2016 May 7 – 13
2016 May 7 – 13
Facebook Technocrats are watching you
Facebook Technocrats are watching you
Two stories this week shine the spotlight on the world view of high-tech communications enterprises such as Facebook. Along with Google and mainstream media, Facebook wants, not just to report the news but to re-write the news and engineer public opinion about the news.
You may remember that, a few months ago, Google said it had a “responsibility” to program its search engine to filter out information and attitudes that it considered to be incorrect or from untrustworthy sources. That’s all for our protection, of course.
Facebook and Google also want to collect data on all human activity so they can sell it to marketers and spy agencies. In this pursuit, their executives and managers are not concerned over such a silly thing as privacy or security against political reprisal.
There will be no end to this trend until one of two things occurs: (1) The world will descend into a system where collectivism will be enforced by unseen masters, buildings full of technocrats at computer screens, and legions of enforcers with body armor, face shields, and electronic weapons, or (2) citizens will toss out of office all politicians who favor sacrificing privacy and liberty supposedly in the name of national security. The choice is still ours, but time to act is running out. (Freedom Force solution.)
Facebook employed a group of about 20 recent graduates from Ivy League schools to choose which stories are allowed to appear as “trending news”. Gizmo Magazine says they have clear evidence that, instead of reporting trends, they are creating trends. Conservative-leaning news stories are blacklisted. CBS News 2016 May 10 (Story)
Facebook was unable to obtain a dismissal of a lawsuit against it that challenges its ability to biometrically profile individuals using facial-recognition. Under Illinois’ Biometric Information Privacy Act, no one may collect biometric identifier, whether they be fingerprints, face prints, or DNA, without a person’s consent. A similar lawsuit was filed by Lindabeth Rivera after an Android smartphone automatically uploaded photographs to Google Photos, resulting in a biometric face print of Lindabeth for life. She was not a smartphone owner, making her an unwilling participant in the scheme. The results of these cases may be the deciding factor for years to come on whether tech companies can capture biometric data without our permission. Activist Post 2016 May 12 (Story) (Cached)
G. Edward Griffin
2016 May 13
The U.S. government has instructed all public school districts to allow transgender students to use bathrooms that match their gender identity rather than their actual sex. The letter, signed by officials from the Education and Justice departments, does not have the force of law but contains an implicit threat that schools that do not abide by the directive could face lawsuits or loss of federal aid. Reuters 2016 May 13 (Story) (Cached)
The Confessions of Congressman-X is a new book written by an anonymous U.S. Congressman that provides a close-up view of corrupt politicians who are interested only in re-election and who are the willing servants of lobbyists. Voters are described as gullible, know-nothing jerks, while the only people who count are the big donors who pour billions of dollars into lobbying. He calls the federal government a casino that receives over $3-billion in bribes every year to stack the deck against honest players. NY Post 2016 May 13 (Story) (Cached)
Kentucky: Purdue Pharma lost its legal battle to keep secret its records about the painkiller drug OxyContin. In December, 2015, Purdue paid $24-million to settle a suit against its alleged fraud, conspiracy, and negligence in the development and marketing of the drug. LA Times 2016 May 11 (Story) (Cached)
Three million Syrians refugees have fled to Turkey, and the children are being forced to work as sweatshop laborers. Europe has closed its borders to the refugees. CBS News 2016 May 11 (Story)
Human Rights Watch has accused Turkish border guards of shooting and abusing Syrian refugees who are crossing into the country. The rights group, citing the deaths of several asylum seekers, has called for an investigation. RT 2016 May 10 (Story)
Judicial Watch is demanding a special counsel to investigate Hillary Clinton’s private e-mail server after it was discovered that the presidential candidate received nearly $75,000 in campaign contributions from Department of Justice employees. Newsmax 2016 May 10 (Story) (Cached)
A Wyoming farmer was hit with $16-million in fines by the federal EPA for building a stock pond for which he already had received a permit from the State. After standing his ground, his case went to a federal court that ruled in his favor. Under Supreme Court precedent, the federal government can regulate waters only if they have a “significant nexus” to navigable waters, which was not the case for this pond. [It’s nice to see reason prevail once in a while.] Fox News 2016 May 10 (Story) (Cached)
US: Illegal aliens receive more welfare per person than Americans on welfare. Newsmax 2016 May 9 (Story) (Cached)
Wall Street Analyst Charles Ortel has discovered that the Clinton Foundation’s contribution disclosures do not match up with individual donors’ records. He also found that the Foundation is not in compliance with state laws regarding fundraising registration, disclosure requirements, and auditing rules. Nations that have donated to the Foundation have been rewarded handsomely by the State Department. Allen B West 2016 May 9 (Story) (Cached)
A recent study by Shir Hever, an Israeli economist, shows that at least 78% of all humanitarian aid intended for Palestinians ends up in Israel’s coffers. Hever says that donors are indirectly subsidizing up to a third of Israel’s cost to occupy Palestine. The World Bank estimated that the Palestinians lose at least $3.4 billion a year in resources diverted to Israel. Mondoweiss posted 2016 May 9 (Story) (Cached)
UK: The Department for International Development reported that, since 2011, as much as $7.35 million in British aid to supposedly moderate rebels in Syria was diverted to ISIS. In 2013, the DFID admitted that almost $720,000 of its aid and equipment had reached the al-Qaeda-linked al-Shabab militants based in Somalia. [Do you see a pattern here – similar to US aid reaching terrorists “accidentally”?] Your News Wire 2016 May 8 (Story) (Cached)
