Hello from Paso Robles

As I write these words, I am not far outside the beautiful town of Paso Robles, California, and it is about 2 AM on Saturday, December 12. That means this issue of Need to Know is going to be a day late getting to you. Being in Paso Robles has a lot to do with that.

Tomorrow morning is the opening session of the Freedom Force Second Congress held in Paso Robles. It is the primo event for us, and the theme for this year is: “Don’t fight city hall when you can BE city hall”. You will be hearing more about this when the video recording is available.

I have been deeply involved with the planning and execution of this event, which is the reason I was not able to complete the creation of this weeks news page, which normally is larger than this one. There just haven’t been enough hours on the clock to get everything done on schedule

If I don’t want to fall asleep tomorrow during my presentation, I need to wrap this up and go with what I have – which, incidentally, still is a decent selection of the important news stories.

G. Edward Griffin
2015 December 12


Connecticut: Governor Dannel Malloy is proposing to prohibit the sale of guns to people who are on a government watch list. [Considering that there are no reliable standards for what it takes to be put on a watch list, this seems like a very bad idea. It’s also unconstitutional.] Reuters 2015 Dec 10 (Story) (Cached)

Dr. Judith Curry, the former chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology, says that climate science has become politicized, current climate models do not reflect reality, the artic ice is expanding, not contracting, and the current rate of rising sea level is the same as it has been for 10,000 years. In other words, the theory of man-made global warming is debunked by scientific facts. Rich Clarke YouTube 2015 Dec 10 (Story)

Returning from the Paris Climate Conference, US Secretary of State John Kerry says the US will double the money it spends helping poorer countries deal with climate change. He committed $800 million per year from US taxpayers by 2020. Guardian (Nigeria) 2015 Dec 10 (Story) (Cached)

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel apologized for the fact that black citizens are treated differently by the police. He withheld a video of Chicago police killing a teen who was moving away from them. The motive for this decision was partly to avoid increasing race tensions in the city and partly because releasing the video likely would hurt the chances for his re-election. CBS News 2015 Dec 10 (Story)

Venezuelan President Maduro, the protege of communist Hugo Chavez, was overwhelmingly voted out of office last weekend but is refusing to leave. He has vowed to keep the “revolutionary right” from taking over the country no matter what the vote is. [This is reminiscent of the old Communist saying: “One vote – one time.” In other words, when attempting to come to power, the comrades advocate one vote for everyone on an equal basis. After they are elected to power on that slogan, the rules are changed, and there are no meaningful elections after that.] Independent 2015 Dec 10 (Story) (Cached)

US Supreme Court Justice, Anton Scalia, is being called a racist for favorably discussing the ‘mismatch’ theory of affirmative action in school admissions. He said that some people make the argument that African Americans in general do not benefit as much from a school like the University of Texas as they do in what are called “slower-track” schools. [Statistics show that he is correct, but it is politically incorrect for him to mention it.] ABA Journal 2015 Dec 10 (Story) (Cached)

Sydney, Australia: Police raided the home of Craig Steven Wright who Wired magazine says is the likely creator of bitcoin. Australia ruled in December 2014 that cryptocurrency should be considered an asset, rather than a currency, for capital gains tax purposes. Australia’s major banks have begun to close the accounts of bitcoin dealers, companies, forcing at least 13 digital-currency providers out of business. Reuters 2015 Dec 10 (Story) (Cached)

El Chapo, the leader of Mexico’s deadliest drug cartels, reportedly threatened to destroy ISIS because they destroyed one of his shipments to the Middle East. InfoWars 2015 Dec 10 (Story) (Cached)

Presidential hopeful, Donald Trump, said that the US should bar all Muslims from immigrating to the US until the government can sort out “what is going on.” Some Republicans denounced him, saying that it would be discriminatory against a religion. Trump says that 68% of his supporters would vote for him if he ran as an independent candidate, which likely would guarantee a win for the Democrats. CBS News 2015 Dec 8 (Story)

Syrian refugees are being resettled in the US even in states that vowed to refuse them. PBS News 2015 Dec 8 (Story)

News video clips, back-to-back, highlight Obama’s lies about Syria over time and provides evidence for his support for ISIS. One interesting example is when Obama admitted that the US is arming and training ISIL, and later claimed it was a Freudian slip. You be the judge. Alex Jones 2015 Dec 7 (Story)



News and commentaries that reveal historical facts and trends that place current events into perspective and make it possible to anticipate future events.


