2015 October 31 – November 6
2015 October 31 – November 6
Global Warming Is Very Old News
A headline in the November 2, 1922 edition of The Washington Post reads: ‘Arctic Ocean Getting Warm; Seals Vanish and Icebergs Melt.’ Go back and look at the date. Global warming has occurred many times in the past but does not last. It is a natural cycle. WUWT posted 2015 Nov 4 (Story) (Cached)
NASA reports that some of Antarctica’s ice is melting, but other parts are growing so fast as to more than offset the loss. In other words, the net amount of ice for the whole Antarctic is increasing. Global warmists talk about those areas where ice is retreating but never mention the areas where it is advancing. Newsy 2015 Nov 1 (Story)
France: A respected weather forecaster on the government-owned TV station was fired, because he said that concern over global warming is exaggerated. He wrote a book that was recently released ahead of the upcoming Paris climate talks that accuses politicians, government-employed scientists, business lobbies, and environmental groups of hyping the global-warming myth. Yahoo 2015 Nov 2 (Story) (Cached)
New UN tribunal to judge US for ‘Climate Debt’. In the name of fighting global warming, the UN is planning a massive transfer of wealth through climate taxes, planned to be approved at a treaty conference in Paris at the end of this month. Nations such as South Africa, China, and India are demanding large payments from the US and other developed countries. New American 2015 Oct 31 (Story) (Cached)
Cooling of warming is hot
Cooling of warming is hot
Last week’s edition carried the theme that the public is finally realizing that man-made global warming is a politically motivated myth. Normally, we would look for something else to discuss for this edition, but the current week’s news is so loaded with stories about the collapse of the global-warming myth that we could not ignore it.
The four reports at the beginning of this issue tell the story quite well, so additional commentary on that would be repetitious. The big view, however, is that the UN climate conference in France this month is pre-programmed to ram through a treaty to institutionalize re-distribution of wealth from nations with a high standard of living to those with a low standard, and do this in the name of fighting global warming. To be more exact, the plan is to transfer wealth from the citizen of high-standard nations to the politicians and administrators of the low-standard nations – with political and banking brokers at the UN slicing off a hefty share of the pie as it passes through. The needy masses will never benefit – and the climate will not be affected one iota.
The cooling enthusiasm for the global-warming story is a hot topic, and the warmists at the Paris conference must instinctively know that it is now or never. If they do not get commitment from the national delegates this time around, future public pushback will be overwhelming. Therefore it is a fairly safe prediction to say that the delegates will try to ignore and casually dismiss these latest reports and push ahead with their agenda full force.
This is an extremely perilous moment for the future of liberty.
G. Edward Griffin
2015 November 6
Shiva Ayyadurai is an inventor who owns the first US patent on email, and he is offering to give his $10 million building in Cambridge, Massachusetts, to Monsanto if the company can disprove his claim that there are no safety-assessment standards for GMOs. Ayyadurai offered the wager after he studied GMO plants and says he found high levels of formaldehyde in them. Path 2015 Nov 6 (Story) (Cached)
The White House has released the text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Treaty. The treaty text will be under the microscope of Congress and the public for 90 days before President Obama can sign the agreement. Under fast-track rules, Congress is prohibited from amending the TPP deal. The Hill 2015 Nov 5 (Story)
US: ‘Cracka’ is the teenage leader of ‘Crackas With Attitude’ (CWA) who claimed to break into CIA Director John Brennan’s personal email account a few weeks ago. Now he is claiming responsibility for publishing a list of more than 3,500 names, phone numbers, and email addresses of law enforcement and military personnel. Cracka says he has done this in support of Palestine. CWA claims to have hacked access to several “tools feds use” such as JABS, a database of arrested people; IC3, an FBI crime-reporting tool; and VCC, a sharing tool for law enforcement agencies. Finally, he says he has access to private information of every US citizen but does not intend to use it against anyone like the government does. Vice Motherboard 2015 Nov 5 (Story) (Cached)
After dismissing the ISIS claim that they took down a Russian airliner, officials now say that ISIS probably planted a bomb on the plane that crashed over Sinai. Mainstream media is avoiding mentioning the fact that the US government supports ISIS. ABC News 2015 Nov 5 (Story)
Los Angeles County is running an experiment by equipping ten homes with cisterns to collect rainwater from rooftops for yard irrigation. The system will monitor water flow and will communicate with the Internet and other smart cistern networks, similar to smart meters. The radiation-emitting cisterns cost $25,000, but a simple cistern without government involvement costs about $3,000. ABC News 2015 Nov 5 (Story)
