Reader’s Forum 2017 Jan 13
We do not publish personal attacks against other readers. You are welcome to express your own religious views but not to criticize the views of others. We seek to unify, not divide. Send comments under 300 words here.
2016 Jan 13 from Connie Drummond, in th UK
Yes, please notify me of this [broadcast dates for Global Warming, An Inconvenient Lie]. We’re posting your and Jim Lee’s website details on personal Facebook pages here in the UK because our friends (and relatives) think we’ve gone mad…!
If we’d had the money we would have come to Phoenix [where the Global-Warming hoax was exposed]. I’m 70 years old now and shocked that I’ve only just opened my eyes to it in the last 12 months; not that I haven’t suspected for years, but stuck in slavespeak for most of it..! Once you learn about one thing it opens the door to all the rest and initially scares the hell out of you.
2016 Dec 31 from Gairn Mclennan
Hello Edward.
Global climate change was an very good trick – we were made to feel guilty of causing a temperature fluctuation which effected this solar system, not just earth. We have saved a lot of energy (partially causing the oil industry decline-over supply of the last 2 years) and developed electric transport in it’s stead- so it’s not all bad, but the money that was/is channeled into fraudulent carbon-tax schemes etc needs to stop as it’s corruption at it’s most covert level. Carbon dioxide is needed for trees to grow – plant more trees they bring rain and will stop desertification.
2016 Dec 31 from Bill Hogsten
Hey Mister Griffin,
Came across an odd bit of news. Wish I had saved the article, it may be on YouTube. It was in reference to something eating, as the author put it, a chemtrail. It was a short video from this past September. He claimed some object, possibly a UFO, was eating them. I watched the video, I am no expert by any means, but it did appear that something took out a large section of a chemtrail. Trick photography, wind shear, what have you, it may be something for your team to look into. Odd to say the least.
2016 Dec 31 from Regis Sauger
Mr.Griffin, I am “82” years old and still kicking. I have attached a work book that I wrote for some of the classes and workshops I used to teach. I commend you, not only for your analysis of the Federal Reserve but also the detail in which you explain the history of money and the corruption involved from the birth of the Rothschild influence. God Bless you and keep up the great work. Remember what my Mother said to us kids. “Your body follow your mind. So stay on top of things”