a friend once tell me that “you must be directly over the target if you’re taking so much flak.” Your upcoming event (Global Warming, an Inconvenient Lie) is directly over the target, so no wonder the flak. Many folks dependent upon the global-warming hoax are likely fearing a loss of job security and future work… I remind myself of that when I incur another critic. I salute your courage and candor.
2016 Nov 26 from Ruth Rendely
Remember when I said that I would try to find the article that got me to start taking Borax four years ago as a source of Boron. Here it is in a collection of other good articles that Nexus Magazine is making freely available at this time. It is called The Boron Conspiracy. I have not had any arthritis problems since I began supplementing with this (Borax is available at every super-market in the U.S.)
I highly recommend reading this article. It could be a game-changer for your health.
posted 2016 Nov 26 from Ngone Aw
Subject: Griffin responds to attack by Wigington Greetings Mr Griffin,
Glad to read your message and was shocked when I heard the Wigington attack on you. I honestly had not totally felt confidence in his presentations. In my view, he had an air of guilt-tripping and brow-beating, and the fact that all his videos block any feedback or comments on YouTube.
posted 2016 Nov 26 from Charles Motley
My studies were in Geology, and 45 years ago, my professor asked us if we were in a glacial receding or oncoming era, — and all in our class knew it was a receding era.
The professor said the sun goes through cycles of heating up and cooling down (over hundreds of years). Then he pointed out petroleum deposits at the most northern part of Alaska and coal in Antarctica, both coming form an “Amazon” like era thousands of years ago. Also 6 or 7 layers of stone and debris pushed down in minor glacial cycles, deposited in Ohio, but also other eras much further south.
Now these cycles come and go in simple harmonic motion. Picture the arm on a grandfather clock. As it swings down it picks up speed, then loses speed as it goes uphill, and to a final stop. Then on the reverse swing it again picks up speed at the bottom and slows to a stop going back up the other side. So, we are in an era of increasing warming, but we don’t know where in the cycle we are, or how strong this cycle is, — but for sure most of these cycles always occurred before humans.
It irritates me when the liberals say “The Science is such-and-such.” Well to me, the science is that this is a reoccurring cycle and has nothing to do with humans, and very little we can do to change it. Oh, I heard Al Gore on Public Radio saying that streets in Miami are already going under water. Well in our lifetime the ocean level has hardly raised an 1/8th inch, and all roads are higher than that.
posted 2016 Nov 26 from Dave
Hello Mr. Griffin.
My Son and I have suspected Dane [Wigington] as an infiltrator for a year. We actually talked to him by phone and asked why he would push the global-warming theory while being against Geoengineering. We told him that the power elites would use that to one day admit Geoengineering, saying that it is good for us since they are using it to stop Global Warming.
Clearly Dane has been bought. His site, which says Geoengineering is bad but Global warming is real, will play into the Communists/Illuminatis hands as it will put activists to sleep. Why should we oppose Geoengineering if it may help to stop Global Warming? Also, when the elites finally admit they are doing Chemtrails, they will say it was for our own good since it was to stop Global Warming.
We do not promote Dane anymore as we have determined he works for the other side.
While I am glad to receive support in my defense against Wittington’s attack on me, I want to say for the record that it is not my position that he is an agent provocateur. I am assuming that he merely has not done his homework on the theory of global warming.
posted 2016 Nov 26 from BN West
Dear Mr. Griffin,
I just listened to your video. I have thought for over a year now that Dane may be a front. I un subscribed from his site. It was a “feeling” in my gut that something was wrong here. Thank you for your hard work with this subject. A subject that most people cannot even look at.
posted 2016 Nov 26 from Ron Auth
Fuck you Ed.
You are blind to your own ambitions now. Your great site – Realityzone has degenerated to a mediocre site of snake-oil sales. Get a grip man, global warming and man’s affect(sic) on it is not a hoax. You are now the enemy, you and Donald, so now it’s time to call you out. Fuck you Ed, and fuck Trump.
I know that this language is highly objectionable to many people, including me, but this fellow’s message would lose its significance if we attempted to disguise it and, of course, we could not refuse to publish it lest our opponents accuse us of censoring our critics.
I feel sorry for Ron and also fear him because, aside from his limited vocabulary, he obviously feels very deeply on this issue, and that tells me he has been effectively brainwashed. These are the people who have been turned into programmed androids. If the day comes, they can be ordered to round up the global-warming ‘deniers’ and kill them. These androids will have no trouble performing such a task.
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Woodrow Wilson
Woodrow Wilson
28th President of the United States
1856 – 1924
“The wealth of the country has, in recent years, come from … sources which have built up monopoly. Its point of view is … of those men who do not wish that the people should determine their own affairs because they do not believe that the people’s judgment is sound. They want to be commissioned to take care of the United States and of the people of the United States because they believe that they, better than anybody else, understand the interests of the United States.”
2016 December 3 – 9
2016 December 3 – 9
Fake news is the specialty of mainstream media
Fake news is the specialty of mainstream media
The headline summarizes everything I want to say in this commentary, so I will leave it at that.
The featured stories from this week’s news, shown directly below, make it clear that the collectivists who seek to control us are masters of propaganda and Neural Linguistic Programming. They are political scientists who have mastered the technique of creating fake news stories – or putting false twists on real stories – that will create emotional feelings for or against whatever person, group, or agenda they wish.
As long as mainstream media is under the influence of this cabal, there is no defense except wide exposure to the truth. That is why these people want to criminalize any effort to challenges their narrative. They believe that labeling the truth as hate speech or fake news will create public support for censorship.
This is where you come in. The only thing that will foil this plan is to get the truth to as many people as possible as fast as possible – before the truth-tellers are thrown in prison.The best way to prevent that is to reach out to everyone you know and encourage them to read Need to Know News.
In the meantime, send them links to our weekly issues and use the social-media icons embedded in our pages to spread the word. People can subscribe free using the button at the top, right of each issue.
It is no exaggeration to say that the future of freedom may well depend on this single act.
G. Edward Griffin
2016 December 9
Guess who is warning Americans about the danger of fake news on the part of those who report fraud and corruption in government and the media. It’s none other than Brian Williams, who lost his job as NBC anchor in 2015 after lying about coming under fire while in a helicopter during the Iraq war. InfoWars 2016 Dec 8 (Story) (Cached)
Pope Francis once again puts on his global-politician hat and lashes out against those who report on scandals involving government officials. He describes such reports as ‘fake news”. The irony is that he starts out by advocating transparency and free exchange of information and then calls for censorship of news about scandals and fraud in high places. Reuters 2016 Dec 7 (Story) (Cached)
Washington, DC: Edgar Maddison Welch of North Carolina was arrested for reportedly firing a rifle into the floor inside the Comet Ping Pong pizza parlor. He says he was there to investigate the Pizzagate pedophilia scandal. [Huh? Firing a shot into the floor to insure that one gets arrested with lots of news coverage is an act of investigation? Is it a coincidence that Welch is a professional actor?] The author of this article, Piper McGowin, thinks it was a false-flag event that now is being used as an excuse to crack down on free speech and to stop real investigation by independent journalists. Daily Sheeple 2016 Dec 5 (Story) (Cached)
The EU is threatening Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube with legal sanctions if they do not censor ‘hate speech’ and ‘fake news’. These, of course, will be defined by governments as anything they don’t like. Breitbart 2016 Dec 5 (Story) (Cached)
Syria: As the rebel forces fighting against the Syrian government are nearing defeat, one of the rebel families has posted images on Twitter of Bana al-Abed, who they say is their seven-year-old daughter. The intent is to gain international sympathy for the rebels and anger against the government. The tweet, written by her mother, says they are in extreme danger. UK Guardian 2016 Dec 5 (Story) (Cached)
Syria: Bana is exposed as a propaganda fake-news fraud. Handlers write all her messages, including one that calls for immediate aid to the rebels even if it means starting World War Three. 21st Century Wire posted 2016 Dec 5 (Story) (Cached)
Netherlands: Geert Wilders, a popular nationalist candidate for Prime Minister, was convicted on Friday of inciting discrimination by saying the Netherlands would be safer with fewer Moroccan migrants. In a speech, he criticized judges for being out of touch with reality and for restricting his speech, which represents the view of millions of Dutch people. InfoWars 2016 Dec 9 (Story)
US: The EPA gave the green light to creeping bentgrass that is genetically engineered to be resistant to Monsanto’s RoudUp Ready pesticide. In addition, the USDA, under pressure from Monsanto, is relinquishing its authority over creeping bentgrass that already is crowding out native plants and the wildlife that depends on them. EcoWatch 2016 Dec 9 (Story) (Cached)
James Corbett and James Evan Pilato report on new legislation in the UK, the Investigatory Powers Act, also known as the Snooper’s Charter. This law flatly gives the state the right to lie in court, including the right to lie about the source of its information. This deprives defendants of the right to a fair trial, because it denies them the right to cross-examine the witnesses against them. They also show the close parallel to laws already on the books in the US. Corbett Report 2016 Dec 8 (Story)
Documents from Deutsche Bank are the smoking-gun evidence that some of the biggest banks in the world have rigged silver prices to defraud investors. The banks incriminated in these documents are Deutshe, UBS, BNP Paribas Fortis, HSBC, Standard Chartered, and Scotiabank, ZeroHedge 2016 Dec 8 (Story) (Cached)
A new toothpaste, expected to be on the market within a year, is said to fix cracks in teeth and restore enamel. It is made of crystalline calcium phosphate, which mimics the natural enamel of teeth and has been shown to be as sturdy as metal, but without the risk of mercury alloy. NaaturalNews 2016 Dec 7 (Story) (Cached)
US: Former Green Party candidate, Jill Stein, demanded a vote recount in three states that Trump won in the election, claiming that the vote count was rigged. She was right, but the rigging was in favor of Democrats. Votes for Hillary were counted more than once and, in one Detroit precinct, a ballot box holding only 50 paper ballots was recorded as containing 306 ballots. Gateway Pundit 2016 Dec 7 (Story) (Cached)
The EUs has levied $520-million in fines on three major banks, Credit Agricole, HSBC, and JP Morgan Chase. This is for rigging the Euribor interest-rate for derivatives, and other financial instruments, in breach of antitrust rules. [As usual, there is no mention of any fines or imprisonment for the bank executives who orchestrated the fraud. They will receive bonuses, while the fines will be paid by the stockholders of the banks. The government will receive a tidy bit of change to fatten their coffers – or possibly even to give back to the banks later on in the form of a bailout. The public thinks the banks are being punished, but nothing could be further from the truth. It’s a game that has been going on for decades.] AFP 2016 Dec 7 (Story)
Defeat the hidden agenda.
