
News and commentaries that reveal historical facts and trends that place current events into perspective and make it possible to anticipate future events.

video-icon_4-41-22_smallIn this analysis, David Knight concludes that the US is provoking Russia beyond a cold war and is moving toward a full-blown hot war. False-flag cyberattacks may be used as an excuse for US military attacks disguised as retaliation. The rich man’s war is a poor man’s fight that leads to death and poverty for the masses. Moscow says that the US made a secret deal with Saudi Arabia to move 9,000 ISIS troops into Syria to attack Russian and Syrian forces. Saudi Arabia and Qatar are arming ISIS and acting as surrogates of the US. Infowars 2016 Oct 13 (Story)

video-icon_4-41-22_smallBlack author, Thomas Sowell, says that the US is in a race war that is being documented by video blogger, Colin Flaherty. For many months, Flaherty has documented the fact that the narrative of black victimization by whites is a myth when compared to white victimization by blacks. Rampant black victimization by whites is what Colin calls ‘the biggest hoax of our time’. Flaherty says the second biggest hoax is free speech. How can that be, he argues, when whites who criticize Black Lives Matter lose their jobs and are ridiculed in the media while blacks can call for the killing of whites on Facebook and receive protection? [Can it be that the oligarchs really want race war and mayhem to justify martial law and the end of a sovereign and free nation?] Colin Flaherty 2016 Oct 12 (Story)▼

Douglas Muir, an adjunct professor for the University of Virginia, wrote in a Facebook comment that Black Lives Matter is the biggest racist organization since the KKK. There was a massive backlash against him, and he was forced to take a leave of absence from the school. The NAACP is calling for his dismissal from the school. Breitbart 2016 Oct 10 (Story) (Cached)

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The Pentagon accounts for more than half the federal government’s $1 billion spending for public-relations. This is used to create public enthusiasm for wars and huge military budgets. Former military officials who appear on news programs as “experts” on foreign policy often work for military contractors. As such, they have a financial interest in war. Reason 2016 Oct 10 (Story) (Cached)

Saudi Arabia: Teenager, Abu Sin, was arrested for flirting with Christina Crockett, a 21-year old girl from California, on an online community forum. Saudi Arabia has strict rules for separating the genders and laws that dictate women’s behavior and clothing. Lawyers said that Abu’s conversations may have violated the nation’s ‘cybercrime’ law that bans online content that goes against ‘morals’ and Islamic law. The teen could face a five-year prison sentence and be forced to pay a fine as high as $800,000. [Next stop: USA’s laws against ‘hate speech’ and ‘slander’ against political leaders.] Washington Post 2016 Oct 10 (Story) (Cached)