2015 September 26 – October 2

The unwinnable contest

Syria: Russia has begun a bombing campaign against ISIS, and Iran has sent hundreds of ground troops to support the Assad regime. The goal is to retake areas in northwestern Syria that fell to Western backed rebels earlier in the year. Lebanese Hezbollah troops may also join the Iranian forces. InfoWars 2015 Oct 1 (Story) (Cached)

A Secret Handshake?

I had intended to comment on the unwinnable contest between the U.S. and Russia in Iran, Ukraine, and elsewhere – but there was something in this week’s cartoon that caught my attention. It was the comment by one of the cartoon observers of the arm-wrestling match between Obama and Putin. He says, “It’s their secret handshake.”

I don’t know if the cartoonist realized how profound that is, but it touches the long-standing debate over the extent to which the world’s greatest conflicts are genuine vs. being orchestrated, as in Orwell’s novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four.

Orwell described a world divided into three constantly warring regions, Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia. Although they were enemies of each other, their regimes were quite similar. All of them ruled their subjects mercilessly. There was no conflict over ideology or religion or disputed territory. They fought, not for conquest, but simply to wage perpetual war.

The leaders of each region understood that their ability to keep their subjects from rebelling depended on having a dreaded enemy. It was only the fear of being conquered by such enemies that the people remained content to bear the burden of tyranny from their own leaders. It was an unspoken agreement between the heads of these states that they should wage perpetual war against each other, because it was in their mutual interest to do so.

All of this flashed through my mind as I contemplated the possibility of a secret handshake (or an unspoken agreement) between Obama and Putin as they pit themselves against each other in today’s cartoon.

G. Edward Griffin
2015 October 2


Monsanto faces two law suits that threaten to expose the company’s record of concealing adverse scientific evidence relating to its products. An agricultural worker in Los Angeles and a horticultural assistant in New York are charging that Monsanto’s Roundup Ready pesticide was the cause of their cancers and that the company intentionally misled the public about its dangers. Natural Society 2015 Oct 2 (Story) (Cached)

Oregon: A gunman opened fire at Umpqua Community College, killing ten people and injuring seven others. The facts of the case are not yet known, but Obama immediately called for more gun control. Fox News 2015 Oct 1 (Story)

US: The EPA stirred up a hornet’s nest of ridicule on social media after the agency claimed that sunlight was bad for trees because it can cause ozone to form, making trees weak. InfoWars 2015 Sep 30 (Story) (Cached)

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas declared that he is no longer bound by agreements signed with Israel because Israel continues to violate them. Many Palestinians no longer believe a two-state solution is realistic and now support violence. Abbas called on the UN to provide protection for the Palestinian people in accordance with international humanitarian law. AP 2015 Sep 30 (Story) (Cached)

Cecile Richards, the president of Planned Parenthood, testified before a congressional panel that abortions account for 86% of the organization’s non-government income but only 3% of its services. This apparent discrepancy is due to the fact that the group receives a huge amount of government (taxpayer) funding – about $528 million per year. InfoWars 2015 Sep 29 (Story) (Cached)

Yemen: Airstrikes targeted a wedding party and killed 131 people. The attack was blamed on Saudi Arabia, because it has been openly conducting similar attacks in the area against the Shia-supported Houthis. The Saudi government denies responsibility. PBS News 2015 Sep 29 (Story)

US: Rand Paul voted against a bill to extend the debt ceiling by another $400 billion, just as he always has done. However, this bill contained a provision to cut federal funding to Planned Parenthood, so now Rand’s opponents are painting him as a supporter of Planned Parenthood. TIM 2015 Sep 29 (Story) (Cached)

Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook, was caught on a hot mic telling German Chancellor Angela Merkel that Facebook was working on censoring negative comments about the wave of Syrian refugees entering Germany. InfoWars 2015 Sep 28 (Story) (Cached)

Russia’s President Putin has vowed to take countermeasures after the US upgraded its nuclear-bomb inventory that is stored in Germany and other countries across Europe. The new guided B-61 bombs have fins that steer them toward their targets. The new bombs are three to four times more powerful than the one detonated at Hiroshima. CNN 2015 Sep 28 (Story)VIDEO: More than 700 people were killed in a stampede in Saudi Arabia last week, including 155 Iranians, during a pilgrimage to Mecca. The crush occurred when two large groups of pilgrims converged at a crossroad. Reuters 2015 Sep 28 (Story)

The Utah branch of Planned Parenthood is suing Governor Gary Herbert for withholding federal funds from them following the release of videos showing Planned Parenthood officials providing fetal tissue from abortion. Planned Parenthood says it acted legally and that the recordings were deceptively edited. The organization is barred from using federal or state money for abortions. AP 2015 Sep 28 (Story) (Cached)

Pennsylvania: Sarah Behie, a nurse’s aide, was awarded $11.6 million for being paralyzed with Guillain-Barre Syndrome after receiving a flu shot required by her employer. This settlement will be paid, not by the vaccine maker or her employer, but by the public. That’s because pharmaceutical companies have secured passage of a law that protects them from legal liability for vaccine damage. Sharyl Atkisson posted 2015 Sep 28 (Story) (Cached)