Freedom Force awaits you.
France decomposing before our eyes: Civil war is brewing as violent gangs attack hospitals, schools, people in the streets, and even the police. It is clear that the gangs are led by organizers who seek to topple the government. ZeroHedge 2016 Dec 6 (Story) (Cached)
A study commissioned by the US Department of Defense concluded that the military budget included $125-billion in bureaucratic waste. The study was suppressed, however, because it contradicted the Pentagon’s complaint that the military was being deprived of necessary financing. Reason 2016 Dec 6 (Story) (Cached)
Germany has publicly admitted, after years of denial, that Ramstein Air Base is being used by the US Air Force as the command center for drone strikes around the world. More than 50,000 personnel are stationed there. RT 2016 Dec 6 (Story)
The Dakota Access Pipeline project was halted by the Army Corps of Engineers, but Donald Trump supports the project and may be able to reverse that action. Trump is invested in the company that is building the pipeline but says this does not affect his conviction that new energy sources are a top priority for America. He does not have that conviction because he is invested in the project. He is invested in the project because he has that conviction. Reuters 2016 Dec 5 (Story)
The Adobe software company has created a program that can manipulate voice recordings to seamlessly add or subtract words in order to alter the meaning. It has been compared to their product, Photoshop, but for voices. InfoWars 2016 Dec 5 (Story)
Germany: Citizens protested in anger when Germany’s longest–running TV news program refused to report on the arrest of an Afghan migrant over the rape and murder of Maria Ladenberger, a 19-year-old medical student. Her father is a senior EU official in Brussels. The news agency said that the story was not newsworthy because it was ‘too regional’ – despite making headlines around the world. Express UK 2016 Dec 5 (Story) (Cached)
Monsanto and Novozymes A/S, a Danish company, are collaborating on developing a genetically modified fungus that will coat corn seeds. They claim it will increase corn yields. The coating is said to be ‘compatible’ with other chemicals, such as fertilizers and pesticides. [Does anyone outside of politics still believe anything GMO companies say about benefits and safety? We don’t.] Bloomberg 2016 Dec 5 (Story) (Cached)
US Congressman, Keith Ellison, African-American Muslim, was slated to be the leader of the Democratic National Committee, but he now is in disfavor with the Jewish Anti-Defamation League. He said that Israel, with a population of 7-million people, controls the foreign policy of the US with a population of 350-million and that Israel uses the US as an ATM machine because it receives the most welfare from US taxpayers. It’s not that he thinks exploiting the American people is wrong, only that it is Israel doing it. He argued that Muslims could do the same thing if only they would unite and use the Israeli model. The Intercept 2016 Dec 4 (Story) (Cached)
The US Senate passed the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act, which classifies criticism of the Israel government as anti-Semitism. The bill also outlaws questioning either the Holocaust or the virtue of Israeli wars. Mondoweiss posted 2016 Dec 4 (Story) (Cached)
News and commentaries that reveal historical facts and trends that place current events into perspective and make it possible to anticipate future events.
US: Donald Trump will inherit the economic collapse of 2017 and will be blamed for it. The worst bond crash in 15 years has just happened, and the Fed is planning to increase interest rates, which will lead to an economic slowdown. Get ready. Here it comes. NewsTarget 2016 Dec 7 (Story) (Cached)
Filmmaker, Joel Gilbert, shows the Communist and racist influence by Frank Marshall Davis upon Barak Obama during Obama’s formative years. The real eye-opener, however, is that Obama’s boyhood friend has provided convincing evidence that Davis actually is Obama’s biological father. InfoWars 2016 Dec 6 (Story)
Israeli medical researchers have successfully grown bone with a semi-liquid bone graft that is intended to be injected into areas of bone loss in patients’ jawbones. The material is created from patients’ own fat cells and grows on a biodegradable scaffolding that, later is discarded by the body, leaving new bone very similar to what was missing. This has been successful in the laboratory but not yet tried in live animals. Reuters 2016 Dec 5 (Story)
US: A thief was locked inside of a new BMW that he was trying to steal when the company activated a remote door lock. [This story is written in such a way as to make us feel good about the fact that police can take control of our cars and even lock us inside. We are supposed to feel so good about catching thieves that we don’t consider the possibility that remote control of our cars – with us in them – also could be used against those who seek to expose corruption in government.] BGR 2016 Dec 5 (Story) (Cached)
Alex Newman gives a short but highly informative overview of the UN’s ‘Agenda 2030’. He shows that the goal is nothing less than global tyranny in the guise of saving Mother Earth. TNA posted 2016 Dec 3 (Story)
Need to Know is as serious as it gets, but laughter is good for the soul and helps to keep our equilibrium amid the chaos. So, here are quips, gags, and images to put a smile on your face. If you have some you would like to share, please send them here.
1) No matter how hard you try, you can’t baptize cats.
2) When your Mom is mad at your Dad, don’t let her brush your hair.
3) If your sister hits you, don’t hit her back. They always catch the second person.
4) You can’t trust dogs to watch your food.
1) Raising teenagers is like nailing Jello to a tree.
2) Wrinkles don’t hurt.
3) Families are like fudge…sweet, with a few nuts.
4) Today’s mighty oak is yesterday’s nut that held its ground.
5) Laughing is good exercise, like jogging on the inside.
6) Middle age is when you choose your cereal for the fiber, not the toy.
1) Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional.
2) Forget health food. You need all the preservatives you can get.
3) When you fall down, you wonder what else you can do while you’re down there.
4) It’s frustrating when you know all the answers but nobody bothers to ask you the questions.
5) Time may be a great healer, but it’s a lousy beautician.
Some things just have to be shared. If you know of some, please send them here.
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Comments under 300 words, please. We cannot engage in correspondence but do appreciate your contribution. We do not publish insults or attacks against other readers. Points should stand on their own merits. You are welcome to express your religious views but not to criticize the views of others. Our mission is to unify our readers, not divide them. Send comments here.
2016 Dec 6 from Patrick Moore (Greenpeace-Canada founder)
My only alternative policy suggestion is to advance the mechanization of agriculture in the developing countries which will automatically address both population growth and poverty in a single action. All one needs is to analyze the current situation. Countries with mechanized agriculture employ only 5% or less of the population in food production, have stable or negative population growth and are relatively wealthy. Counties with subsistence agriculture have 60-80% of the population in food production, high population growth, and relative poverty.
2016 Dec 5 from Paul David Stoneburner
Subject: CANNOT PROVE THERE ARE NO GHOSTS – Need to Know News 2016 December 2
Oops. Sorry, but I think you finally made a mistake! Almost. There is nothing said that is actually false, but it wasn’t a very good example. It is quite possible to make gold from lead and, as I recall, such was done some thirty years ago. Whether in a reactor or cyclotron I don’t just now recall. The isotope created is unstable, but will decay into stable gold. However, the reason we’re not currently emulating Heaven and paving our streets with the stuff is that to manufacture gold costs many times the value of the product created—several trillion dollars per ounce. As a scientific endeavor to increase knowledge, a great idea. As a way to become wealthy, not so much. Love your news. Keep up the good work.
