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2015 Nov 12 from P. Carminati
Will the secret 1871 creation of an LLC to incorporate Washington, DC with the ropes of control given to the British queen be discussed here? That’s 144 years ago in the month of December. Corporate force took over in January, 1872.
Prior to that, there was the British with the French to split this country in two with the carefully engineered fraud called the Confederacy. Lincoln was too good a man for them so they paid a useful idiot from the south to assassinate him. Those were the major “Red Flag” events that have destroyed our freedom. The actual desire to split was evident as far back as 1766 before the Constitution was created.
Hello P. Carminati.
The purpose of the coming Freedom Force Congress in Paso Robles is to focus on how to get already informed people who uphold The Creed of Freedom into political office so we can actually do something to bring about change in our system. All topics to be discussed will contain within them some element of appeal to the general public that will encourage them to look upon us as leaders in this effort. Without broad public support, freedom candidates will not be elected.
Education on such matters that you have mentioned is important for understanding the path we have traveled – and I am glad there are organizations doing that – but our mission cuts beyond that process and asks the question: “How do we place people who already know this history and who uphold the principles in The Creed of Freedom into political office?” If we fail to do that, nothing will change. I hope you can join with us in this bold undertaking.
2015 Nov 12 from Steven Hanson
Dear Ed, The people who “run” (missing an “i”) our country use two aspects of fear to control us, in my humble opinion. The first is the unease we feel when having to count on the truthfulness of words coming out of our politician’s mouths. Even those who don’t understand why falsehoods are bad still don’t feel at ease when they hear them. They deny their own gut feelings that tell them they should be wary. It’s like walking down a dark alley and seeing the silhouette of a person you know is insane.
And the other aspect of fear is knowing that something you are doing is breaking the law or an ordinance or a rule of some kind. We’ve literally become a nation of lawbreakers. Up where I live you can’t even burn firewood in some of the towns, because someone has deemed it unhealthy. This is in spite of the fact that generations of families have lived up here and burned wood for heat. Coincidentally, natural gas has recently been piped into these towns and will become a source of “revenue” for the township. Tony Soprano would be proud and envious.
The thought of going to jail for some unreasonable violation brings with it, not just the length of time we might spend there, but what awaits us if we do. I think the reason we keep criminal psychopaths alive in our “correctional” facilities is, not to be humane, but to scare the living daylights out of the rest of us. If you break a law to stand up for something you believe in, not only do you spend time in jail, but you become a piece of meat for the wierdo spending the rest of his life in the bunk next to you.
The nasty little secret is that these monsters are used to keep us in line. So it’s fear being used to control us and to prey upon us. Maybe someday we’ll just get tired of it. I know I am.
2015 Nov 11 from Michael Xu
It is getting close to the holiday season. Those ornaments made in China remind me of the days I spent in a Chinese labor camp because of my belief.
Before I came to the United States in 2011, every single day, I was filled with fear and anxiety. For 18 months from 2002 to 2004, I was detained in a labor camp in Hubel Province just because I had practiced Falun Gong, a traditional Chinese meditation practice based on the principle of Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance.
The Chinese Communist Party has been persecuting Falun Gong practitioners since 1999, putting millions of practitioners to prisons and labor camps. Thousand of them died from torture.
During the first three months in the labor camp, I was forced to sit on a little stool from 6 a.m. until midnight and watch videos slandering Falun Gong. The labor camp assigned two drug addicts to monitor me 24/7. They beat me whenever I moved or closed my eyes.
Throughout the rest of my detention, I was forced to do slave labor every day by assembling paper boxes and gift bags.
My roommate Jixiang Wan, another Falun Gong practitioner, was sentenced to three years in prison in 2003. To force him to give up his belief, the Hubel police used a cigarette lighter to burn his chin.
They beat him so violently that he lost all hearing in his left ear. Jixiang never finished his prison term. His health deteriorated during his time in prison. He died in May 2005 at the age of 37.
As a survivor of the persecution, I hope my voice can support my fellow practitioners in China who risk their lives to disclose the Communist regime’s brutal persecution toward the most peaceful group in the world.
(Click to enlarge.)
2015 Nov 10 from Dominique Boulanger
Hello Mr Griffin, I took a picture of a pretty spectacular scene of a chemtrail in the full moon. Great picture of a sad reality. This was taken in Edmonton, Canada, on Oct. 27th 2015 at roughly 11 PM. Thank you for all you do. I read your news letter weekly.
2015 Nov. 7 from Steven Hanson
Dear Ed, The one common denominator in so many of the issues you so elegantly help us see is the lies that are probably at the bottom of the issue. The global warming myth is the perfect example. It’s apparently based upon untruths and we don’t have a court which allows us to challenge the veracity of the science used to fuel the laws that are being shoved down our throats.
Lying, obfuscation, deception just seems to be the order of the day and standard operating procedure. The feeling of hopelessness that permeates our political landscape is caused by the understanding that almost nothing we hear is true.
Lying should be a punishable offense, and when the lies are issuing from our “leaders”, the punishment should be extremely severe. They only understand fear. Reason, well that was canned a long time ago – just about at the same time as lies became acceptable.