FBI jumping Hillary’s ship?
FBI jumping Hillary’s ship?
There are two stories this week that caused quite a buzz in the alternative media. One was from Judicial Watch that made a slam-dunk case against FBI Director James Comey for turning the nation’s highest anti-crime agency into a political support group to protect a presidential candidate from being convicted of serious federal crimes even though everyone knew the crimes were committed.
The other was the announcement by Comey that the FBI had discovered a new batch of Hillary’s emails that might have a bearing on the previous (pretended) investigation and, futhermore, they might have content that could justify reopening the whole matter. To thicken the plot, the emails were found on the computer of a former Congressman who was caught sending explicit photos of himself to women.
In my view, something about this story is fishy. Some commentators are assuming it is an indication that Comey is jumping ship and wants to distance himself to minimize chances of his own prosecution as an accomplice and abettor to Hillary’s crimes. However, since Comey has done everything possible to protect her from prosecution so far, it is difficult to imagine that he thinks he could turn against the Clinton machine now and come out of it in any favorable way.
So, what else could motivate him to appear to be interested in reopening the investigation but with no intention of actually doing so – unless it is to draw attention away from Hillary’s other emails, which are known to be in violation of the law and, for the final days leading to the election, draw public attention to a new batch of emails about which there is only speculation. Adding the salacious element of sexual misbehavior would only enhance the power of distraction.
Something to consider.
G. Edward Griffin
2016 October 28