Hello Paul. I believe it was a particle accelerator at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and, as I recall, it was bismuth, not lead. In any event, please note that I was using this as a hypothetical analogy, not a fact of history, and it had to do with proof of a theory, not whether the theory would produce a profit. Either way, however, I don’t see what’s wrong with the example? I welcome your critique, though, because it’s good to know that people actually are reading my stuff. I’m also glad you like our news service. Thanks for writing.
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G. Edward Griffin
2016 December 10 – 16
2016 December 10 – 16
Those guys in Russia are to blame for everything.
Those guys in Russia are to blame for everything.
At least that’s what those guys who supported Hillary in the presidential election would have us believe. I don’t think Putin and his guys are what you would call champions of truth and virtue, and I would not be surprised to learn that they hack anyone’s emails who they view as an opponent, but I also know that the NSA in the US has been doing exactly the same thing around the world for many years. That doesn’t make it OK, but it shows the hypocracy of those who endorse such actions for themselves but pretend to be shocked when done by others.
On top of that is the fact that, so far, neither the CIA or NSA have offered any hard evidence that Russia had anything to do with the DNC email hacks. In fact, there is good reason to suspect that the emails were sent to WikiLeaks by Seth Rich, an computer programmer for the Democrat National Committee who had access to the DNC computer. It may not be a coincidence that Seth was shot to death on the street near his home shortly after the hack was discovered. In case you are not aware of this, here are two stories that provide the details: (News item 1) (News item 2)
Even if the hack really was done by Russia, the facts revealed in the emails are more important to the security of America than who released them. The Establishment wants us to be indignant at the possibility of Russia doing the same thing the US does and entirely forget about the corruption that the emails revealed.
If Al Capone had leaked the private letters of Bugsy the Butcher proving that Bugsy had murdered the Chief of Police, are we to be so offended by the unauthorized publication of Bugsy’s letters that we forgive him of the murders? Even if Russia did hack the emails – which is doubtful – that would not purify Hillary or entitle her to occupy the White House.
G. Edward Griffin
2016 December 16
The FBI, CIA, and the office of National Intelligence are refusing to brief Trump’s presidential transition team on alleged Russian cyberattacks during the US presidential election. The CIA says that these hacks altered the outcome of the presidential election but, so far, has offered no proof that Russia was involved in any way. USA Today 2016 Dec 14 (Story) (Cached)
Obama has ordered a Congressional investigation into the claim that Russian hacks of Democrat Party emails caused Hillary to lose the election. He is supported by a bipartisan group that opposed Trump’s candidacy. The CIA, still under control of Obama, also has supported this allegation but, so far, has offered no proof. The best evidence so far are “reports” from unnamed sources. CBS News 2016 Dec 12 (Story)
The US Senate passed the ‘Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act’ that creates a new agency to counter domestic occurrences of ‘foreign disinformation’. This is part of the recent attempt by the Establishment to label the hack of Hillary’s emails as a Russian plot. The language in the bill is so vague that it can be used to label any exposure of domestic fraud or corruption as ‘foreign disinformation’. AntiWar 2016 Dec 12 (Story) (Cached)
Leftists are pressuring electors in the electoral college to change their vote and put Hillary in the White House, even though there could be a penalty including jail time. Lawrence Lessig, a Harvard professor, is offering legal support for anti-Trump electors. InfoWars 2016 Dec 15 (Story)
Yahoo has announced another data breach, this time affecting more than one-billion accounts, the largest in history. This breach may have exposed names, email addresses, phone numbers, dates of birth, and security questions. The company recommends that current users change their passwords and security questions. ABC News 2016 Dec 15 (Story)
Political scientists at the UN claim that there is an overwhelming scientific consensus that man-made global warming is real. That claim is just as false as the theory of man-made global warming itself. Here is a list of 145 very prominent scientists who reject the UN’s claim. [See An Inconvenient Lie for more information and documentation.] Climate Science International posted 2016 Dec 15 (Story) (Cached)
Germany: Last week we reported on the rape and murder of 19-year old medical student, Maria Ladenburger, by an Afghan refugee. The refugee has been identified as Hussein Khavari, and claims to be 17-years old. He was jailed in Greece in 2013 for attempting to murder a student by pushing her off a cliff and, at that time, also said he was 17. In Greece he was sentenced to ten years in prison but was released early and allowed to travel to Germany. Information Liberation 2016 Dec 15 (Story) (Cached)
UK: Nigel Farage ridicules the claim by UK labor leaders that Russian cyber hacking and Internet propaganda are responsible for Brexit and that the Russians also are responsible for the influx of refugees in Europe. The truth is that German Chancellor Merkel threw open the door to immigration in Europe and accepted a migrant population of 80% young males who never would have qualified as refugees otherwise. Now the EU wants to get rid of NATO so it can create its own army. The EU also wants Ukraine to join the EU to further provoke Russia. The ploy is to create an enemy hate figure to blame for the EU’s own own failures. Fox News 2016 Dec 15 (Story)
US: In the recent election, Detroit, Michigan was an area in which the vote for Hillary Clinton was strong. It now is known that voting machines in 37% of Detroit precincts (248 out of 662) recorded more votes than there were voters. [Would it be considered ‘conspiracy theory’ to suggest vote fraud?] Breitbart 2016 Dec 14 (Story) (Cached)
Aleppo, Syria: Civilians found large supplies of food and other humanitarian aid intended for them but which had been confiscated by the Army of Islam, a rebel group funded by Saudis who are US allies. Reuters 2016 Dec 14 (Story)
US Congresswoman, Tulsi Gabbard, is introducing a bill to stop funding terrorist organizations such as al-Qaeda, ISIS and al-Nusra. Her bill competes directly with outgoing Obama’s executive action to lift all restrictions on US arms exports to rebel groups in Syria. 21st Century Wire 2016 Dec 14 (Story) (Cached)
The leftist Southern Poverty Law Center claims that over 1,000 racial and anti-Muslim attacks have occurred since the election. It says that Donald Trump and white supremacists are responsible for the attacks. US Attorney General Loretta Lynch also lashed out at ‘hate crimes’ that she blamed on white supremacists. As most often is the case, there is no proof that these reports are true. In this day when almost everyone has a video-enabled smart phone, acts of violence commonly are recorded by bystanders, Video documentation of the reports from these leftist groups are conspicuously absent. Colin Flaherty 2016 Dec 14 (Story)
Guerrero state, Mexico: Angry citizens in the small town of Totolapán are so fed up with violence and kidnapping by drug gangs that they struck back. Townsfolk-turned-vigilantes counter-kidnapped a group of gang members and their leader’s mother. State police oversaw the hostage exchange, but the vigilantes released their hostages to authorities for investigation. Foreign Policy Magazine 2016 Dec 14 (Story) (Cached)
Philippines: President Duterte says that, when he was the Mayor of Davao City, he would drive his motorcycle around looking for suspected criminals to kill, in order to set an example for his policemen. Since taking power in June, Duterte has waged a ‘war on drugs’ that has resulted in the killing of more than 5,900 people suspected of dealing or using drugs. Fair trials are not part of the process. CNN 2016 Dec 14 (Story)
Alex Newman has written an excellent summary of the recent Freedom Force conference entitled ‘Global Warming, an Inconvenient Lie’. While you are waiting for the proceedings to be broadcast over the Internet (soon to be announced), this will show the breadth of topics covered and the depth of scientific documentation offered. G. Edward Griffin, Founder of Freedom Force, describes this as a ‘Weapon of Mass Instruction’ that will destroy one of the most dangerous myths of all time. [Subscribers to Need to Know News will be notified of the broadcast date and time. If you are not a subscriber, you can enroll here. It’s free] New American 2016 Dec 13 (Story) (Cached)
Mark Thompson, CEO of the New York Times, is blaming social media for the newspaper’s decline, and wants subsidies from them to keep the paper afloat. ZeroHedge 2016 Dec 13 (Story) (Cached)
A complaint has been filed with the Federal Trade Commission that alleges two new toys, the I-Que Robot and the My Friend Cayla doll, may be spying and collecting data on families. They come with listening and recording capabilities and can prompt children to answer personal questions about their family. The recordings are being transmitted by Wi-Fi to Nuance Communications, a company that allegedly has contracts with military and law enforcement agencies. RT 2016 Dec 12 (Story)
Radiation from leaking nuclear reactors in Fukushima, Japan, finally reached the shores of the US in Oregon and it less than expected. It is less than one-thousandth the standard for drinking water. Ken Buesseler, a chemical oceanographer, launched a crowd-funded seawater-sampling project, because the US no longer monitors the oceans for radioactivity. UPI 2016 Dec 12 (Story) (Cached)
The US Energy Department is refusing to provide Donald Trump’s transition team with the names of people who have worked on climate change or who attended global climate talks hosted by the UN. Reuters 2016 Dec 13 (Story) (Cached)
President Maduro of Venezuela is withdrawing from circulation the country’s largest banknote. The 100-bolivar note is worth only two US cents in the free market. Maduro is blaming shortages of food and goods on criminals in Columbia who buy cheap Venezuelan currency at the border, use it to buy government-subsidized Venezuelan goods, and then sell them for a profit in Colombia. The real cause of shortages is, not speculators in Columbia, but socialist (collectivist) economic policies in Venezuela. EuroNews 2016 Dec 12 (Story)
US: Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the federal agency that was given the task of deporting illegal aliens, spent $100-million in a scheme to avoid deporting them. Instead, they were moved from one place to another within the US. Only 3 percent of those caught at the border over the last few years had been sent home as of June. Washington Times 2016 Dec 11 (Story) (Cached)
Defeat the hidden agenda.