The US Senate voted for a “resolution of disapproval” against the EPA’s new rules that control small streams, tributaries and wetlands. This is a non-binding resolution and appears to be merely symbolic, because Obama has said he will veto it anyway. The EPA rules have been halted for now by this action and numerous federal lawsuits. CNBC 2015 Nov 4 (Story) (Cached)
The water utility company for Washington, DC, has installed a system that turns sewage into electricity. It extracts water from the solid waste, cooks the residue, and then introduces microbes that break down organic matter and produce methane gas. The gas is used to power turbines that generate one-third of the power needed to run the entire plant. The savings each year are greater than the entire cost of building the installation. Oh, yes. the dehydrated and purified waste material is sold as highly mineralized soil. AP 2015 Nov 4 (Story)
Obama is sending twelve F-15C planes to Syria to confront Russia with the possibility of a direct war. The planes are a specific counter-force to the Russian Su-30 air-to-air combat planes. In essence, Obama is telling Putin that he must stop his action in Syria, including attacks against ISIS – otherwise, US planes will attack Russian forces. InfoWars 2015 Nov 4 (Story) (Cached)
A speech by Senator Rand Paul has gone viral on the Internet and already has received 60-million views. Paul spoke out against a bill that was passed in the middle of the night without debate or chance for amendment that removed the debt limit and took $150 billion from the Social Security fund to be used for current general expenditures. [The intense interest in this speech suggests that Americans finally are beginning to take an interest in what the political mob is doing to them.] Real Clear Politics 2015 Nov 4 (Story)
Portion of the speech relating to Social Security.
Here are additional details of Senator Rand Paul’s speech against unlimited debt. Paul concludes by saying that the left and the right have come together in an unholy alliance to explode the debt. The left gets more welfare, the right gets more military contracts, and the taxpayer is stuck with the deal. CNS News 2015 Nov 2 (Story) (Cached)
A political-action committee run by a supporter of Hillary Clinton is using child actors to deliver vulgar phrases and gestures and racist comments. The thrust of the attack video is against Republicans and Donald Trump in particular. InfoWars 2015 Nov 4 (Story)
Dozens of young people across the US, who are under 18, have been enlisted by climate activists to be plaintiffs in a lawsuit, against states and the federal government, that demands government action on climate change. Using kids as a front for this suit is a clever public-relations ploy but does not materially affect the merits of the case. A major flaw in these cases is that states cannot alter the weather. All they can do is collect carbon taxes in the name of altering the weather. NY Times 2015 Nov 2 (Story) (Cached)
Shimon Peres, the 92-year old former president of Israel says that Israel should implement the two-state solution because the Jews are losing their majority and, if they cannot regroup into a smaller zone, they will not be able to maintain a Jewish state. Peres has negotiated with the leader of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, and he believes that dealing with Abbas is the best chance for peace. AP 2015 Nov 2 (Story) (Cached)
A Russian airliner seemingly disintegrated over the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula, killing all 224 people on board. ISIS claimed responsibility for the downed aircraft, which is likely because ISIS released a video of the explosion, indicating that it knew exactly when and where the explosion would take place. Now there is a rush of official speculations and contradictory reports that, for now at least, puts everything into doubt. ZeroHedge 2015 Nov 1 (Story) (Cached)
The UN climate conference set in Paris will launch a $90-trillion energy-investment market. A Carbon Tracker forum this week was packed with bankers and fund managers itching to find ways into the biggest investment boom of all time. The competition is between fossil fuels and renewable energies such as wind and solar. China is a major player on the side of solar. All wind and solar players favor carbon taxes to give themselves a competitive edge over fossil fuels. Telegraph 2015 Oct 31 (Story) (Cached)
Microsoft is preparing to automatically download Windows 10 into computers without users’ consent. It also is reported that Windows 10 is able to track your online behavior and will save search queries, private emails, and contents of private folders, including photos. Only some of those functions can be turned off. WND 2015 Oct 31 (Story) (Cached)
Sumte, a small town in Germany with a population of 102 people, has been forced to house 750 migrants from the Middle East. Most of the migrants are young men, and residents expect a crime wave. Officials have attempted to calm their fears by promising to leave the streetlights on all night. Daily Caller 2015 Oct 31 (Story) (Cached)
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has accused billionaire investor, George Soros, of financially supporting the massive refugee movement into EU nations for the purpose of undermining those nations. Soros, who was born in Hungary, gives grants to organizations that provide legal assistance to asylum seekers. Bloomberg posted 2015 Oct 31 (Story) (Cached)
News and commentaries that reveal historical facts and trends that place current events into perspective and make it possible to anticipate future events.