Alex Jones interviews Dr. Toni Bark, MD, an expert on vaccine injury and autism. She reveals a shocking history of corruption and criminal activity within the vaccine industry. If this doesn’t make you angry, nothing ever will. InfoWars 2016 May 7 (Story)
US: Twenty-seven lawmakers are urging Obama not to supply Syrian rebels with shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles, known as MANPADS, that are designed to target helicopters. There is a history of US weapons “accidentally” falling into the hands of Al Qaeda and ISIS. Subterranean Homesick Newsposted 2016 May 7 (Story) (Cached)
Turkey: Two journalists were sentenced to five years in prison on charges of espionage. The actual “crime” was publication of a story on how Turkey was supplying weapon to jihadists in Syria. RT 2016 May 7 (Story)
US Army Captain Nathan Michael Smith, 28, filed a lawsuit against President Obama claiming that the war against ISIS in Iraq and Syria is illegal. The basis for that claim is that the war was not authorized by Congress within 60 days of military action, as required by law. WPR posted 2016 May 7 (Story) (Cached)
Former FDA chief Margaret Hamburg suppressed information about the danger of ‘deadly’ drug, suit alleges. LegalReader posted 2016 May 7 (Story) (Cached)
News and commentaries that reveal historical facts and trends that place current events into perspective and make it possible to anticipate future events.
UK: Researchers have developed a storage system made from nano-structured glass that can record data in five dimensions and last for billions of years. It is the size of a coin but can hold 360 terabytes of digital information. PressTV 2016 May 8 (Story)
Dead Harvest is a documentary film that shows how environmentalists and politicians are deliberately causing a water shortage in California’s central valley. This is part of a long-standing plan to destroy agricultural production, cause unemployment, and cripple the economy. This is being done in the name of saving some fish, but the real goal is the destruction of capitalism, private property, and independence. You must see this film, because this same plan is being executed all across America. National Alliance for Environmental Reform posted 2016 May 7 (Story)
Need to Know is as serious as it gets, but laughter is good for the soul and helps to keep our equilibrium amid the chaos. So, here are quips, gags, and images to put a smile on your face. If you have some you would like to share, please send them here.
Atheism is a non-prophet organization.
If man evolved from monkeys and apes, why do we still have monkeys and apes?
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman where the self-help section was. She said, if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
What if there were no hypothetical questions?
Is there another word for synonym?
What do you do when you see an endangered animal eating an endangered plant?
Why do they lock gas station restrooms? Are they afread someone will break in and clean them?
Why do they put Braille on drive-through bank machines?
She’s an 8-week-old German Sheppard. I bought Lexi as a surprise for my wife, but it turns out she is allergic to dogs, so we are now looking to find her a new home. She is 59 years old, a kind woman. She drives, is a good cook and will keep your clothes laundered & your house clean.
Some things just have to be shared. If you know of some, please send them here.
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Comments under 300 words, please. We cannot engage in correspondence but do appreciate your contribution. We do not publish insults or attacks against other readers. Points should stand on their own merits. You are welcome to express your religious views but not to criticize the views of others. Our mission is to unify our readers, not divide them. Send comments here.
2016 May 7 from Laura Ludwig
I have been doing some dot connecting, and came up with a theory that chemtrails are more vindictive than we originally thought. Back in the 60’s there was a morning-sickness drug that caused mothers to give birth prematurely or have babies that were badly defective or even dead. When that was found out, they turned to vaccines and upped them to insanely dangerous levels, not that there was ever a sane level.
When people started complaining about vaccines, Monsanto poisoned-food was pushed and it, too, caused tumors, birth defects, premature births and even death. All the while, the government is pushing abortions on young unsuspecting mothers, and breaking up families.
Now they spray our skies with poisons, and the rates of birth defects and diseased children have skyrocketed in the past 20 years.
I do not think that the spraying is really intended to block the sun, I believe it is intended to destroy our next generation while, at the same time, making us sickly as well.
Thank you for your time and consideration of my theory,
posted 2016 May 5 from Olo
Suspend disbelief for a moment. I have been studying these methods for 10 years now, particularly in the web page www.cancertutor.com, which is a must Text Book for anybody who wants or needs to know other methods to cure cancer. They empower every person to do much more than the traditional methods. Why traditional medicine and government do not make this available to you? Very simple, the income of the medical establishment due to cancer would fall by about 80 or 90 % … no more lavish life styles if people can cure themselves. But it is not only a matter of cost … it is a matter of survival and not suffering with the treatment.
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from Patrea Patrick
I have accepted the Freedom Force call to action. We all need to step up to the plate and run for office if we want to really make a difference in our government. It is our right and our duty. So I am running for Congress in the 30th District, California, San Fernando Valley. I need a campaign manager and anyone else who wants to help. My priority issues are to secure our freedom, harden the power grid against cyber hackers, terrorists, and EMP strikes, and get politics out of money and banking. Please join with me at http://www.patreapatrick.com.
Titanic; A Perfect Crime
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