Freedom Force awaits you.
Last month, the Washington Post admitted that its article condemning ‘fake news’ was, itself, fake news. It was based on a report from PropOrNot, an anonymous group that accused more than 200 websites of promoting Russian propaganda to sway the election against Hillary Clinton. Then, the Washington Post admitted it could not vouch for the accuracy of the report, which means it presented the undocumented opinion of an unknown writer as though it were a newsworthy fact. [By so doing, it published fake news, which is the very thing it was condemning. So what else is new?] The Duran posted 2016 Dec 10 (Story) (Cached)
News and commentaries that reveal historical facts and trends that place current events into perspective and make it possible to anticipate future events.
Facebook will implement a plan to cut down on so-called ‘fake news’ by making it easier to report a hoax, hiring third-party ‘fact-checkers’, and blocking stories that someone says are false. [Guess who will decide what is false? This does not bode well for whistleblowers and those who attempt to expose fraud and corruption in high places.] CBS News 2016 Dec 15 (Story)
David Knight reports that the US Federal Reserve intends to raise interest rates to cause an economic downturn during the Trump administration. The manipulation of interest rates creates boom and bust cycles and allows banks to reward or punish politicians in office as they see fit. InfoWars 2016 Dec 15 (Story)
New 3D printers are ready to turn manufacturing on its head. A company called Local Motors is making cars in mere hours, while you wait, using 3D printers. The company also uses printers to manufacture an electric self-driving mini bus that even tells jokes. ABC News 2016 Dec 14 (Story)
US: A bill, known as Kevin and Avonte’s Law, passed 346 to 66 in the House. It authorizes federal funding to local law enforcement for tracking-technology programs that include human implantable microchips and bar-code tattoos. Supporters claim that the bill will be used to locate lost people with disabilities such as dementia and autism, As usual, however, the wording of the law is so vague that local police will be free to decide who will be chipped and tracked. [If this bill really was to help people with medical problems, it would have come through the Department of Health and Human Services instead of the Justice Department, which will use it to protect those in power.] Truthstream Media 2016 Dec 13 (Story)
Defeat the hidden agenda.
Freedom Force awaits you.
Journalist, Eva Bartlett, Representatives of the US Peace Council and the International Action Center presented firsthand accounts of the war in Aleppo based on their personal experiences in Syria. They testified that the Western mainstream media have been covering up the truth about Western support of the rebels who attack civilians, about rebel use of chemical weapons, and about the covert arming of ISIS by the US. 21st Century Wire 2016 Dec 12 (Story)
Need to Know is as serious as it gets, but laughter is good for the soul and helps to keep our equilibrium amid the chaos. So, here are quips, gags, and images to put a smile on your face. If you have some you would like to share, please send them here.
Quips from Steven Wright:
Borrow money from pessimists. They don’t expect it back.
Half the people you know are below average.
99% of lawyers give the rest a bad name.
82.7% of all statistics are made up on the spot.
A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.
If you want a rainbow, you must put up with rain.
Some things just have to be shared. If you know of some, please send them here.
The amazing Flower Skull Antirrhinum,
Click to enlarge.
Comments under 300 words, please. We cannot engage in correspondence but do appreciate your contribution. We do not publish insults or attacks against other readers. Points should stand on their own merits. You are welcome to express your religious views but not to criticize the views of others. Our mission is to unify our readers, not divide them. Send comments here.
2016 Dec 15 from Chris
Dear Ed, Regarding your article about the Sopreme Court ruling that the right to own a gun can be denied to those who have been convicted of misdemeanor-level domestic violence, this is legally termed “civil death”. That is one of the methods tyrants use to silence people like me who oppose their tyranny. This is nothing new. It has been used throughout human history. Here is a legal analysis on the subject:
All these news blurbs signal the death of this “republic”. We live in times similar to the days of Christ. The political officials of his time called him “mamzer”, which meant they considered him civilly dead. It’s in the Talmud as well as the New Testement. Because that didn’t silence him, they murdered him, because he was stirring up too much bad press on them.
2016 Dec 6 from Patrick Moore (Greenpeace-Canada founder)
My only alternative policy suggestion is to advance the mechanization of agriculture in the developing countries which will automatically address both population growth and poverty in a single action. All one needs is to analyze the current situation. Countries with mechanized agriculture employ only 5% or less of the population in food production, have stable or negative population growth and are relatively wealthy. Counties with subsistence agriculture have 60-80% of the population in food production, high population growth, and relative poverty.
2016 Dec 5 from Paul David Stoneburner
Subject: CANNOT PROVE THERE ARE NO GHOSTS – Need to Know News 2016 December 2
Oops. Sorry, but I think you finally made a mistake! Almost. There is nothing said that is actually false, but it wasn’t a very good example. It is quite possible to make gold from lead and, as I recall, such was done some thirty years ago. Whether in a reactor or cyclotron I don’t just now recall. The isotope created is unstable, but will decay into stable gold. However, the reason we’re not currently emulating Heaven and paving our streets with the stuff is that to manufacture gold costs many times the value of the product created—several trillion dollars per ounce. As a scientific endeavor to increase knowledge, a great idea. As a way to become wealthy, not so much. Love your news. Keep up the good work.
Hello Paul. I believe it was a particle accelerator at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and, as I recall, it was bismuth, not lead. In any event, please note that I was using this as a hypothetical analogy, not a fact of history, and it had to do with proof of a theory, not whether the theory would produce a profit. Either way, however, I don’t see what’s wrong with the example? I welcome your critique, though, because it’s good to know that people actually are reading my stuff. I’m also glad you like our news service. Thanks for writing.
List your service, product, or request here and reach our informed and motivated readers each month. Ads with greatest seniority appear at the tops of their listings. New ads carry a pointer during their first month. For rates and terms, click here.
The appearance of ads on this site does not signify endorsement by the publisher. We do not attempt to verify the accuracy of statements made therein or vouch for the integrity of advertisers. However, we will investigate complaints from readers and remove any message we find to be misleading or that promotes anything fraudulent, illegal, or unethical.
Economic crash around the corner? Protect yourself from the next crash with Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the currency of the 21st century. We are up 44% in our Bitcoin investments in the last 12 months. Get all the information here.
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Discover How You Can Raise ALL THE MONEY YOU NEED for any worthwhile project with Crowd Funding! Bills-Business-Charity-Education-Artistic-Personal & more! Free 7-minute video gives you all the details. http://
Ultimate Wealth Building Guide reveals 5 steps to create your own banking system to achieve lifetime financial security,certainty, and peace of mind in 60 days. Discover how to build and grow lasting wealth safely and predictably, regardless of market and economic cycles.
Free Report: Three Major Shifts That Signal Risks to Your Investments Are Headed Higher. Including the one action every investor should take right now to protect their portfolio against significantly rising risks.
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Every member has been profitable. We are just getting started in the USA. Introduction video at Then register for more info.
**Are you ready for financial freedom?
FREE download our bestselling books:
The Coming “Gold & Silver Share” Explosion & The Coming Banking Holiday. View cover. It forecasts an overnight devaluation of the U.S. dollar & what Americans can do now to prosper & survive it. Download book at
Time is running out to disconnect your savings from the dollar. Here is an investment-advisory program that offers excellent financial advice for prospering in a crumbling economy and includes a plan for restoring the system to new highs of liberty and prosperity. Includes segments by G. Edward Griffin. Offered by the Success Council here.
Applied Knowledge Conquers the Future. Learn what you can do to start preparing for the inevitable financial crisis! The cost of ignorance is fatal. Don’t get left behind! Empower yourself with education!
UNCLE SAM WANTS YOU … To Pay More In Taxes Than You Have To!! WE DON’T! You owe it to Yourself to take 17 minutes to learn how to STOP Your Money from Burning! Call 214.232.5391 after webinar. Join at
Are you SURE you are required by law to file a tax return? Is working for a living a right or a privilege? Supreme Court recognizes the right to “altogether avoid” income tax. Using lawful process, if you qualify, IRS will agree you have no filing requirement and no income tax liability. Proven (and mind-blowing) results. Request free Lawful Tax Avoidance Report at No obligation whatsoever.
