The Oklahoma Legislature has made it a felony, punishable by up to three years in prison, for doctors to perform elective abortions. If the governor does not veto the bill within five days, it automatically will become law, in which case it is expected to be challenged at the federal level. CNN 2016 May 20 (Story)
Venezuela: An angry mob executed a street thief by burning him alive. He had mugged an elderly man for $5. As the country sinks deeper into collectivist ruin, muggings are on the increase – and so is vigilante retaliation. Columbus Dispatch 2016 May 20 (Story) (Cached)
Germany-based Bayer-AG company is in negotiations to buy Monsanto, which is valued at $42 billion and has 20,000 employees. If this goes through, Bayer will be the largest chemical and food-seed company in the world. AP 2016 May 19 (Story)
In 1959, there was a nuclear-reactor meltdown at California’s Santa Susanna Field Laboratory, and it is considered the worst in US history. Naturally, it was hushed up. In spite of the fact that soil and groundwater remains polluted, commercial crops now are grown there. InfoWars 2016 May 19 (Story)
Texas: When it was discovered that lawyers in the federal Department of Justice lied to the court about Obama’s immigration program, they were not put in prison, disbarred, or even slapped with fines. Instead they were required to attend so-called ethics classes – expenses covered by taxpayers, no doubt. Mainstream media described this as ‘punishment’. USA Today 2016 May 19 (Story) (Cached)
75% of US nuclear facilities are leaking tritium, which can bind with water and be carried in rain and groundwater. InfoWars 2016 May 19 (story)
Nebraska: Four farmers are suing Monsanto, claiming that the company’s herbicide, Roundup, is responsible for their Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, a form of cancer. The active ingredient in Roundup is glyphosate, recently classified as a probable carcinogen by the World Health Organization. RT 2016 May 18 (Story)
Donald Trump, presented as an anti-establishment candidate, has scheduled a meeting with Henry Kissinger, the ultimate establishment icon, for advice on foreign policy. InfoWars 2016 May 17 (Story) (Cached)
New vaccines will permanently alter human DNA. Scientists currently are running clinical trials on vaccines that will change the genetic makeup of humans by transferring lab-created genes into the recipient’s own DNA. But don’t be concerned. It’s for reducing disease, of course, and has nothing to do with making money. Jon Rappoport 2016 May 17 (Story) (Cached)
Meat from China and Mexico may be so pumped with hormones that anyone eating it might not pass a drug test. That actually happened to NFL football player Duane Brown who had eaten contaminated meat while in Mexico. Natural News 2016 May 17 (Story) (Cached)
A 19-year-old black student at the University of Iowa claimed that three white men beat him outside of a barroom, leaving him with an injury to his eye socket, chipped teeth, and a cut lip. However, the bar’s surveillance video shows that the student was involved in a bar fight involving many people, and he was thrown out of the bar for being one of the instigators. Daily Caller 2016 May 17 (Story) (Cached)
The CIA Inspector General says the agency “mistakenly” destroyed its only copy of the Senate torture report. This is doubly suspicious in that the Senate began investigating the CIA’s torture techniques in the first place after it claimed it lost waterboarding videos. [No one believes this ridiculous excuse, but those in government and mainstream media dare not challenge them lest they be labeled as conspiracy theorists.] Ron Paul Institute 2016 May 16 (Story) (Cached)
US political and military intervention in Libya has been a disaster and continues to spiral downward. Secretary of State, John Kerry, has openly said that his interests lie in the Libya’s central bank and national oil company. Liberty Blitzkrieg 2016 May 16 (Story) (Cached)
Venezuelans are looting grocery stores and killing pigeons, cats, and dogs in the streets for food. The collectivist system is nearing its final stage of inevitable collapse. ZeroHedge 2016 May 15 (Story) (Cached)
In a study conducted by Microsoft, it was found that, in the last fifteen years, human attention span has decreased from 12 seconds to 8 seconds, less than the attention span of a goldfish. It concluded that the major cause was exposure to digital communications channels, such as computers and smartphones, that condition the brain to operate on short bursts of data. Medical Daily 2016 May 14 (Story) (Cached)
NATO’s missile defense system, based in Romania, went live last week, and a second system is soon to be constructed in Poland. Russia’s President, Putin, has threatened to reduce Romania to “smoking ruins” to stop the NATO systems from going live on its doorsteps. InfoWars posted 2016 May 14 (Story)
Flight logs show that former President Bill Clinton took at least 26 trips on a plane, nicknamed the ‘Lolita Express’, owned by convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Fox News posted 2016 May 14 (Story) (Cached)
Former FBI agent says that federal agents plant microphones in public areas in the San Francisco Bay area to eavesdrop on conversations. The microphones are placed under rocks, in trees, in light fixtures, at bus stops, and other places people don’t think about. CBS SF Bay posted 2016 May 14 (Story)
Wikileaks says that Brazil’s new president, Michel Temer, was an embassy informant for US intelligence and the military. If true, it is possible that his rise to power is a covert coup directed by the US State Department. ZeroHedge posted 2016 May 14 (Story) (Cached)
London’s new Muslim mayor, Sadiq Khan, says that Muslims are peaceful, but that Donald Trump’s proposal to ban Muslims from entering the US could cause ‘ignorant’ Muslims to kill people. Information Liberation posted 2016 May 14 (Story) (Cached)
Roger Waters, the co-founder of the legendary rock band Pink Floyd, has been severely criticized by the Israeli lobby for speaking against the occupation of Palestine. Waters says that American musicians are afraid to object to Palestinian occupation because they fear their careers will be destroyed. Mondoweiss posted 2016 May 14 (Story) (Cached)