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2016 Jul 8 from David Clumper
“All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.”
Sun Tzu
“Pit race against race, religion against religion, prejudice against prejudice. Divide and conquer! We must not let that happen here.” Eleanor Roosevelt
This ‘Divide and Conquer Strategy’ is as old as the Bible; Also the favorite ploy of the NeoCons and Globalists such as Kissinger, Soros, Brzezinski and IMF head, Christine Lagarde. Lagarde often spouts numerology to back up some of her beliefs such as the “magic numbers 7, 11, 40, etc” The Bible does support this concept to a degree, but I fear most of these Globalists are getting their info from ‘The other side’.
Interestingly, 11 cops were shot, and it’s 11 days from the time of the shooting ’til the start of the Republican Convention ~ A very good chance this is the commencement of escalating violence between now and July 18th. This may make the 1968 Democratic Convention riots look like ‘Happy Days’.
2016 Jul 6 from David Caron
Excellent description of our fraudulent financial system . However I “CRINGED” every time you called the dollar “MONEY”! BIG MISTAKE!!!
Money is UNENCUMBERED, Currency is not. Currency is not MONEY! However MONEY can be used as currency. All currencies ever created have always reached their intrinsic value of $0. There are some newly created currencies that are still in use but they ALL have lost most of their value in just a few decades. Take the US Dollar for example (which is not MONEY); it has lost over 90% of its value in just 100 years!!!
Currency is not MONEY but Gold and Silver are MONEY, have been for 6,000 years. In all that time they have held their relative value! MONEY IS FOR PRESERVING YOUR WEALTH, CURRENCY IS FOR SPENDING IT! GOLD AND SILVER ARE “MONEY” EVERYTHING ELSE IS JUST CURRENCY!
Hello David. Thanks for your message. Regarding the word “money”, I use that word in its basic dictionary sense that money is anything used as a medium of exchange. That can be national currencies, gold, silver, Bitcoin, or anything else that is widely accepted as a medium of exchange.
That does not mean that all forms of money are of equal merit. There is good money and bad money. Like you, I am a believer that gold and silver are at the top of the list for good money. Nevertheless, Federal Reserve Notes and other fiat currencies ARE money, whether we like it or not, or whether we think they should be or not, because they are widely accepted as a medium of exchange.
If we attempt to promote the superiority of gold and silver by claiming that dollars are currency but not money, we not only make a factual error, but we create a serious barrier to communication with most people who understand at a gut level that dollars are, indeed, the de facto money of most of the world. We can try to make them say the word ‘currency’, instead, but they know it as money.
If you are interested in my analysis of this topic, you will find it in my book, The Creature from Jekyll Island; A Second Look at The Federal Reserve, in a section called A CRASH COURSE ON MONEY, which spans chapters 7 through 10.
Thanks for writing – and for being a champion of sound money.