Being informed is not enough. Knowledge, by itself, is not power, but it holds the potential for power if we use it as a guide for action. Truth always will be defeated by tyranny unless we are willing to step forward and enter the battle. The future belongs, not to ideas, but to people who act on those ideas. If you truly want to make a difference in the world, Freedom Force International awaits you.
Depressed from reading the news?
Escape your world.
Anxiety Publishing Seeking Partners. The Freedom Movement has excellent books but needs more fiction, novels set in a real world, not a Disney fantasy. A small group of authors can effectively reprogram the masses while increasing their book sales!
**My husband and I are both immigrants from South Africa. We arrived in America with a suitcase in hand in a land of opportunity. No handouts, just hard work and faith in God. Now, all we have worked for depends on rennovating an old berry barn in Maine. Please let me tell you how you can help.
Sharp Hosting UK provide website management. Nigel Peck provides technical management to those in need of a single point of call for all aspects of their website. For more information, call Nigel on (+44) 07545 211 352, email, or visit
Dentistry ruins health by: mercury fillings, root canals, implants, fluoride, pulling wisdom teeth, tooth extraction causing cavitations, ignoring cranial bones, pulling teeth for orthodontia, ignoring acidity that causes bone loss, etc. (206) 623-4674 or
Why should you care about what’s happening to G. Edward Griffin’s blood pressure? Because the same could happen to yours – and that might make a huge difference in your longevity. See how he lowered his blood pressure without drugs and their side effects. Look at the results achieved by others. If you are over 40, you owe it to yourself to know about this.
Health with space-age technology and Quantum physics. For people and all animals. No medication! Available world wide! Contact us at For principals and testimonials please visit our website.
God’s love manifested in molecules. As the world leader in Essential Oils, we offer hundreds of single oils, blends and infused products, each containing the optimal levels of specific, naturally occurring constituents to maximize their benefits. Whether you use oils for aromatic purposes, personal care, or household solutions, every aspect of daily life can benefit from the incorporation of essential oils.
**The Heavenly Handbook of Health. “WOW! U want FeedBack? So far I am floored. If I’ve learned anything about you since we met; this book has the potential to be a blockbuster.” Read 18pg Teaser @ Simple, incredible, affordable health – any age!
No ads at this time
Protect your wealth from the IRS. Own a condo for retirement, rent. or live part of the year as a Snowbird. New 2-bedroom condos, Internet, elect, 15min walk to beach and town, starting at $75,000 in Nicaragua. For more info, click here.
Titanic; A Perfect Crime
This novel explores little known facts of that famous tragedy and provides jaw-dropping insights to new discoveries that came with the finding of the 100-year-old ship wreck. The book’s scenario of what really happened that fateful night is amazingly consistent with the historical record. No other theory explains so many parts of the mystery. (More)
Thomas Jefferson
2016 December 17 – 23
2016 December 17 – 23
Real news about fake news
Real news about fake news
The more that mainstream media screeches about ‘fake news’ from whistleblowers and others exposing corruption in government, the more obvious it is becoming to mainstream citizens that it is the media, itself, that is the greatest purveyor of fake news.
We should be grateful to the propagandists for giving us an excellent phrase to throw back in their faces. Although it was designed as a word weapon to discredit alternative media, it is turning out to be a double-edged sword that cuts mainstream media more deeply than its intended victims.
The following reports from this week’s news are good examples of why even the readers of controlled news are becoming aware, indirectly, that they need to question what they see and hear from establishment sources, such as national networks and social media. Make sure your friends are made aware of these stories – and the rest of the news as well.
G. Edward Griffin
2016 December 23
Egypt: Five people were arrested for making staged “wounded children” photos, which they were planning to use on social media as proof of destruction and injured people in Aleppo, Syria. The same group also made fake videos that purport to show the wreckage caused by Russian air strikes in Aleppo. [Notice that this report did not include anyhting about who these people were, who they worked for, or what motivated them to do this. Withholding facts is just as bad as lying about them.] ZeroHedge 2016 Dec 20 (Story) (Cached)
Germany’s government is planning to fine social-media companies up to $520,000 if they fail to delete so-called ‘fake news’ within 24 hours of being detected. [Fake news is whatever the government wants to censor.] ARS Technica 2016 Dec 19 (Story) (Cached)
Alleppo, Syria: The last rebels withdrew from the city late on Thursday under a ceasefire deal in which an estimated 35,000 people, mostly civilians, departed. The carnage, however, has not ceased. From outside the city, these US-backed rebels shelled Aleppo on Friday, killing three people. Reuters 2016 Dec 23 (Story) (Cached)
Austrian police are handing out 6,000 alarms to women prior to New Year’s Eve to ward off sex attacks by Muslim migrants. [We think 6,000 pistols would be far more effective.] InfoWars 2016 Dec 22 (Story)
The Italian government has approved a €20-billion bail-in for banks on the brink of failure. In this case, the bail-in will use bondholders’ money, but depositors will be on the hook in future cases. The banking industry is more concerned with maintaining confidence in the system than fixing the problem. ZeroHedge 2016 Dec 22 (Story) (Cached)
A disturbing trend in Islamic terror attacks involves the use of children for suicide missions. The young also are trained in guerilla warfare. The brainwashing begins when children believe there is nothing good in the world. RT 2016 Dec 22 (Story)
Greenville, Mississippi: Andrew McClinton, 45, a black man, was arrested and charged with burning the church of which he was a member and defacing its outer walls with “Vote Trump” graffiti. An insurance representative said that the fire was not politically motivated. If it was not politically motivated, then could the motive have been to collect insurance and donations to pay for a church renovation – and blame the fire on white racists? In addition to the insurance coverage, $240,000 was raised in an Internet GoFundMe project. Daily Caller 2016 Dec 21 (Story) (Cached)
Turkey: Mevlut Mert Altintas, a young off-duty police officer, killed Russia’s Ambassador to Turkey. A remote-controlled camera recorded him shouting “Allahu Akbar” and pledging allegiance to Mohammed before he was shot dead by Turkish forces. EuroNews 2016 Dec 21 (Story)
Anis Amri, 24, has been named as the main suspect in the Berlin truck attack after finding his ID in the cab of the truck. It is unknown if he had accomplices. Earlier this year Amri was classified by German police as a “potential threat”. Prior to arriving in Germany, Amri spent four years in an Italian prison for burning a school. It is reported that he also was convicted in absentia for aggravated theft with violence and sentenced to five years in prison. Fox News 2016 Dec 21 (Story) (Cached)
There are certain facts about Anis Amri, the main suspect in the Berlin truck massacre, that support the suspicion that authorities knew the attack was imminent but did nothing to prevent it. Amri was well known to Italian and German authorities as a person with intent to commit acts of violence and he was being closely monitored. He was arrested by Italian authorities for trying to enter the country with a fake passport and he even shot a policeman during the confrontation. Authorities knew he had entered Germany with no identification papers but did not deport him. Heavy 2016 Dec 21 (Story) (Cached)
Germany: Prime-Minister Angela Merkel has assured voters that skilled migrants would become employed, pay taxes, and pay for the pensions of aging Germans. In contrast, only 34,000 out of 1.2 million migrants (36%) have obtained jobs, and nearly a quarter of those are temporary. Two-thirds are illiterate in their own languages, and nearly all are reliant on welfare. Information Liberation 2016 Dec 21 (Story) (Cached)
Obama is teaming up with Eric Holder to file lawsuits in Republican dominated legislatures in order to redistrict them so Democrats can regain control. Their plans dovetail with George Soros’ agenda to change election laws, such as citizenship verification and voter ID. Conservative HQ 2016 Dec 21 (Story) (Cached)
Scotland: First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is calling for Scotland to remain in the EU in spite of the UK vote in favor of leaving. She says she will call for a referendum for Scottish secession from the UK, if necessary. AFP 2016 Dec 20 (Story)
China’s currency is at an eight and a-half-year low, prompting citizens to move their money out of the country by buying foreign currencies and overseas assets. Many are investing in the US. In response, Chinese banks are threatening to blacklist those who engage in large transactions out of the country. Reuters 2016 Dec 20 (Story)
Berlin, Germany: Twelve people were killed and nearly fifty injured when a truck plowed through a Christmas market in an attack that was quickly claimed by ISIS. The suspect is a refugee – one of over a million refugees allowed into Germany by Angela Merkel’s open-border policy. Stefan Molyneux exhorts the citizens of Europe to rise up against the mass immigration of refugees who are predominantly young Muslim males who threaten to dominate Christian European culture. Stefan Molyneux 2016 Dec 19 (Story)
Los Angeles political leaders have reacted to Trump’s promise to withhold federal funds from sanctuary cities who attempt to prevent deportation of illegal aliens. They announced a new $10-million fund to provide legal assistance for the illegals. Los Angeles taxpayers from the city and county will bankroll half of the fund whether they approve or not. The other half is expected to come from politically motivated groups that want to skew demographics so that Democrats remain in power. CBS 2016 Dec 19 (Story)
Defeat the hidden agenda.
