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From: Eve Kinsel 2016 Oct 15
I encourage the author of the article about wild horses [Need to Know 2016-10-14] to do some more research to understand the circumstances in which wild horses might be sent to slaughter.
Although I don’t know the facts of what is happening in most states, I do know an individual who works with the wild-horse herds in Nevada. She loves the horses and hates to see them die or suffer. Currently, because of top-down policies in the last 5 or so years, she and other BLM employees across Nevada were prohibited from removing enough wild horses from public lands. The horse population, as a result, has exploded here in Nevada. (More)
posted 2016 Oct 15 from John Miller
Dear Mr. Griffin;
Our nation has lost it’s course because of a deliberate and willful dumbing down of public education and an orchestrated collapse of our nation’s moral fiber by an entertainment industry which promotes deviant sexuality and displays hostility toward traditional morality. Our children spend their time playing violent video games that are so brutally graphic that they would shock the ancient spectators of the Roman Coliseum. Popular music is likewise filled with violent imagery and contains graphic descriptions of sex acts.
Long time readers of “Need To Know News” will recognize that this transformation of our nation’s morality was first proposed by the Marxist intellectuals associated with the Frankfurt School, and commonly referred to as Cultural Marxism. For a brief introduction and historical outline of the Frankfurt School, see this article by Dr. Gerald L. Atkinson CDR USN (Retired) here.
As we have read in the Genesis creation account, the human heart is easily deceived by the “Father of Lies,” the first propagandist. But I would suggest to Mr. Van Epps that it is not an either/or proposition. Adam and Eve were sinners and also victims of the Serpent’s propaganda. Truth, of course, is the antidote to both cultural propaganda and original sin.