Donald Trump is threatening to leave the GOP and run as an Independent. Some political analysts think he is negotiating with Hillary Clinton to deliver the presidency to her by splitting the Republican vote. CNN 2015 Dec 10 (Story)

Canada has been awarded the right to sue the US for $1 billion for violating rules established by a World Trade Organization panel. The WTO rules prohibit the US from requiring meat products to disclose their country-of-origin. This is just the beginning of international control over American domestic commerce by the WTO. The proposed TPP and TTIP treaties will greatly expand that power. CBC News 2015 Dec 7 (Story) (Cached)


“Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention. … and have in general been as short in their lives as they are violent in their deaths.”

Click here for the answer.



Need to Know is as serious as it gets, but laughter is good for the soul and helps to keep our equilibrium amid the chaos. So, here are quips, gags, and images to put a smile on your face. If you have some you would like to share, please send them here.

An 80-year-old man went to the doctor for a checkup and the doctor was amazed at what good shape the guy was in. The doctor asked, “To what do you attribute your good health?”

The old timer said, “I’m a golfer and that’s why I’m in such good shape. I’m up well before daylight and out golfing up and down the fairways.”

The doctor said, “Well, I’m sure that helps, but there’s got to be more to it. How old was your father when he died?” The old timer said, “Who said my father’s dead?”

The doctor said, “You mean you’re 80 years old and your father is still alive? How old is he?” The old timer said, “He’s 100 years old and, in fact, he golfed with me this morning. That’s why he’s still alive, he’s a golfer.”

The doctor said, “Well, that’s great, but I’m sure there’s more to it. How about your grandfather? How old was he when he died?” The old timer said, “Who said my grandpa’s dead?”

The doctor said, “You mean you’re 80 years old and your grandfather’s still living! How old is he?” The old timer said, “He’s 118 years old.”

The doctor was getting frustrated at this point and said, “I guess he went golfing with you this morning too?” The old timer said, “No… Grandpa couldn’t go this morning because he got married.”

The doctor said in amazement, “Got married!! Why would a 118-year-old guy want to get married?”

The old timer shot back, “Who said he wanted to?”

cameraicon_1GREAT PHOTOS

Some photos just have to be shared. Nature and animals are the greatest entertainers. If you know of some, please send them here.

Now, that’s a crocodile!



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2015 Dec 9 from Robert Gregory
Your messages always seem hyped up with bold and big print – I wonder why?

(This message is in response to a promotional mailing I made recently in which there was a headline and some bold text. The headline read: “Good news does not need hype” and it was followed by three testimonials from people who report health benefits from a product called Cardio Miracle.)

Bold text was used in the heading of one paragraph and also as an example of common marketing hype. These bolded words add up to 33 out of 499 in the full article. Mr. Gregory feels that using larger type for an article headline or sectional headings and using bold type for emphasis in 6.6% of the article is hype. You can see the original message here.

However hype may be defined, it includes the concept of being distasteful and unacceptable. Therefore hype is in the eye of the beholder. I believe that the Cardio Miracle article is a fairly good example of restraint and good taste in preparing an advertising message and that it contains no hype whatsoever. However, if there is a broad public perception that I am resorting to the very hype I speak against, then I need to adjust my writing style. To help me with that, please let me know if you feel that my advertising messages are with or without hype. Please vote here.


2015 Dec 6 from Peter Guenther
Right after the war, I saw with my own eyes the huge piles of guns collected during sweeping roundups by US troops to free the bad Germans of their guns. Get it? Their guns. How come our GIs collected in these roundups huge mountains of guns of any kind, hunting and military. How can it be that Hitler disarmed his people and yet, they had lots and lots of guns, more than ever before, at the end of the war?