Former Congresswoman, Cynthia McKinney, explains how the Israeli lobby requires candidates for the US Congress to sign a pledge to support Israel with economic welfare and to assure its military superiority. She explains how the lobby controls many diverse political groups and how it can generate huge amounts of money to oppose candidates that do not make the pledge. Neverdahl posted 2015 Nov 2 (Story)
Pope Francis said in a meeting with Jewish leaders that to attack Jews is anti-Semitism, and that to attack the State of Israel also is anti-Semitism. Earlier this year, a Portuguese Israeli reporter quoted Pope Francis as saying, “Whoever does not recognize the Jewish people and the State of Israel is guilty of anti-Semitism.” [It is not clear what the Pope meant by the word “attack” but it is apparent from the context of his remarks that he defines harsh criticism of Jewish political leaders or their policies as an attack.] Newsweek 2015 Oct 29 (Story) (Cached)
Need to Know is as serious as it gets, but laughter is good for the soul and helps to keep our equilibrium amid the chaos. So, here are quips, gags, and images to put a smile on your face. If you have some you would like to share, please send them here.
Quips from Steven Wright:
Half the people you know are below average.
99% of lawyers give the rest a bad name.
82.7% of all statistics are made up on the spot.
A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.
All those who believe in psycho kinesis, raise my hand.
The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.
OK, so what’s the speed of dark?
How do you tell when you’re out of invisible ink?
If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.
When everything is coming your way, you’re in the wrong lane.
Some photos just have to be shared. Nature and animals are the greatest entertainers. If you know of some, please send them here.
Infinity Cave, Vietnam Click to enlarge
Comments under 300 words, please. We cannot engage in correspondence but do appreciate your contribution. We do not publish insults or attacks against other readers. Points should stand on their own merits. You are welcome to express your religious views but not to criticize the views of others. Our mission is to unify our readers, not divide them. Send comments here.
posted 2015 Nov 3 from Roy Drake
G Ed, Just a quick note to let you know that the Sunday Denver Post today listed Creature as number five presently on the list of best-selling business books in Denver. Spread the word, I say.
posted 2015 Nov 3 from Bill Horn
A follow up on Trump…. Even though he accepted the material I sent him …. I don’t trust him. I heard that he said that Snowden is a traitor and should be convicted. That’s not gonna get my vote…. BTW, on the way to my gig today I saw a bumper sticker that read: “Putin for President 2016.” We’ve come a long way, and I am still impressed how people are waking up!
2015 Nov 3 from Tom Ta
It is sad that Putin doesn’t see the whole picture. But not surprising, because he is surrounded by exactly the same type of system really. Paul Craig roberts also doesn’t see it. How could the neo cons hide and grow in the government? Because they were at home thats why. I think that there is no hope under the current system. Evem George Noory is basically a socialist. The whole system needs to be reinvented from the ground up. Organically and naturally.
posted 2015 Nov 4 from Pat Kerby
Mr. Griffin, I am a huge fan. Thank you for all you do and have done for so many years. You are the finest example of eternal vigilance ever.
Having gotten frustrated with politics, I am using my skills as a filmmaker to produce a web series with a liberty theme to hopefully put some ideas in young people’s heads. Please feel free to share with your subscribers.
Max Justice www.maxjustice.tv
Episode 1 ISIS
Episode 2 Mass Shooter
Episode 3 about police brutality will be out soon.
You will find much in these episodes that will win your approval. For many, the violence will be upsetting and the vulgar language will not be acceptable. However, these are designed for mass appeal, and the theme is justice and punishment of evil people. It can be argued that these episodes are mere fantasy and do no actual good but, if Max continues to deliver messages, such as the one in the Mass Shooter about the stupidity of gun-free zones, these may become a positive force on public opinion.
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