Freedom Force awaits you.
Syria has provided evidence to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons showing that Western-backed rebels used mustard gas, a banned chemical agent, against civilians in Aleppo last September. 21st Century Wire 2016 Dec 18 (Story) (Cached)
US: Henry Kissinger says that all countries have hacking capabilities and that every intelligence service probably is hacking into other countries, but no one wants to admit the scope of what they are doing. He has no doubt that Russia is hacking the US and he hopes the US is hacking Russia. CBS 2016 Dec 18 (Story)
Yemen: Nearly 2.2 million children are acutely malnourished due to shortages and the near-collapse of the health-care system caused by the two-year war between the Houthis and Saudi Arabia. At least one child dies every ten minutes in Yemen because of malnutrition and preventable diseases. TFC posted 2016 Dec 17 (Story) (Cached)
US: Ron Paul criticizes the CIA for making accusations against Russia without any evidence to support them, while the CIA itself, has meddled in hundreds of elections in foreign countries. He says that Americans should be more concerned about CIA domestic assassinations and abuses of American liberty and privacy than worrying about alleged interference from overseas. RT 2016 Dec 17 (Story)
US: Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp is asking Donald Trump to investigate why the US Department of Homeland Security tried to hack-attack Georgia’s election-computer network on ten occasions. These hacks from DHS were done on the same dates that Kemp criticized the DHS plan to designate elections systems as “critical infrastructure.” State officials say this designation could be used to justify a federal takeover of all state election systems. Washington Post posted 2017 Dec 17 (Story) (Cached)
News and commentaries that reveal historical facts and trends that place current events into perspective and make it possible to anticipate future events.
The late Andrew Breitbart explains that the Frankfurt School started as a think tank in Germany prior to World War I. After World War II, it adopted an agenda to spread Marxism throughout the world. Most of the Frankfurt School settled in Santa Monica, USA, in the 1940’s, but were frustrated by the success of capitalism that surrounded them. In response, they developed ‘cultural Marxism’ which now we experience daily as political correctness and multiculturalism. Schools everywhere began teaching topics that pit Americans against each other. Saul Alinsky consolidated the philosophy into actionable rules, and many newscasters now follow those rules. Hoover Institute posted 2016 Dec 19 (Story)
Venezuela: Last week, the 100-bolivarnote, the largest denomination of currency in the country, was worth two cents on the black market and fourteen cents at the official rate. This difference encouraged speculators to acquire the bills in the black market and spend them in stores where prices are kept artificially low by government-fixed prices. That, in turn, led to product shortages and runaway inflation. Then President Maduro announced that these notes would be pulled from circulation in 72 hours and would be worthless after that. Millions of Venezuelans scrambled to turn in their cash in exchange for newly printed notes of much higher denomination, but the new currency never arrived at the banks. Maduro then announced that the old bills will be good until January 2nd.. By then it was too late. The people had been tricked into giving their savings to the banks. Maduro declared a ‘victory’, because the banks had gone from holding just 2% of the nation’s currency to a whopping 80%. Such is collectivism. The Guardian 2016 Dec 18 (Story) (Cached)
Stefan Molyneux shows how socialist / collectivist monetary policies in Venezuela led to its current state with people starving in the streets. This is the most comprehensive analysis of the Venezuela tragedy we have seen – Molyneux is at his best. Stefan Molyneux posted 2016 Dec 18 (Story)
“Of all tyrannies. a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”
Need to Know is as serious as it gets, but laughter is good for the soul and helps to keep our equilibrium amid the chaos. So, here are quips, gags, and images to put a smile on your face. If you have some you would like to share, please send them here.
Why Don’t Blind People Like To Sky Dive?
Because It Scares The Dog.
What Kind Of Coffee Was Served On The Titanic?
Why Did Pilgrims’ Pants Fall Down?
Because They Wore Their Belt Buckles On Their Hats.
What’s The Difference Between a Bad Golfer And a Bad Skydiver? A Bad Golfer Goes, Whack, Dang! A Bad Skydiver Goes Dang! Whack.
Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.
Some things just have to be shared. If you know of some, please send them here.
Who is checking out who?
Comments under 300 words, please. We cannot engage in correspondence but do appreciate your contribution. We do not publish insults or attacks against other readers. Points should stand on their own merits. You are welcome to express your religious views but not to criticize the views of others. Our mission is to unify our readers, not divide them. Send comments here.
2016 Dec 19 from Jerry Scott
Four Gasses are critical to life systems on earth, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Hydrogen, and CO2. They have branded CO2 as a dirty pollutant. What kind of a FOOL does that? Methane and natural gas are ten times more greenhouse effective than CO2. The earth bleeds it from every pore in mega tons and most of it eventually oxidizes to water and CO2. The amazing thing is it cannot be stopped or regulated and therefor is not taxable. They have picked CO2 for the obvious reason that it can lead to taxes and carbon exchanges and great wealth and power and people control by certain ELITES.
2016 Dec 19 from Tom Cornwell
Dear Ed,
I believe that your opening article in this week’s ‘Need to Know’ [Those guys in Russia are to blame for everyting] is right on the money. Every word. I wonder how the Seth Rich murder investigation is going, by the way. Regarding all of this ‘fake news’ business, there is an appropriate Polish term for it, ‘gówno prawda’, which translates literally to ‘shit truth’ or more commonly, ‘bullshit’.
2016 Dec 17 from Jerry Hewes
Ed, regarding your editorial, YOU CANNOT PROVE THERE ARE NO GHOSTS –
My neighbor and I were discussing this partly because he believes ghosts are real, having seen his dead Dad in an episode. I questioned the ghost’s purpose. No response. Thinking now I ask, what do ghosts stand on? How do they know when or how to stand on ground (which means they have mass) and when or how to pass through walls? However his ghost was seen to maneuver around a truck which he could just pass through. Well, on and on the blather could flow. Excellent post today. It reveals how thoroughly ghost technology has entered our new media.
List your service, product, or request here and reach our informed and motivated readers each month. Ads with greatest seniority appear at the tops of their listings. New ads carry a pointer during their first month. For rates and terms, click here.
The appearance of ads on this site does not signify endorsement by the publisher. We do not attempt to verify the accuracy of statements made therein or vouch for the integrity of advertisers. However, we will investigate complaints from readers and remove any message we find to be misleading or that promotes anything fraudulent, illegal, or unethical.
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Free Report: Three Major Shifts That Signal Risks to Your Investments Are Headed Higher. Including the one action every investor should take right now to protect their portfolio against significantly rising risks.
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Every member has been profitable. We are just getting started in the USA. Introduction video at Then register for more info.
**Are you ready for financial freedom?
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The Coming “Gold & Silver Share” Explosion & The Coming Banking Holiday. View cover. It forecasts an overnight devaluation of the U.S. dollar & what Americans can do now to prosper & survive it. Download book at
Time is running out to disconnect your savings from the dollar. Here is an investment-advisory program that offers excellent financial advice for prospering in a crumbling economy and includes a plan for restoring the system to new highs of liberty and prosperity. Includes segments by G. Edward Griffin. Offered by the Success Council here.
Applied Knowledge Conquers the Future. Learn what you can do to start preparing for the inevitable financial crisis! The cost of ignorance is fatal. Don’t get left behind! Empower yourself with education!
UNCLE SAM WANTS YOU … To Pay More In Taxes Than You Have To!! WE DON’T! You owe it to Yourself to take 17 minutes to learn how to STOP Your Money from Burning! Call 214.232.5391 after webinar. Join at
Are you SURE you are required by law to file a tax return? Is working for a living a right or a privilege? Supreme Court recognizes the right to “altogether avoid” income tax. Using lawful process, if you qualify, IRS will agree you have no filing requirement and no income tax liability. Proven (and mind-blowing) results. Request free Lawful Tax Avoidance Report at No obligation whatsoever.
Being informed is not enough. Knowledge, by itself, is not power, but it holds the potential for power if we use it as a guide for action. Truth always will be defeated by tyranny unless we are willing to step forward and enter the battle. The future belongs, not to ideas, but to people who act on those ideas. If you truly want to make a difference in the world, Freedom Force International awaits you.
Depressed from reading the news?
Escape your world.
Anxiety Publishing Seeking Partners. The Freedom Movement has excellent books but needs more fiction, novels set in a real world, not a Disney fantasy. A small group of authors can effectively reprogram the masses while increasing their book sales!
**My husband and I are both immigrants from South Africa. We arrived in America with a suitcase in hand in a land of opportunity. No handouts, just hard work and faith in God. Now, all we have worked for depends on rennovating an old berry barn in Maine. Please let me tell you how you can help.
