News and commentaries that reveal historical facts and trends that place current events into perspective and make it possible to anticipate future events.
Marxism is alive and well on American campuses. Keely Mullen, a representative of the Million-Student March, says that the group is demanding free public college, cancellation of student debt, and a $15 per-hour minimum wage for campus workers. When asked who would pay for this, she had no immediate answer, but finally fell back to her core belief that all these goodies should be paid for by the super wealthy. When asked who would pay when the super wealthy left the country or were pauperized by taxes, she responded that there always would be enough to carry the load. Fox Business News 2015 Nov 12 (Story)
posted 2015 Nov 11 by Tom DeWeese, President of the American Policy Center and member of Freedom Force Internartional.
I am fed up to my burning ears with Cart Blanc castigation of Conservatives! The other day I accidentally landed on MSNBC just in time to hear a discussion about Conservatives and their lack of compassion for the fate of the poor. Said the spokeswoman, with great authority, “Conservatives always talk about the family and about spending time with your kids. And they say all you have to do is pull yourself up by your boot straps to get ahead.” Then with great disdain she said, …” (More)
Author, Roger Stone, says that the ‘Obama Phone’ campaign was a moneymaker for Jeb Bush because he was an investor in the cell-phone company that prospered from the government contracts. Jeb Bush is now pushing the Common Core education program because his family owns a financial interest in companies that will benefit from that, too. The Bushes and the Clintons make huge profits from the programs they promote. InfoWars 2015 Nov 10 (Story)
Ukraine: Star Wars character, Darth Vader, was named on the ballot in the mayoral race in Odessa, and his bloc also ran for council seats in the Odessa district. What appears on the surface to be humor is a cover for vote fraud. In Ukraine, it is common for leading candidates to sponsor what are called “technical” candidates to run against themselves. The purpose is, not to win, but to get seats on vote-counting committees. If those can be loaded, then vote fraud is easy. Washington Post posted 2015 Nov 7 (Story) (Cached)