2015 October 3 – 9
2015 October 3 – 9
Statistics don’t lie but liars create statistics
This short slide presentation is a must-see for anyone who still thinks that pharmaceutical drugs offer a favorable balance between risk and benefit. Here are some of the statements made by pharmaceutical companies that are technically true but not even close to what you think they mean:
►Blood pressure medication cuts the risk of stroke by 40%
►Bone medication reduces the risk of fracture by 50%
►Cholesterol drug reduces the risk of heart attack by 36%
Posted 2015 Oct 3 Markito Nutrition (Story)
There are lies, damn lies and statistics
There are lies, damn lies and statistics
It was Mark Twain who said: “There are lies, damn lies, and statistics.”
That certainly applies to the mathematical trick used by Big Pharma to deceive us into believing that drugs are beneficial. Here’s an analogy:
If a $100 item in the store is discounted 2%, it is not an impressive number. If the discount is increased to 3%, the number still is unimpressive, because the absolute gain in discount would be only 1%. However, if you are a con artist and want to fool people into thinking that a 1% gain is a wonderful deal, all you have to do is compare the new 3% discount with the previous 2% discount. That is called a “relative” comparison, whereas comparing to the original price would be an “absolute” comparison.
By comparing the new 3% discount to the old 2% discount, you can honestly tell your victim that it is an “improvement” of 50%!Why? Because a 3% discount is 50% higher than a 2% discount. It still is only a 1% absolute gain, but you would not mention that. Let the suckers figure it out for themselves.
Three afflicted patients out of a hundred in a control group represents a 3% affliction rate, but two patients afflicted in a treatment group after taking medication represent a 33% “improvement” relative to three patients in the control group. The drug company will claim “33% reduced risk” because dropping from three to two represents a 33% reduction.
As with products in a store, however, reality is not altered by this trick. Those in the treated group still will have a mere 1% absolute benefit and, for that, they pay a fortune and assume the risk of side effects. They do this only because they have been tricked into thinking that the odds are much more favorable than they really are.
And it gets worse. When we take into consideration the massive fraud that has been uncovered within the testing programs of the largest drug companies, we have good reason to be suspicious of claims of any absolute benefit at all, not even 1%. I believe that, if the tests were not rigged, the numbers would be negative, which means more harm than benefit.
But never mind that. There are drugs to sell!
G. Edward Griffin
2015 October 9
Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff was the scene of a fight between two groups of students that resulted in one shooting death and three injuries. The shooter is Steven Jones, an 18-year-old freshman, who has been taken into custody by campus police. ABC News 2015 Oct 9 (Story)
France is joining in US airstrikes against ISIS in Syria, claiming that ISIS has plans to attack France. The French also claim that 90% of Putin’s airstrikes are against Syrian rebels, not ISIS. France24 2015 Oct 9 (Story)
The Pentagon admits failure of its $500 million program to train Syrian rebels. The program produced only four or five fighters. Meanwhile, Putin is mopping the floor with ISIS, in spite of French claims to the contrary. Washington Free Beacon 2015 Oct 9 (Story) (Cached)
A video clip from last year features Putin diplomatically explaining that ISIS was created by the US. [Although he did not say it, it is generally understood that the reason for this was to create a credible threat to justify US military action and anti-terrorism programs that have other agendas. We are not Putin admirers and we know that he, also, has hidden agendas but, on this issue, we believe he is correct.] RT posted 2015 Oct 9 (Story)
Shocking footage shows Israeli soldiers, who had infiltrated into a group of rock-throwing Palestinian protesters, suddenly turning on the real protestors and shooting at them. Israeli soldiers rushed forward to protect the infiltrators, indicating that it was a planned maneuver. Israel boasts that its army is equipped with units to infiltrate Palestinian events. Al-Araby 2015 Oct 8 (Story)
MPs released canisters of tear gas in Kosovo’s parliament in protest against a recent EU-brokered deal reached by the government with Serbia. Two MPs fainted and were taken to the hospital. Aljazeera 2015 Oct 8 (Story) (Cached)
Violence continues to brew in Israel for control over the Al-Aqsa Mosque that has religious significance for both Muslims and Jews. Two more Jews were stabbed, and the perpetrators were reported to be Palestinians. One of the attackers was killed at the scene and the other was arrested. France24 2015 Oct 8 (Story)
China: The government is launching an Orwellian program to intimidate citizens into total compliance by issuing “citizen scores”. Scores will be based on people’s usefulness to the government and on their political correctness. Activity on the Internet will be a major source of data for this purpose. Liberty Blitzkrieg 2015 Oct 8 (Story) (Cached)
Monsanto’s profits have fallen by 14%, and the company is laying off 2,600 employees, which is 12% of its workforce. But the company is fighting back by attempting to obtain legislation to protect it from market pressures. House Bill 1599 was given the Orwellian title of ‘The Safe and Accurate Labeling Bill’, but it aims to keep GMO ingredients a secret and will prevent states and counties from banning GMO crops treated with Roundup Ready pesticide. RT 2015 Oct 8 (Story)
