Comments under 300 words, please. We cannot engage in correspondence but do appreciate your contribution. We do not publish insults or attacks against other readers. Points should stand on their own merits. You are welcome to express your religious views but not to criticize the views of others. Our mission is to unify our readers, not divide them. Send comments here.
2016 Oct 13 from Benjamin Williams
In response to Steven’s media idea, I think there is some truth to the idea that the media lies because that’s what people want to hear. I know people who believe the lies the media spouts because they want to, and no amount of evidence can persuade them otherwise. But I also know people who really want to know the truth, and they end up believing the lies, because that is all they hear.
2016 Oct 12 from Robert Waling
Mr. Griffin,
I have been taking Recharge for over a year. I take one every night before I go to bed. I haven’t noticed anything different. Do you take Recharge? What do you recommend?
Hello Bob.
I take several capsules of Recharge every day, sometimes as many as four. I cannot say that it has made me any younger, but I do not seem to be aging and I am living at a higher level than anyone I know at my chronological age. At 85, I am thriving on a 60-hour work week and accomplishing as much or more than at any time in my life. That, of course, could be entirely unrelated to Recharge. There is no way to know for sure. I do not make recommendations. That’s for each person to decide.
2016 Oct 11 from P.B.
Hello Ed.
Jeremiah Films of Menifee, CA, has posted a batch of concise YouTube video files to help cut through the political noise and show the unprecedented criminality of the Clintons’ Pay-for-Play scheme in government that has stalked American politics for three decades. Following that, you will see a series of 30-second and 60-second commercials that are available to anyone for distribution through social media between now and election day.
Here are the video clips.
Here are the commercials.
Here are 70 minutes of Hillary’s reversed positions and outright lies.
Please share in any way you can.
2016 Oct 11 from Edward Lapinskas
Short but sweet: I could not agree more with the Ed Fahey comment. Soros needs to be dealt with should Trump take office in 2017. I refer to Soros as the “Hungarian Spider.” This would be for obvious reasons to many who read your news. Take care and stay safe. The times we live in dictate it.
2016 Oct 11 from Steven Van Epps
Dear Mr Griffin,
Sorry, but I can’t help myself. I just reread the rules for the Readers’ Forum and had to respond. It says, “You are welcome to express your religious views but not to criticize the views of others.” Do you realize how similar this statement is to a “religion” we’re all familiar with? If you dare criticize this “religion,” their ardent followers won’t just ban you from commenting, they’ll cut your head off for insulting their religion! There are now laws in certain countries that will convict you of hate speech if you criticize a particular religion!
In the same way, your rule is intolerant of criticism. Can there be any meaningful debate if one person’s religious views totally contradict another persons’ on issues such as the divinity of Jesus Christ or the inspiration, inerrancy, and infallibility of scripture? Unbelievers freely criticize these doctrines, and I have no problem with that. So why should I be prohibited from labeling people who claim their own divinity to be delusional?
The ideal way for people to be truly united is by having the same religious views, but also being able to criticize other views and be tolerant at the same time. Your rule contradicts itself because it is intolerant of tolerance.
We have no desire to prevent or censor religious debates. We have no hidden desire to put you in jail or cut off your head if you want to compare or challenge the doctrines of other faiths. It’s just that we do not want that in Need to Know news. Theology is not our topic. Just as we do not cover sporting events, stock market pricees, or weather forcasts, we try to stay focused on issues relating to freedom, health, and finances.
You correctly quoted our policy against criticizing another person’s religion but you omitted the explanation of why we have that policy in the first place. The sentence that follows where you stopped is: “Our mission is to unify our readers, not divide them.”
That’s the incredibly important point you have missed. Of course, we support your right to criticize other people’s religions, but we don’t want you to do it on Need to Know news. Otherwise, I can assure you there would be a flood of heated objections and counter arguments to your statement relating to “the divinity of Jesus Christ or the inspiration, inerrancy, and infallibility of scripture”. Those objections would trigger a second round of criticism, and we quickly would become divided into at least two and probably more enemy camps forever pitted against each other over theology. Meanwhile, the global battle between collectivism and individualism would rage on without us. I will not allow that on my watch.
2016 Oct 11 from Jerry Hewes
Dear Ed.
It recently came to my attention that the UN is moving on US soil to enforce the UN charter, which includes the end of free speech, I’m told. As there is evidence the UN, aka, the New World Order, has moved military equipment and troups to our bases and other locations and now runs the Internet, I think this should be taken very seriously!
From this perspective, nearly all the disturbances in the world can be seen as a diversionary prelude to surreptitious takeover of, in particular, the United States, the prize apple for power mongers.
There still are a number of sites on You Tube explaining the movement and rationale of this ominous undercurrent beyond the coverage of almost any media. It is said, and I agree, the UN will subvert the US Constitution, the best document ever written to date for championing the individual above the state.
2016 Oct 11 from Bert Maupin
It is my opinion that a workable, thought out philosophy of life needs to be taught in our schools. Not on philosophy, but successful human relations, (which would include marriage and parenting). Also, health and nutrition, civics, (the understanding of our form of government), and finance. But NO we are taught algebra, which I’ve never used. We are encouraged to go to college. How about TRADE SCHOOLS?? As a senior citizen, I look back on my public schooling with disgust. I can only see too well the truth in “wide is the road to destruction.” (Matt.7:13&14) The good things in life require a wisely directed effort; and where is wisdom taught in our schools? Disgusted!
2016 Oct 11 from Chris
[This is in response to an Oct 1 letter from Steven Van Epps who advanced the theory that the media tell lies primarily because people are evil and prefer lies over truth.]
Mr. Epps appears to have a slightly warped perspective based on his religious beliefs (post reformation Evangelical churchianity). By “their own human nature” he refers to a churchian dogama known as “original sin”. None of the Biblical texts say or mean that. St. Augustine is the one who popularized that dogma back in the early years of the 4th century AD.
The reality is, from a psychological and sociological perspective, that BOTH the media AND personal choice determine what a person thinks. Most importantly, according to Deuteronomy 6 (in the Mosaic law), it’s the FATHERS who are primarily responsible for the education of their children. That’s talking about “freemen”, not slaves, such as modern Amerikans are today.
The next biggest cause of skewed perspective is when people do not possess enough facts to form a realistic picture of what’s happening in reality. In my opinion, religion is designed by “the state” to skew people’s perspectives to be obedient slaves to the oligarchy that harvests their labor. Once the state has a grip on a child’s thought process, it’s “hell and high water” to try to change it, especially when they become adults.
2016 Oct 11 from Peter Verhoeff
Hi Ed,
Thanks for your invitation to respond to the Steven’s assertion that the media represent the people’s desire for lies. There’s an element of truth in that. Ultimately we all create the world around us. I am reminded of the saying, “People get the government they deserve.” Likewise, they will also get the media they deserve.
That said, however, the press has undoubtedly been bought by the international financial manipulators to further their own nefarious agenda. No doubt we have “deserved” these guys as well through our own ignorance and inaction in shaping a more honest world.
I salute the dedication of you and your followers in improving conditions.