

News and commentaries that reveal historical facts and trends that place current events into perspective and make it possible to anticipate future events.


Ron Paul and Daniel McAdams discuss the attack in Nice, France, and conclude that it likely was not an act of terrorism but of mass murder without political or religious motivation. Yet, the usual collectivist political and media pundits are calling for gun control and war against Islam. However, gun control would not have stopped this crime nor would war on Islam. RPI 2016 Jul 15 (Story)

Why has NATO chosen Russia as its enemy instead of ISIS? This analysis by an Irish journalist in Russia leads to the simple answer: Money. A war with Russia or even just preparation for a war with Russia requires far more military expenditure than a war with ISIS. Be aware that this report comes from Russia Today, which is openly biased in favor of Russian policies. In spite of this bias, however, we believe that the information presented is accurate. At the very least, it is worth considering. RT 2016 Jul 14 (Story) (Cached)

Nigel Farage, leader of the Brexit movement in the UK, discusses the news of Europe. He says that Britain’s new prime minister, Teresa May, is a problem because she opposed UK independence. He comments on the cultural divide that now threatens Europe. And warns that Italian banks are going to fail. He expects the whole EU to come apart. Fox News 2016 Jul 13 (Story)

France: Patrick Calvar, the head of the nation’s internal security agency, has warned members of a French parliamentary commission that the country is on the verge of civil war, and there appears to be no way to stop it now. This is the result of backlash against Muslim migrants from the Middle East and North Africa. Military and law-enforcement experts are also issuing the same warning across the entire EU. InfoWars 2016 Jul 11 (Story)

Ben Carson warns that more events like the police shooting in Dallas will continue because there are terror cells and professional agitators in the US. He opposes Obama’s call for more gun control as a solution, because the Second Amendment exists so that people can defend themselves against an overly-aggressive government or an external invasion. He warns that there are entities that are trying to pit Americans against each other when we are not enemies. Fox News posted 2016 Jul 9 (Story)

James Corbett and Spiro Skouras show that the US government has been deeply interested in geoengineering (also known as chemtrails and stratospheric aerosols) for many years. Former CIA Director John Brennan spoke before the Council on Foreign Relations promoting stratospheric aerosol injection. The shocker, however, is a 2016 study about chemical spraying of the atmosphere. It concluded that the health hazard is unknown because it has never been considered. The significance of that fact is that, whatever the motivation is that drives geoengineering promoters, it has nothing to do with benefitting the public. Newsbud posted 2016 Jul 9 (Story)