Slovakia and Hungary are threatening to leave the European Union if it imposes mandatory quotas and fails to stop the flood of migrants. The penalty imposed by the EU for refusing to take migrants is a fine of .002% of the country’s GDP. InfoWars 2015 Oct 8 (Story) (Cached)
New York: A former president of the UN General Assembly, John Ashe, has been arrested on charges of receiving $1.3 million in bribes from a Chinese businessman in exchange for backing a proposal to build a UN-sponsored conference center in Macau. The Chinese businessman was also arrested last month for smuggling $4.5 million dollars in cash into the United States. One can only wonder which US politician was the intended recipient. PressTV 2015 Oct 7 (Story)
Leaked documents from Syria show how ISIS gets its funding: 45% comes from direct theft “confiscations”, 28% from oil sales, and 24% from taxes on people who live in ISIS territory. VOX 2015 Oct 7 (Story) (Cached)
Iraq: ISIS killed 70 of their own fellow Sunni Muslims. They were assassinated because their families had sided against terrorists. PressTV 2015 Oct 7 (Story)
Jerusalem: Following the murders of several Israelis by Palestinians, 2,500 Israelis protested outside of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s house. They demanded that he intensify efforts against terrorism and called on him to build new settlements in the West Bank. AFP 2015 Oct 6 (Story)
Obama arms ISIS-linked militants and, on the same day, pushes for gun control in the US. InfoWars 2015 Oct 6 (Story) (Cached)
The TransPacific Partnership, if ratified, will obligate the United States, Canada, Japan, Mexico, Australia, Brunei, Chile, Malaysia, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam in the world’s largest trade bloc. Obama is using this treaty as an end-run around Congress to achieve provisions backed by treaty law that would not otherwise be passed into law by Congress. The US mainstream media is painting the treaty as a good deal, but overseas, the media is revealing that the treaty benefits the multi-national corporations that helped to draft it. American Dream 2015 Oct 5 (Story) (Cached)
German officials say that an estimated 800,000 migrants will enter their country this year. However, a confidential government report estimates that the real number is almost twice that large. Taxpayers who must pay the bill are not happy with either number. Reuters 2015 Oct 5 (Story)
Cindy Hahn is suing several Carlsbad Police officers, because they beat her for no cause other than revenge and did so in front of her children. Hahn stopped at a park to use the restroom when she questioned a police officer about a car alarm he was observing and he told her it was none of her business and swore at her. She complained about him to the police department and, a short time later, he pulled her over for a seatbelt violation and proceeded to beat her. Other officers joined him without realizing they were being filmed. DailyMail 2015 Oct 5 (Story) (Cached)
Air France executives were attacked by union protesters who ripped at their clothes to humiliate them. This was in response to the company’s plan to restructure and cut up to 2,900 jobs. The airline will file a criminal complaint against the attackers. The French government that owns the publicly-traded company has called for reform after the company failed to turn a profit over the past four years. France 24 2015 Oct 5 (Story)
CNN doctored a photo of Chris Harper-Mercer, the man who killed nine people and himself at the Umpqua Community College in Oregon last week. The mixed-race shooter was turned into a white man. Following suit, the LA Times characterized him as a white supremacist. Mainstream media freely alters facts to make them fit the narrative it wants people to believe. InfoWars 2015 Oct 4 (Story) (Cached)
Kunduz, Afghanistan: Doctors Without Borders is closing its hospital after a US airstrike that left 22 people dead. They are declaring the bombing a war crime. CBS News 2015 Oct 4 (Story)
The Russian Federation, the world’s largest political entity, has formally declared all commercial planting of genetically modified organisms, GMOs, to be prohibited. It is expected that Russian organic food will be in high demand in the US where land and crops have become widely contaminated by GMOs and chemicals. NEO Journal posted 2015 Oct 3 (Story) (Cached)
The Chinese government is accused of torture and harvesting organs from living people who practice Fulan Gong, a spiritual group that does not support Communism. Hard to Believe is a documentary that shows the reality of this incredible crime. The filmmakers estimate that 65,000 Falun Gong were killed for their organs between 2000 and 2008. Western media has refused to carry this story. The Daily Beast posted 2015 Oct 3 (Story) (Cached)
Oregon gives birth-control implants to ten-year-olds. The state also offers taxpayer-funded sex change to minors without parental consent. Kids as young as nine have received sex-change therapy in Oregon, which earlier this year made it legal for minors to undergo radical treatment for “gender dysphoria” without permission from a parent or guardian. [If you live in Oregon, are you ready yet to get involved in politics?] Judicial Watch posted 2015 Oct 3 (Story) (Cached)
News and commentaries that reveal historical facts and trends that place current events into perspective and make it possible to anticipate future events.