Sharp Hosting UK provide website management. Nigel Peck provides technical management to those in need of a single point of call for all aspects of their website. For more information, call Nigel on (+44) 07545 211 352, email, or visit
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Why should you care about what’s happening to G. Edward Griffin’s blood pressure? Because the same could happen to yours – and that might make a huge difference in your longevity. See how he lowered his blood pressure without drugs and their side effects. Look at the results achieved by others. If you are over 40, you owe it to yourself to know about this.
Health with space-age technology and Quantum physics. For people and all animals. No medication! Available world wide! Contact us at For principals and testimonials please visit our website.
God’s love manifested in molecules. As the world leader in Essential Oils, we offer hundreds of single oils, blends and infused products, each containing the optimal levels of specific, naturally occurring constituents to maximize their benefits. Whether you use oils for aromatic purposes, personal care, or household solutions, every aspect of daily life can benefit from the incorporation of essential oils.
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No ads at this time
Protect your wealth from the IRS. Own a condo for retirement, rent. or live part of the year as a Snowbird. New 2-bedroom condos, Internet, elect, 15min walk to beach and town, starting at $75,000 in Nicaragua. For more info, click here.
Titanic; A Perfect Crime
This novel explores little known facts of that famous tragedy and provides jaw-dropping insights to new discoveries that came with the finding of the 100-year-old ship wreck. The book’s scenario of what really happened that fateful night is amazingly consistent with the historical record. No other theory explains so many parts of the mystery. (More)
C.S. Lewis
C.S. Lewis
British novelist, poet, academic, essayist, lay theologian, broadcaster, lecturer. 1898 – 1963
“Of all tyrannies. a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”
2016 December 24 – 30
2016 December 24 – 30
Don’t get mad, Mr. Putin. It’s just our little game.
Don’t get mad, Mr. Putin. It’s just our little game.
The news this week, about President Obama ordering 35 Russian staff members to leave the country in retaliation for allegedly hacking emails of DNC leaders, sent my memory reeling back to a conversations I had in 1985 with Yuri Bezmenov, a defector from the Soviet KGB. Yuri’s specialty was propaganda and weaponized journalism. He also was a skilled operative in the diplomatic corps.
I learned a lot from Yuri about how governments function at the diplomatic level, but the thing that impressed me most was that political diplomacy is a game played by professionals who follow a strict set of rules. One of those rules is that it is assumed that each diplomat is always lying. Furthermore, one should not take offense at that. It’s merely part of the job, and all the players respect that rule without taking it personally.
Yuri explained to me that, during the Cold War, in order to look good to the people or to cover up some corruption that came to light, political leaders on both sides would find it useful to make a big show of expelling from their country a few members of each other’s diplomatic corps. But it was just a game that the professionals understood. In most cases, those who were expelled soon were replaced by others with the same assignments or, in some cases, they quietly returned to their original posts after a short sabbatical.
(My recorded interview of Bezmenov is shown above. He does not discuss this specific issue in the interview but goes into great detail on how he hoodwinkied journalists and diplomats who visited the Soviet Union. Fascinating stuff.)
All this came to mind when I heard that Obama had given 35 Russian ‘operatives’ 73-hours to leave the country, because they were suspected of having something to do with hacking the emails of DNC leaders. I couldn’t help but wonder how many of them already had plane reservations to Moscow to arrive for a New Year’s celebration with family and friends.
Finally, I began to wonder when Russia, China, Germany, the UK, France, and other countries will send American ‘operatives’ home for hacking emails, phone calls, text messages, bank records, and travel records of the leaders of those countries. Of one thing I am certain, if it does happen, no one will take it personally. It’s just part of the game.
G. Edward Griffin
2016 December 30
Obama placed sanctions against six Russian officials and the FSB (the Russian security agency) for allegedly meddling in the US presidential election. The US State Department has given 35 Russian intelligence operatives 72 hours to leave the US. [Neither Obama nor any US intelligence agency has offered evidence to support the claim of Russian interference in the elections. [However, the more Obama and the leftist Establishment make statements like this, and the more the Establishment media reports on those statements without questioning their basis, the more the American people tend to believe Russian meddling must be a fact.] NewsBeat Social 2016 Dec 29 (Story)
Talk about fake news! US intelligence officials have advanced a conspiracy theory, with zero evidence, of how Russia might have hacked into Democrat Party computers. [The theorists even created code names for the theoretical hacking units to make them sound authentic. Finally, they gave the theoretical operation the name, Grizzly Steppe. This made it appear that this was a real operation that had been discovered. But all of it is made up for political purposes. Notice how uncritically CBS writers and journalists report the story as though it is proven fact.] CBS News 2016 Dec 29 (Story)
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un has executed 340 people since he took office in 2011, and 140 of those were senior officials and advisors. Some of the infractions that resulted in a death sentence were slouching, having a bad attitude, snoozing during military briefings, and talking back. NY Post 2016 Dec 29 (Story) (Cached)
Obama turned 1.65 million acres of land in Utah and Nevada into National-Monument status thereby making them off limits to any development or useful purpose, including mining, oil extraction, and building. It’s just one more limitation on America’s ability to prosper. Breitbart 2016 Dec 29 (Story) (Cached)
Obama declared that the land which includes the Clive Bundy Ranch now is a national monument. The Bundy Ranch was the location of the 2014 standoff against federal officials and ranchers over regulation and taxation of grazing land. Now that this will be treated in some ways like a national park, Bundy and other ranchers will be under attack once again. Next News Network 2016 Dec 30 (Story)
Finland is running an experiment on ‘Universal Basic Income’ by selecting 2,000 unemployed citizens who will receive $600 per month, no strings attached, for two years. The collectivist government theorizes that, because people put off finding work in order to keep the benefits they have, giving them more benefits ‘with no strings attached’ will encourage them to seek jobs. Hmmm. NewsBeat Social 2016 Dec 29 (Story)
French citizens will be taxed to beef up private insurance policies to cover the risk of terrorist attacks. [The amount is not great per person, but the collectivist principle behind it is disturbing. Next will come taxes to pay auto insurance, health insurance, home insurance, on and on. The end of that road is when taxes pay for all risks, freedom to participate is denied, political corruption percolates throughout, costs become inflated, and incentive to reduce the risk is all but gone.] Newsmax 2016 Dec 29 (Story) (Cached)
Short-term visitors who travel to the US are being asked for information about their social-media accounts. The program is voluntary at this time. News Beat Social 2016 Dec 28 (Story)
Syria: US-backed rebels control the Ein al Fija spring that supplies 65% of the water for Damascus. Previously, the rebels threatened to cut off the supply by blowing up the channels through which it is delivered. Now, the Syrian Government itself had to cut off delivery, because it was discovered that the water had been contaminated with diesel fuel, leaving citizens without water for days. Western media is blaming the Syrian government for bombing the spring, but there is no evidence (or logic) to support that claim. These video clips of government trucks delivering emergency water to its citizens tell the story. RT 2016 Dec 28 (Story)
Hawaii: Trump supporters are called Nazis and banned from eating at Honolulu’s Café 8 ½. There will be no legal recourse such as there was when a bakery owned by Christians refused to bake a cake for a lesbian couple. That’s the double standard that is readily tolerated in liberal and leftist communities. Gateway Pundit 2016 Dec 28 (Story) (Cached)
Obama signed the military-spending bill for 2017 that authorizes arming Syrian rebels with shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles. The obvious use for these at present is to shoot down Russian jets that are attacking ISIS and other so-called rebels in Syria. Russia says it is “a hostile act”, but the US says the weapons will be given only to Kurds who are fighting ISIS. There is no reason to believe that, given present US hostility to Russia’s involvement in Syria and the fact that previous shipments of US arms have landed in the hands of extremist organizations, including the al-Qaida-affiliated Nusra front. TeleSure 2016 Dec 27 (Story) (Cached)
Brawls broke out in more than a dozen shopping malls across the US, involving hundreds of young people. The media declined to report that most of these flash mobs were black or that they appear to have been coordinated over social media. [It will be interesting to see if anyone in the media or in government will seriously investigate to discover who was the directing force behind this.] CNN 2016 Dec 27 (Story)
This video segment from the 1981 police sit-com, Barney Miller, qualifies as a pretty good description of the Trilateral Commission. Nevertheless, the script required the actor portraying the man who knew about the Trilateralists to look like a fruitcake. People watching this had no idea they were being programmed to scoff at truth. ABC posted 20166 Dec 27 (Story)
In a rush to get the job done before Trump’s inauguration, Obama has accepted 25,584 refugees since October, an 86% increase over the number last year during the same period. Almost all of them are from Syria, Iraq. and Somalia and are being settled in Texas, California, Arizona, and New York. ZeroHedge 2016 Dec 26 (Story) (Cached)
Obama quietly signed the ‘Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act’ into law. Late Friday night, while most Americans were distracted by the Christmas holiday, Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) which authorizes $611-billion for the military in 2017. Buried inside that bill, the ‘Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act’, also was activated, which sets the stage for shutting down websites that do not follow the government line. The law will create the equivalent of an Orwellian ‘Ministry of Truth’ to create so-called ‘fact-based’ narratives that no one will be allowed to question. ZeroHedge 2016 Dec 26 (Story) (Cached)
Defeat the hidden agenda.
