Analysis Jan 13
News and commentaries that reveal historical facts and trends that place current events into perspective and make it possible to anticipate future events.
Here’s a report that will challenge your objectivity. It will put you to the test to see if you really can separate the message from th messenger. A young, independent analyst describes the risks to every citizen from the recent expansion of power by the NSA, which allows it to share personal data with all other US intelligence agencies and even with foreign countries. It is hard to find fault with his analysis but – are you ready for this? – He is a Satanist. [So, we reject his analysis, right? Or find another source, even if stated less succinctly? What is your opinion on this? Send your comment, 300 words or less, here.] Styxhexenhammer 2017 Jan 13 (Story)
The Pentagon successfully tested 103 autonomous mini-drones that use collective decision making within the swarm. This could change warfare by removing human, not only from the battlefield, but from the command center as well. The future of humans is not looking very good if left in the hands of the technocrats. Embryologists are getting close to being able to create babies without a mother. If so, they will be owned by the state. The endgame is to make robots and dumbed-down humans become slaves to the ruling elites. InfoWars 2017 Jan 12 (Story)
Jerusalem: Israel reports that a truck attack killed four people, but skeptics believe that the image of the truck shown in the video was computer generated. Evidence includes the fact that the bottom of the truck disappears on impact, and the truck disappears for an instant after it moves beyond the crowd. You will want to see this to form your own conclusion. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is calling this an ISIS attack but did not say why he thinks so. Peekay Truth 2017 Jan 9 (Story)
Ida Auken, a socialist Danish politician, looks to the year 2030 when private property has been abolished, creating dependency on the state and zero privacy, as planned in the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. She cheerfully looks forward to the time when, everywhere she goes, she will be registered, and everything she does, thinks, and dreams will be recorded. You should seriously look at this, because this mind set is being created in all government schools of the world and now is far more common than you may think. Truthstream Media 2017 Jan 9 (Story)
James Corbett interviews Dr. Tjeerd Andringa, a cognitive scientist at the University of Groningen, Netherlands, who explains why child sex rings are prevalent at the elite levels of governments. Tjeerd theorizes that the kakistocracy (rule by the worst and most evil people), requires two character traits to perpetuate itself: (1) recruits must be ruthless with zero compassion for others and (2) they must subordinate themselves to the kakistocracy itself. Pedophilia is a proving ground for both. A pedophile has no concern about any harm that might come to the children. Furthermore, by making themselves vulnerable to public exposure, disgrace, and loss of elitist status if they fail to support their fellow psychopaths, their loyalty is assured. That is the essence of the theory, but there is much in this interview that further explains the genesis of this repugnant practice. Corbett Report 2017 Jan 9 (Story)
Venezuela: President Nicolas Maduro announced a 50% increase in the country’s minimum wage and in retirees’ pensions. Supposedly, this will help workers cope with the country’s run-away inflation. [The predictable result will be quite different. It will force employers to terminate many workers or to go out of business altogether, because the law forbids them from raising prices to cover the increased cost of labor. That will put tens of thousands of presently employed people onto government welfare, which must be paid by increased taxes, which will put even more companies out of business, etc. Collectivism always economically self-destructs in this manner. It is a progressively fatal disease.] NewsBeat Social 2017 Jan 9 (Story)
Mattel is releasing a new AI (artificial intelligence) product, called Aristotle, which interacts with your children and advances with them as they intellectually mature. It could become their main source of information and education and could even become their best friend. What could possibly be wrong with that? New Atlas posted 2017 Jan 7 (Story) (Cached)