Judge Napolitano criticized Hillary Clinton’s proposal to use a presidential executive order to allow gun manufacturers to be sued for gun violence perpetrated by those who use their products. This would shift responsibility from criminals to gun manufacturers and likely would cause all manufacturers of guns to go out of business except those supplying the government, which is her real goal. Fox News 2015 Oct 5 (Story)
The federal government has paid almost $1 trillion to scammers since 2003. The GAO says that three programs generate most of the fraud: Medicare, Medicaid, and the Earned Income Tax Credit. Little has been done to reduce this rampant corruption, and the losses continue to rise every year. David Stockman 2015 Oct 4 (Story) (Cached)
All 193 nations that comprise the United Nations have agreed to promote a program, that is an extension of its previous “Agenda 21”. It is called the Agenda for 2030 and is the final blueprint for world government based on the model of collectivism. Under the program, children are viewed as “agents of change” and will be targeted for psychological programming. The Pope is a staunch promoter. So is Obama who, as usual, is attempting to bypass Congress and simply implement the agenda by executive action. Republican lawmakers have the majority and could stop the funding of this program, but do not expect the present leaders to take any such action. New American posted 2015 Oct 3 (Story) (Cached)
Need to Know is as serious as it gets, but laughter is good for the soul and helps to keep our equilibrium amid the chaos. So, here are quips, gags, and images to put a smile on your face. If you have some you would like to share, please send them here.
A teenage boy had just passed his driving test and inquired of his father as to when they could discuss his use of the car. His father said he’d make a deal with his son: “You bring your grades up from a C to a B average, study your Bible, and get your hair cut. Then we’ll talk about the car.”
The boy thought about that for a moment, decided he’d settle for the offer, and they agreed on it.
After about six weeks his father said, “Son, you’ve brought your grades up, and I’ve observed that you have been studying your Bible, but I’m disappointed you haven’t had your hair cut.”
The boy said, “You know, Dad, I’ve been thinking about that, and I’ve noticed in my studies of the Bible that Samson had long hair, John the Baptist had long hair, Moses had long hair – and there’s even strong evidence that Jesus had long hair.”
Dad thought about that for a moment and then replied: “Did you also notice that they all walked everywhere they went?”
Some photos just have to be shared. Nature and animals are the greatest entertainers. If you know of some, please send them here.
Another beautiful creature
Click to enlarge
Comments under 300 words, please. We cannot engage in correspondence but do appreciate your contribution. We do not publish insults or attacks against other readers. Points should stand on their own merits. You are welcome to express your religious views but not to criticize the views of others. Our mission is to unify our readers, not divide them. Send comments here.
2015 Oct 7 from Dave Javorsky
Hello Mr Griffin. Radiation is leaking from Hanford, in Washington State. Thanks for keeping the news coming.
[This is in response to our recent announcement that mentioned supression of news about radiation contamination. It also referenced a product, called Folium pX, that is used to help the body eliminate radioactive elements.]
2015 Oct 7 from Nick Hill
Hi Ed. Heavy-metal poisoning and exposure to radionuclides are rarely the same thing. Chelation therapy is not the right response to a concern about radionuclide exposure.(Reference) The best and established regimen is to saturate the body with non-radioactive isotopes to prevent the body from scavenging and using radioactive isotopes. The most concerns from recent fission incidents are usually iodine 131, caesium 137, and strontium 90. I protect myself by keeping a stash of potassium iodide which, through saturation, will preclude the assimilation of radioactive caesium and iodine.
The article in the link shown above is informative, but I must remind readers that we do not endorse radiation therapy of any kind for the treatment of cancer.
posted 2015 Oct 4 from David Chandler
Dear Mr. Griffin: I enjoyed seeing you on the Trailer for the Agenda-21 movie. I ordered 100 copies to deliver to my County Seat, Elected Officials, Local Churches, and Action Groups.
The thing I noted about your comments on the Trailer is that you identified the Banksters as Predators. This is not an accurate depiction of them. Predators stalk and hunt. We’re dealing with Parasites. Parasites latch hold of and suck the life blood out of their host.
While a Nation is healthy it can withstand the parasitic acts of the Banksters and their Corporate Blood Suckers. Once the Nation is weakened, the Institutions undermined by the corruption that follows the sting of unrestrained wealth and power become necrotic. The Body Politic dies a painful death. The world makes a lot more sense, in my view, using the parasite analogy.
REPLY BY GEG: I agree that parasites may be a better analogy for most of these characters, but some of them truly are stalkers, hunters, and killers. The halls of government are populated with both groups, but those that rise to the top of the power pyramid are usually the predators.
2015 Oct 3 from Abby
With reference to your comments that tension between Obama and Putin may be orchestrated rather than genuine, I have seen quite a few videos of Putin and Obama winking. Putin also winked at Charlie Rose. It’s hidden in plain sight if you review official appearances/videos. This behavior certainly shows me that the rhetoric is an act. There is not going to be any nuclear war.
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Theodore Roosevelt
“The death-knell of the republic had rung as soon as the active power became lodged in the hands of those who sought, not to do justice to all citizens, rich and poor alike, but to stand for one special class and for its interests as opposed to the interests of others.”
Theodore Roosevelt
26th President of the United States
Labor Day speech at Syracuse, NY
1903 September 7