More than 700 people were killed in a stampede in Saudi Arabia last week, including 155 Iranians, during a pilgrimage to Mecca. The crush occurred when two large groups of pilgrims converged at a crossroad. Reuters 2015 Sep 28 (Story)

Hillsdale, New York: Dr. Mitchell L. Gaynor, a 59-year-old oncologist who practiced alternative medicine, was found dead, and officials ruled that it was suicide. Eight others in the alternative-health field also have died under suspicious circumstances, and five others are missing. Twenty-nine naturopaths attending a seminar in Germany were hospitalized for poisoning. Natural News posted 2015 Sep 28 (Story) (Cached)

British Intelligence has a covert program called Karma Police that tracks the browsing activity of internet users around the world. It analyzes online habits and builds a person’s web profile. Edward Snowden says the program has no oversight, and the information has little or no value for public safety. RT 2015 Sep 27 (Story)

A young woman from Europe, who is fluent in Arabic, describes in shocking detail her experience when, as a traveler at the train station in Hungary, she found herself among throngs of unruly immigrants. This is quite different from the image of gentle and sad migrants that has been portrayed in mainstream media. Europa Magazine posted 2015 Sep 26 (Story)



News and commentaries that reveal historical facts and trends that place current events into perspective and make it possible to anticipate future events.


Sweden’s central bank was the first to implement negative interest rates, which require depositors to pay the banks to hold their money. Amazingly, Swedes left their money on deposit or spent it instead of withdrawing it. Negative interest rates work best in cashless societies because, if cash does not exist, it cannot be withdrawn and, if it cannot be withdrawn, there is no choice but to pay the negative interest. In other words, the process becomes a bank tax on money. Telegraph 2015 Sep 27 (Story) (Cached)

Judge Napolitano explains how the Pope has been influenced by being raised in the political environment of the Juan Peron regime in Argentina. The Pope blames poverty on capitalism but fails to understand that the poor are less poor under capitalism than under collectivism. The Judge uses the $200 million St. Patrick’s Cathedral restoration as an example of how capitalist Catholics raised money for the project and then created jobs. Fox News 2015 Sept 24 (Story)

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Need to Know is as serious as it gets, but laughter is good for the soul and helps to keep our equilibrium amid the chaos. So, here are quips, gags, and images to put a smile on your face. If you have some you would like to share, please send them here.

The Jimmy Kimmel Show interviewed Hillary Clinton supporters who strongly disliked Donald Trump. They were asked if they supported various tax proposals that were part of Hillary’s platform and, not surprisingly, they said yes – but all of the hideous proposals came from Trump. So much for an enlightened electorate. Jimmy Kimmel 2015 Sep 30 (Story)

Q: What did one elevator say to the other elevator?
A: I think I’m coming down with something!

Q: Why can’t your nose be 12 inches long?
A: Because then it would be a foot!

Q: What has four wheels and flies?
A: A garbage truck!

Q: What starts with a P, ends with an E, and has a thousand letters in it?
A: Post Office!

Q: How many books can you put in an empty backpack?
A: One! After that its not empty!

Q: Why do sea-gulls fly over the sea?
A: Because if they flew over the bay they would be bagels!


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Some photos just have to be shared. Nature and animals are the greatest entertainers. If you know of some, please send them here.

Would you call this a bird dog?
Click to enlarge



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2015 Oct 1 from John Huckel
The members of any Economy can equitably create a viable currency on their own – without help from any International Banker. Please entertain the possibility of a new way for populations to organize themselves (including Freedom Force).

Mankind has suffered for 10,000 years under the Top-Down governmental structures of the Social Contract. Bigger is better for Governments – but worse for the Sovereign Individuals under their sway. The failure and corruption of a Representative Democracy is in direct proportion to the distance between the individuals affected by the power of the Group, and those deciding the Group’s laws. The Internet plus the innovative use of the geometric progression of small Groups of 8, effectively collapses that distance and heralds in a new age of Real-time Democracy.

This thesis is discussed at length at www.MLGov.org, and the particulars of the Platform necessary to bring it to bear on Society can be found at www.GoIDCSA.com.

You say, “[W]e must build an organization at the ground level and put people in motion. Furthermore, that motion must be in the right direction.” Bottom-Up organizing is the keynote of MultiLevel Governance – with the people themselves determining the right direction. It puts Power to the People within reach. For all our sakes, please educate yourself as to its potentials.

Hello John. Thanks for your response. I could not agree more with your enthusiasm for the bottom-up model, but there is more to it than that. Any organizational model must survive the malicious attacks of its competitors. Unfortunately, we are not in a system that will leave us alone to experiment with alternative systems. We will not be able to build a new bottom-up system without sufficient power to dismantle the present top-down system. If we were starting from scratch on a desert island, it might work, but the gargantuan power of the present state will attempt to squash any competitive movement – and will easily do so if that movement cannot defend itself in the political arena. That’s why the motto of Freedom Force is Impotentes defendere libertatum non possunt. (Those without power cannot defend freedom.)

Thanks for writing. Soon, I’ll be sending out the details for the Freedom Force Second Congress in December, and I hope you will be able to participate. You will be among thinkers and doers like yourself.


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