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Pennsylvania: George Ciccariello-Maher, a history and politics professor at Drexel University, was reprimanded by the school’s administration for tweeting, “All I Want for Christmas is White Genocide.” After he was criticized, he tweeted that it was good that whites were massacred during the Haitian Revolution. Then he tried to pass his remarks off as satire. Information Liberation 2016 Dec 26 (Story) (Cached)
Israel is accusing Obama of orchestrating the anti-settlement resolution at the UN last week. Netanyahu is afraid that Obama will set parameters for a Palestinian state in the next three weeks and is hoping to persuade President-Elect Trump to “economically hurt” those countries that voted against Israel in the UN and that may do so in the future. Trump’s response will be an indicator of his resolve to make America Great again. Times of Israel 2016 Dec 26 (Story) (Cached)
Pakistan’s defense minister threatened to retaliate in kind to any Israeli nuclear strike after allegedly being tricked by a ‘fake news site’. AWDNews reported that Israel threatened to destroy Pakistan with a nuclear attack if it send ground troops to Syria. A confrontation on social media ensued, and then Israel denied making the threat. The media accepted Israel’s denial and blamed the whole thing on ‘fake news’ which added great credibility to the latest drive to censor all news sources and social media. [How convenient.] AFP 2016 Dec 25 (Story) (Cached)
Obama has removed the word ‘limited’ from US nuclear policy, which is being interpreted as taking a more aggressive posture against Russia and China. There is no doubt, however, that this signals a step up in military spending on a Star Wars system that leading defense scientists characterize as a fantasy. If they are right, this is just another huge boondoggle for the Military-Industrial Complex. ZeroHedge 2016 Dec 24 (Story) (Cached)
Goldman-Sachs was found guilty of rigging interest rates and manipulating the value of the dollar to gain illegal profits. No one went to prison, and the fine of $120 million, paid by its stockholders, not its crooked executives, was a small price to pay for the billions it made from the crime. The government’s pretense at punishment is an incentive to continue cheating. Free Thought Project 2016 Dec 24 (Story) (Cached)
The NY Times and Fortune Magazine, senior members of the Establishment media, now are implying that Russia is responsible for Pizzagate. They say that Russia is planting child porn on the computers of its political opponents to discredit them. Daily Sheeple posted 2016 Dec 24 (Story) (Cached)
News and commentaries that reveal historical facts and trends that place current events into perspective and make it possible to anticipate future events.
Ben Swann proves that the US-backed ‘moderate rebels’ in Syria actually are jihadists in ISIS or al-Qaeda. In 2015, $500-million in US funds was spent supposedly to train thousands of so-called moderate rebels, but the number that actually completed the training was no more than five soldiers! There are no moderate rebels in Syria, and the US sent 3,000 tons of weapons there in 2016 in support of jihadists and terrorists. The goal is, not to protect or free the people of Syria, but to enslave them as necessary to make Syria yet another puppet state of the Western Establishment. Ben Swann 2016 Dec 28 (Story)
“The Real Story No One Wants You to Know About” is a hard-hitting review of the war in Syria. We cannot vouch for everything presented in this video, but what we do know about is accurately stated. It is the only explanation of which we are aware that explains everything that is happening now. In this report, you will learn the truth about the Muslim Brotherhood, the role of the CIA in foreign uprisings, and the end game that was planned long ago. Boiling Frogs Report 2016 Dec 27 (Story)
The US and China are preparing to edit the genes of cancer patients to ensure they are not passed down in their DNA, using the Crispr-Cas9 technique of cutting targeted DNA sections. Dr. Kozubek, warns that removing DNA to treat illnesses almost certainly will affect other genes that have beneficial effects and thereby could halt favorable combinations and wipe out future generations of geniuses. [Warnings will make no difference because, as long as scientists receive government or corporate grants to do thse thing, that’s what they will do. If states were held to the task of defending life, liberty, and property, they would outlaw such irresponsible experimentation.] Express UK 2016 Dec 27 (Story) (Cached)
Maine used to be a high-welfare state, with one in every three people receiving at least one tax-derived benefit. Governor Paul LePage revolutionized the welfare system by requiring able-bodied people age 19 through 50 who were on assistance to either look for work, go to school, or volunteer for service. One-third of them left the state for greener pastures. Daily Signal posted 2016 Dec 26 (Story)
A new study at the University of Southern California is underway to discover how to get people to change their political beliefs and to respond ‘properly’ to ‘fake news’. It is clear from this study that presenting facts is not sufficient. In fact, contradictory evidence usually only hardens one’s beliefs. The researchers say that, to change people’s minds, it is necessary to trigger their emotions and their desire for group acceptance. [Yup. That’s how they do it.] Science Daily posted 2016 Dec 24 (Story) (Cached)
David Knight interviews Dr. Randy Short about Obama’s plan to remain in Washington, DC, to lead a shadow government. His goal is to redistrict the US, promote the global-warming agenda, and increase immigration. Dr. Short says that Black Lives Matter, funded by George Soros, is the paymaster for other organizations that support the race-war agenda, including some churches and Democrat political groups. InfoWars posted 2016 Dec 24 (Story)
Need to Know is as serious as it gets, but laughter is good for the soul and helps to keep our equilibrium amid the chaos. So, here are quips, gags, and images to put a smile on your face. If you have some you would like to share, please send them here.
Why do supermarkets make sick people walk all the way to the back of the store to get their prescriptions while healthy people can buy cigarettes at the front?
Why do people order double cheeseburgers,large fries, and a diet coke?
Why do banks leave vault doors open and then chain the pens to the counters?
Why do we leave cars worth thousands of dollars in our driveways and put our useless junk in the garage?
Why can’t women put on mascara with their mouth closed?
Why don’t you ever see the headline ‘Psychic Wins Lottery?’
Why is ‘abbreviated’ such a long word?
Some things just have to be shared. If you know of some, please send them here.
Comments under 300 words, please. We cannot engage in correspondence but do appreciate your contribution. We do not publish insults or attacks against other readers. Points should stand on their own merits. You are welcome to express your religious views but not to criticize the views of others. Our mission is to unify our readers, not divide them. Send comments here.
Posted 2016 Dec 28
Jim Kerr: You just struck a nerve with me regarding Dane Wigington. I don’t comment much any longer on this subject but here goes. Several years ago, at DW’s request, I sent him numerous video clips I filmed over the Antelope Valley Ca. connecting the dots to the Naval Research Labs publicized testing of Plasma Cloud using an Ionospheric heater located at the China Lake Naval Station. The footage also showed how the plasma cloud could be manipulated by injecting the cloud with chemtrails. I did get a response from DW but, in essence, he labeled me as a nut job.
Betty Kelley: I was a friend with Dane, speaking on the phone with him many times and also on FB, but he unfriended me some time ago for speaking the truth. This hurts, not just me, but all of us. Truthfully, no one loves this world more than I do. I have always spent much of my time in and connected to the natural world–which is why I know in my head and heart as well as much research that this is all geoengineered. I saw it immediately many years ago. I have studied weather and used all the weather maps for 20 plus years as well as lovingly observing my skies all my life due to being outdoors, a painter of skies and landscapes as well as a biologist by profession.
Supporting the global warming meme/hoax is playing right into the hands of this deadly diabolical geoengineering agenda being done for profit and control by the eugenicists/globalists. It is destroying our planet and all life and has completely derailed the earth’s natural systems. Supporting the global warming meme is just what they need and want to continue this control by convincing the public it is “needed”.
Just the fact it is being “pushed” in all the mainstream media and magazines such as National Geographic which is run by the Council of Foreign Relations —> connected with the UN should say it all.
Sharon Marsh LePere: I’ve wondered for years why DW hasn’t joined forces with our other very knowledgable activists. Wouldn’t that be the thing to do? There are many differences of opinion on the details of GeoEngineering, many views of the whys and wherefores, and others discuss it and try to seek the truth. He will not do this He will just get rid of you. We need to unite, but that won’t happen with DW.
Look at what he is doing to Edward Griffin. He will try to destroy your reputation, this is not the first time. We need the truth in order to get anywhere. Griffin has asked for a debate, that would be the proper thing to do if you truly care about this most serious issue. Who would turn down that offer? That chance to prove their theory? Only someone who can’t.
posted 2016 Dec 28 from Brent Crowder
Dear Mr. Griffin,
I applaud your effort to expose Mr. Wigington for his willingness to use unethical means to accomplish his desired results. In May of 2015, I attempted to convince Wigginton that he should stop using false premises to support his anti-geoengineering campaign. His lack of response was disappointing. Such lack of response to well intended comments to ensure he bases his conclusions on truthful premises is unfortunately consistent with your negative experience with him.
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