Donald Trump became the target of a particularly disgusting fake-news report that went viral on social media and talk radio. The report, which has no admitted source and no evidence whatsoever to support it, claims that Trump went to the Ritz Carlton in Moscow and hired a Russian hooker to urinate on a bed that was said to be where Obama once slept. The report supposedly was ‘discovered’ by a British intelligence officer who was hired by Trump’s political opponents in both major parties and it was delivered to the FBI by Senator John McCain, who also is a Trump hater. In spite of the obvious unreliability of this story, CNN reported it as though it were fact. At a press conference Tuesday night, Trump refused to take a question from CNN and said: “You are fake news.” InfoWars 2017 Jan 12 (Story)

US: Director of National Intelligence James Clapper admitted that the controversial report aimed at damaging Trump’s image should not have been leaked. The FBI, however, is continuing to investigate the allegation. ABC News 2017 Jan 12 (Story)

Jeh Johnson, head of the Department of Homeland Security, announced that his office will take over all aspects of US elections. His excuse is the claim that the election system is threatened by Russian ‘influence’. A policy of secrecy will allow the DHS to intercede in the election process and declare the outcome without having to show how it decided. The author of this article says that, on a scale of one to ten relating to importance, this story ranks 500. John Rappoport 2017 Jan 8 (Story) (Cached)