Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein is fundraising to recount the votes in three swing states, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, in which Trump won by a narrow margin. She is making no effort to recount the votes in any states where Clinton won by a narrow margin. Michigan uses paper ballots, and the vote already has been counted twice. If a third count in Michigan were to flip the state to Hillary, it would be cause to suspect vote fraud, not in the original vote, but in the recount. InfoWars 2016 Nov 25 (Story) (Cached)

Jill Stein is Internet fundraising to recount the votes in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. As of 8 AM Pacific Time Friday morning, she already had collected $4.85 million. That is a surprisingly short period of time and it has raised the suspicion that wealthy pro-Hillary donors may be the primary source of funding. One blogger says that Stein’s campaign is being funded by a bot (an Internet robot) programed to make large numbers of small donations to conceal the fact that the money has a single source. In support of this is the fact that most of the donations are coming from the US but do not slow down during the night when most Americans are asleep. Instead, the rate of donations is constant day and night. WeAreChange 2016 Nov 23 (Story) (Cached)

Defeat the hidden agenda.
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Wildfires tore across central and northern Israel, forcing tens of thousands of residents to flee the city of Haifa. Leaders blamed arsonists for the fires and called them terrorists. Greece, Cyprus, Turkey, and Russia offered help, with several aircraft already working to quell the blaze. Reuters 2016 Nov 24 (Story) (Cached)

G. Edward Griffin and Patrick Wood are interviewed on the global-warming lie and the conference next weekend in Phoenix, Arizona.
Freedom’s Phoenix 2016 Nov 23
G. Edward Griffin audio link
Pat Wood audio link

video-icon_4-41-22_smallIf you don’t yet know what Pizzagate is, it’s time to learn. Pizzagate is the name given to the investigation of a group of high level political insiders who are believed to operate a pedophile ring. The evidence for this is from the John Podesta emails (he was the chairman of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign) that were published by Wikileaks and also from social-media posts by James Alefantis, the owner of Comet Ping Pong pizza parlor in Washington, DC. Here is the evidence. InfoWars 2016 Nov 23 (Story)

India has declared that the 500 and 1,000 rupee notes, worth $7 and $14 respectively, are no longer legal tender and must be turned in to banks in exchange for debit cards or replacement with smaller bills. The stated goal is to detect tax evasion and combat counterfeit money. The unspoken goal, however, is to move the country closer to a cashless society in which all money must reside in bank computers where it can be confiscated for bank loses or government taxes. Newsmax 2016 Nov 23 (Story) (Cached)

video-icon_4-41-22_smallThis is an interview with Cody Wilson, a 3D-printer engineer who grabbed the nation’s attention in 2013 when he posted a video of himself firing the Liberator, the first 3D-printed handgun. His new project is the Ghost Gunner, a do-it-yourself milling machine that allows you to construct an AR15 in less than 3 hours – and he has sold thousands of them. In this interview you will learn what motivates Cody to do this and how the federal government is attempting to close him down. He says the best way to help him in his legal defense is to buy one of his machines. Very interesting! Reason 2016 Nov 23 (Story)

85% of American food now is contaminated with pesticides, fungicides, and weed killers. This compares to 59% in 2014. The USDA did not test for glyphosate residue even though the Monsanto pesticide is the most commonly used poison. That means nearly all food now is a carrier for toxic chemicals. EcoWatch 2016 Nov 23 (Story) (Cached)

US: Billionaire George Soros will spend $10 million to fight hate crimes that he says are linked to Donald Trump’s ‘incendiary rhetoric.’ The money likely will go to so-called civil rights organizations that will apply the funds as directed by him. The Hill 2016 Nov 23 (Story) (Cached)

Defeat the hidden agenda.
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US: The Comet Ping Pong pizza parlor that is at the center of an alleged pedophile ring is owned by James Alefantis, who was once voted one of the 50 most powerful people in Washington DC. Alefantis requested the FBI and social media giants to censor the PizzaGate story. As a result, Reddit shut down an online investigation, Twitter banned #PizzaGate from trending, mainstream media is labeling the story as ‘fake news’, Youtube videos have been removed, and independent websites have come under attack for carrying the story. This censorship has set the Internet on fire, and thousands of independent researchers now are on the case. Washington Times 2016 Nov 22 (Story) (Cached)

Kanye West, a flamboyant rap musician and Kim Kardashian’s husband, went on a rant during a concert in which he supported Donald Trump, accused Google and Facebook of lying to the public and told the crowd to research ‘Pizzagate’. West now is in a hospital in Los Angeles under an involuntarily psychiatric hold. ZeroHedge 2016 Nov 21 (Story) (Cached)


Wikileaks’ Julian Assange has not been seen since October, and many people believe he has been murdered. RT recently released an interview with him by John Pilger. It was edited, however, and Assange never commented on current events, raising the possibility that those were the parts that were edited to conceal the fact that the interview was old. WeAreChange 2016 Nov 21 (Story) (Cached)

video-icon_4-41-22_smallNorth Dakota: When protesters at the Dakota Access Pipeline site tried to remove burnt-out military trucks that police had placed on the road to block access to their camp, they were met with heavy resistance from police who used tear gas, water cannons, and rubber bullets. RT 2016 Nov 21 (Story)

US: The IRS is seeking a judicial order to require the San Francisco-based Bitcoin company, Coinbase, to turn over records of all Coinbase users in the US who conducted transactions from 2013 to 2015. In other words, the government attack against Bitcoin has begun. ZeroHedge 2016 Nov 21 (Story) (Cached)

George Soros is planning to launch his own version of the government-watchdog group, Judicial Watch, in order to oppose Trump and the Republican-controlled Congress. Soros will fund the endeavor through his Democracy Alliance group that uses collectivist advocacy groups to engineer political opinion. Daily Caller posted 2016 Nov 19 (Story) (Cached)