How come you allow yourself to be used by the Shoa folk to spread their lies? How come you failed to truth-check the Shoa assertions about the laws that were supposed to disarm the Germans when the opposite was true? … Gun violence in Germany after the assumption of power by the Nazis disappeared completely. At the same time the government supported private gun ownership.

You did such a super job with your book “The Creature”. You are doing such a super job calling the bluff on all the skulduggery of the media. As one of the most brilliant unmaskers extant, I wonder what is in it for you to blindly repeat the demonizing lies about Germany?

I suggest you look at the literature that offers you the true history of WW II. One of the best places to start looking would be www.BarnesReview.com (1-877-773-9077).

Hello Peter.
Until this week, I have not been aware of any reason to question the assertion that the Nazis instituted aggressive gun control. Please do not “wonder what is in it” for me “to blindly repeat the demonizing lies about Germany”. I have no axe to grind except the truth. Now I must do my own research on an item that I thought was not in question.

First, speaking of the disarmament of the German people by their leadership cannot be seen as demonizing Germany any more than calling attention to the disarmament of the American people by their leaders can be seen as demonizing America.

Second, I am not surprised that there were many guns in the hands of the German civilian population at the end of the war. It is logical that supporters of the regime would not only be allowed their guns but encouraged to have them. It would be amazing if any of the guns you saw confiscated by the US Army were taken from Jews, Poles, Gypsies, or anyone else that was in disfavor of the regime.

I am interested in learning a lot more about this, and I will pursue the Barnes Review reference you provided. A cursory examination, however, shows that the publishers believe that Hitler was more of a hero than a villain. Is that your perspective, also?

When you said in your letter that I am “spreading the lies” of the “Shoa folk”, I had to look up the word in the dictionary to learn that it refers to those who seek to perpetuate consciousness of the holocaust. That makes me wonder what that has to do with this issue. Is it you position that the common belief that there was aggressive gun control in Nazi Germany is the result of Shoa propaganda – and is this connected in any way to the controversy over the extent of – or even the existence of – the holocaust?

I will check this issue further, and I thank you for alerting me to the possibility that the Nazis did not administer gun control over the general population. It is an interesting assignment.


2015 Dec 6 from Dave.
Dearest Mr. Griffin, We simply cannot thank you enough for your work with World Without Cancer. It has been nearly six years now when Chris’ colon cancer diagnosis was received. I had WWC and the companion DVD on the shelf and had yet to read through it thoroughly.

A day or so of “regaining her footing” after hearing the doctor’s report, we watched the DVD, and Chris began a search online for cancer “success” stories. The more she looked, the more she found folks having success with natural and nutritional therapies. Imagine that!

Chris is the consummate researcher, and amassed and studied quite a library of books, web info, etc. on this now life-important topic. She decided to give the natural (what I now like to call “original medicine”) approach for a six-month trial. This took a great deal of energy, as her trusted doctor, feeling she was sure to only make her condition worse, fired her from her practice.

Chris found a women’s health doctor who was more understanding and willing to work with her. Chris combined B-17/Amygdaline, vegetable juicing, Essiac Tea, a focused nutritional supplement program, electrical stimulation, and exercise therapies to treat the cancer. Of course, the “dessert menu” was immediately discarded.

Six months later, Chris was enjoying an amazing improvement in her general health. At this time we found a competent endoscopy practice to do a sigmoid scope to see how the cancer was looking. The tumor, which at discovery was rather red and “angry” in appearance, had noticeably reduced in size and had come to a fuzzy orange look. Some of this material was in fact sluffing away. Chris’ body was doing surgery on itself!

The work load of all the therapies was taxing to the point that Chris decided to have the recommended surgery to remove the tumor. The biopsy reported a “Stage 1A” mass, a nearly zero cancerous level. She recovered from the colon surgery, and has maintained the B-17 apricot kernel habit(me too !) since then, along with juicing and practicing our new respect for our dietary intake.

The WWC DVD acted in part as a turning point introduction to the natural approach to cancer treatment for Chris. We are so grateful for your literally life-saving efforts in bringing the truth to all willing to hear it.


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James Madison
4th President of the United States
1751 – 1836

“Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention. … and have in general been as short in their lives as they are violent in their deaths.”

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